Ritual Compendium

Working on it! :D
Been fasting for two days (3rd day), prepped the ritual chamber, will be in it most of tonight preparing for tomorrow's ritual of which I will summon a Sumerian spirit, a few Goetic demons, consecrate a sword to Lucifer, and Create a Servitor!

You know, the usual Solstice stuff people do! ;)

You do know that the solstice is today--in about 10 hours and 6 minutes?
I think they said around 7pm tonight or something?
the ritual is set for 3am (that's when all the demons get off from work!)
Solstice. Sun goes southwards - Dakshinayana (Uttarayana - sun going northwards, winter solstice).

At one time Aryans counted the year from vernal equinox (Devayana - the road of Gods. Pitriyana - the road of Ancestors, began from autumnal equinox). They had to change because of precession of equinoxes which have moved three months since the time they began counting. That is one fourth of 25,000 years for a full circle or 6,000 years. That is at least how old the Vedas are. Simple math.
Will be offering beer (Sumerians invented) and dates (Sumerian's consider this the food of the Gods) to the Sumerian spirit I'm summoning later tonight.

**of course whatever beer is left over is MINE!!!!
SIKARU (Beer) in Sumerian writing
Unfortunately, the secret of Soma (Haoma) is lost. Here are two verses from the hymn that my (supposed) ancestors (supposedly) wrote in RigVeda (http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/rv09097.htm):

"As he is purified he pours out treasures, a God bedewing Gods with his own juices.
Indu* hath, wearing qualities by seasons, on the raised fleece engaged, the ten swift fingers."

* It is another name for Soma. Ten swift fingers pertain to ten months of the year (the old Roman calender, excluding the two-month's Arctic night). Wearing qualities by seasons - the sun shines differently in different seasons.

"To feast him, flow mid, song and hymn*, to Vāyu, flow purified to Varuṇa and Mitra.
Flow to the song-inspired car-borne Hero, to mighty Indra, him who wields the thunder.

* A request to the priests that they should sing praises to Gods sweetly. Vāyu - the Aryan wind God. Soma juice was mixed with cows' milk and was sweet in taste. It was filtered through three layers of sheep wool.
Unfortunately, the secret of Soma (Haoma) is lost. Here are two verses from the hymn that my (supposed) ancestors (supposedly) wrote in RigVeda (http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/rv09097.htm):

"As he is purified he pours out treasures, a God bedewing Gods with his own juices.
Indu* hath, wearing qualities by seasons, on the raised fleece engaged, the ten swift fingers."

* It is another name for Soma. Ten swift fingers pertain to ten months of the year (the old Roman calender, excluding the two-month's Arctic night). Wearing qualities by seasons - the sun shines differently in different seasons.

"To feast him, flow mid, song and hymn*, to Vāyu, flow purified to Varuṇa and Mitra.
Flow to the song-inspired car-borne Hero, to mighty Indra, him who wields the thunder.

* A request to the priests that they should sing praises to Gods sweetly. Vāyu - the Aryan wind God. Soma juice was mixed with cows' milk and was sweet in taste. It was filtered through three layers of sheep wool.
How is Soma perceived today that makes it different than in ancient time?
'Soma' is a lost herb. Researchers do not accept 'marijuana' as 'soma' but opinion tends to tilt towards 'ephedra'. Its leaves were supposed to have been golden yellow while those of 'marijuana' are green. It was pounded between two stones (like 'marijuana' is in India).


Lord Shiva pounding 'marijuana' for a drink.
'Soma' is a lost herb. Researchers do not accept 'marijuana' as 'soma' but opinion tends to tilt towards 'ephedra'. Its leaves were supposed to have been golden yellow while those of 'marijuana' are green. It was pounded between two stones (like 'marijuana' is in India).


Lord Shiva pounding 'marijuana' for a drink.

Datura, perhaps?
Datura, perhaps?
Datura stramonium (Dhatura, devil's trumpet, we had a lot of that in our region, Rajasthan). Yes, for the person who could ingest the deadliest poison of the world, what is impossible? Whatever suits his fancy at that time.


After Aryans came to India, 'soma' was bought from merchants who brought it from mountains. It was not indigenous to India.