Ritual Compendium

Etu Malku

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Thought we might use this Thread to list any Rites / Ceremonies etc. that we use and/or would like to discuss.

This month (October) I began a Rite that opens the Qliphothic Gate through Nahemoth/Naamah. It begins with simple meditations and mantra for Durga Puja will move into more complex rituals during the month and climax with the ceremony itself on Samhain.

I have prepared meditations, mantram, visuals, a lot of audio, and scripted rituals. I will be implementing a low carb diet at the beginning and move to a Paleo diet later along with other sensory deprivation techniques at the same time keeping my self groomed and immaculately clean. The week of the ceremony I will indulge like a gluttonous Pan of Earthly delights, not wash and prepare for encountering Nahemoth and a glimpse inside the Qliphothic Gate.

I'll post each phase as they are performed . . . play nice here!

Om Sri Durga Namah
So, are you gonna keep us in suspense?
I'll try to follow along, but I'm sure much of it is over my head.
{Puts a diaper on myself, just in case}
Unfortunately, during this portion of the ritual I am becoming more and more self-absorbed and find less time to be online. I will most likely summarize my notes of the entire rite from my journal and then present them here for observation and discussion.
Last Quarter Moon – October 20 2011
Nahemoth meditations and ceremonies of Descension appropriate musiq/sound
Limited hygiene, grow toe and fingernails, grow facial hair, eat poorly, consume detrimental substances

New Moon – October 26 2011
09 27 2011
Clip off (pun!) overgrown nails and facial hair
Perform Opening the Qliphothic Gates Rite
I also began sleep saturation (opposite of sleep deprivation), over sleeping as much as possible (sounds good doesn't it? lol) . . . after awhile the awake hours become dream-like, the mind becomes unfocused, confused at times, day-dreaming happens almost at Will, views and thoughts are very odd and trippy.

This conversion from Jekyll to Hyde is almost complete! Muwhahahaha!!!
I also began sleep saturation (opposite of sleep deprivation), over sleeping as much as possible (sounds good doesn't it? lol) . . . after awhile the awake hours become dream-like, the mind becomes unfocused, confused at times, day-dreaming happens almost at Will, views and thoughts are very odd and trippy.

This conversion from Jekyll to Hyde is almost complete! Muwhahahaha!!!
So that's why cats are the way they are: they sleep up to 20 hours per day! :D

{eek! scary halloween reference to cat people! **runs and hides**}
Shameless, shameless! That deserves an akh instead of an eek! :p
Nice! The Egyptian Akh is the form in which the deceased occupied the afterlife! It resulted in when the person's Ka and Ba united . . . How Halloweenish!!


Tonight concluded the month long ritual of my Opening of the Qliphothic Gate and the communion with Nahemoth/Naamah.
Without going into detail just yet I want to say that I had a trance inducing piece of musiq I created that would loop endlessly. Every so often my studio software can freeze up and fail, this began to happen, usually I would have to stop the ritual and reboot the software as it would ruin the ritual, but this time something wonderful happened.
Instead of gradually freezing up and stopping it went into a distorted rhythm of all the musical elements mashed together into a sound that is indescribable, and most welcome, I could not have planned this, and it could not have turned out any better . . . it was beyond my control and in the hands of Nahemoth.
I also began sleep saturation (opposite of sleep deprivation), over sleeping as much as possible (sounds good doesn't it? lol) . . . after awhile the awake hours become dream-like, the mind becomes unfocused, confused at times, day-dreaming happens almost at Will, views and thoughts are very odd and trippy.

This conversion from Jekyll to Hyde is almost complete! Muwhahahaha!!!

I tried your sleep-saturation for this latest round of hormonal hell. (I thought if anything, it would help to keep me out of trouble! ;) )

I did experience the dream-like consciousness, in that I was less attached to what was going on in reality, even to the point that I barely experienced hunger. I did have some chocolate cravings, but my "chocolate" Easter bunny tasted more like fudge than chocolate after eating just a bite, so I ate almonds for the magnesium instead of chocolate. (That worked out well in that I know the effects I experienced were from the sleep saturation, rather than from theobromine.)

And yes, it was rather odd and trippy--maybe it is all the pollen in the air--but people and even animals have been behaving quite strange. There have been way more strange traffic accidents than usual and people and animals have also been more aggressive than usual, and/or have been doing irresponsible things out of emotion. (Even some of the police seem to be quite strained dealing with all of this! :eek:) Even my boss was subconsciously fixating on the word "surreal." She was working on some marketing for one of her businesses and kept asking me how to spell "surreal" and what it meant. (She was sure it meant "peaceful," but I told her it meant "dream-like, as in a Salvador Dali painting." I think I convinced her not to use that word--at least I hope I did-as she was quite insistent on using it!)

Luckily, the detachment I experienced came in quite handy in dealing with the odd situations that arose--many of which would have lead to extreme frustration if I hadn't been experiencing this sense of detachment. This allowed me to effectively deal with all of the highly unusual yet emotionally charged situations effectively. I recommend this technique! :D
Pretty neat SG . . . if someone has the time, Sleep Saturation is very easy to do (lol, you just sleep as much as possible) . . . the dissociative hypnotic state you get into after a while truly allows us to step into the Subjective Universe.

*note: Sleep Deprivation on the other hand can be dangerous and unhealthy, be sure to read all about it before conducting it
Pretty neat SG . . . if someone has the time, Sleep Saturation is very easy to do (lol, you just sleep as much as possible) . . . the dissociative hypnotic state you get into after a while truly allows us to step into the Subjective Universe.
Actually, I have been practicing it on my vacations for a few years now. Hibernation rocks! :D

*note: Sleep Deprivation on the other hand can be dangerous and unhealthy, be sure to read all about it before conducting it
Did that as a new mom! :eek:
Yes I agree it can be unhealthy!
. I will be implementing a low carb diet at the beginning and move to a Paleo diet later along with other sensory deprivation techniques at the same time keeping my self groomed and immaculately clean. The week of the ceremony I will indulge like a gluttonous Pan of Earthly delights, not wash and prepare for encountering Nahemoth and a glimpse inside the Qliphothic Gate.

Hmm, these month long rituals seem quite a bit like simulation of PMS! :eek:

{Are you doing anima work?}
Hmm, these month long rituals seem quite a bit like simulation of PMS! :eek:

{Are you doing anima work?}
LOL . . . yeeeesh, you mean I've been, oh noooooo!!!!! :p

***THANK YOU FOR THE MP3 PURCHASES by the way!!! :eek:
LOL . . . yeeeesh, you mean I've been, oh noooooo!!!!! :p
I thought you might get a chuckle out of that. :p

***THANK YOU FOR THE MP3 PURCHASES by the way!!! :eek:
Had to come back and get Melek Tauus. :cool: I grabbed PRC2 by mistake the first time instead of it. {But PRC2 has since become like a comfy patchwork quilt to me. Kinda reminds me of Edgar Winter's Frankenstein.}
So, are you a total basket case yet?
Working on it! :D
Been fasting for two days (3rd day), prepped the ritual chamber, will be in it most of tonight preparing for tomorrow's ritual of which I will summon a Sumerian spirit, a few Goetic demons, consecrate a sword to Lucifer, and Create a Servitor!

You know, the usual Solstice stuff people do! ;)
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