Gay rights groups decry Mass. Catholic devil essay

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Gay rights groups decry Mass. Catholic devil essay - Yahoo! News

BOSTON (AP) — Gay rights groups say they're pleased the oldest Roman Catholic newspaper in the United States has retracted an opinion column suggesting the devil may be responsible for gay attraction.

The column in the Boston archdiocese's The Pilot newspaper was titled "Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction." It was written by an adviser at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It said "scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil."

The 182-year-old newspaper withdrew the online column Wednesday and posted the author's apology.

The gay Catholics group DignityUSA says the column was outrageous and inflicted "tremendous damage on the souls" of gay people.

The Human Rights Campaign said Thursday it's a shame the archdiocese ran a column ignoring the science about sexual orientation.
Gay rights groups decry Mass. Catholic devil essay - Yahoo! News

BOSTON (AP) — Gay rights groups say they're pleased the oldest Roman Catholic newspaper in the United States has retracted an opinion column suggesting the devil may be responsible for gay attraction.

The column in the Boston archdiocese's The Pilot newspaper was titled "Some fundamental questions on same-sex attraction." It was written by an adviser at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It said "scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil."

The 182-year-old newspaper withdrew the online column Wednesday and posted the author's apology.

The gay Catholics group DignityUSA says the column was outrageous and inflicted "tremendous damage on the souls" of gay people.

The Human Rights Campaign said Thursday it's a shame the archdiocese ran a column ignoring the science about sexual orientation.

The bodies simply dont go together that way. Sometimes people have to experience things to understand why they shouldnt do things. Same sex relationships in my opinion the act itself is gross but people doing that should be treated respectfully and humanely.
I hear Avila has resigned as an adviser to the USCCB bishops now as well. Jolly good. Wonder how many more homophobes like this there are near the top of the Catholic Church...
"Wonder how many more homophobes like this there are near the top of the Catholic Church..."

--> The Catholic Church teaches non-accountability for crimes and "sin." I find it ironic that the church is now beginning to promote sexual perverts higher and higher because of its policy of non-accountability. Will the church someday suffocate itself from people who think like crimminals holding such high positions within the church?

What goes around comes around.
What goes around comes around.
For someone who supposedly believes in karma, you really do spout a lot of gossip and nonsense about Catholicism ... I know you are loyal to your Theosophist anti-Catholic agenda, but really, you need to step back and take a look.

Empty vessels, as the saying goes ...

God bless,

The bodies simply dont go together that way. Sometimes people have to experience things to understand why they shouldnt do things. Same sex relationships in my opinion the act itself is gross but people doing that should be treated respectfully and humanely.

which particular act are you referring to ?

and what is it about it that was gross ?
Well, the L!rd gave me life, a mind and a body. When I get to the Pearly Gates I expect H!r to ask if I sampled the many bounties Sh! provided. I will say yes (all of this is meant metaphorically).

How can the pleasures of the body and mind be gross? IMHO it is only natural. If one is away from the Light and caught in the Darkness (say a sadistic rapist or a hateful bigot) that is gross. If one is in a loving relationship and it is consentual (and does not involve thaose not reponsible for themselves, children, the mentally challenged, or animals) how can it be gross? That would imply the L!dy is gross... limiting the Divine or holding H!m responsible for evil are among my personal "thou shalt nots".

If I use my mind to fantacize or find out ways to increase the pleasure of my partner (in line with the above caveats) how can this be wrong?

Anyone who believes certain physical acts of love are wrong in any context (IMHO) simply has a sexual hang-up.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
Well, the L!rd gave me life, a mind and a body. When I get to the Pearly Gates I expect H!r to ask if I sampled the many bounties Sh! provided. I will say yes (all of this is meant metaphorically).

How can the pleasures of the body and mind be gross? IMHO it is only natural. If one is away from the Light and caught in the Darkness (say a sadistic rapist or a hateful bigot) that is gross. If one is in a loving relationship and it is consentual (and does not involve thaose not reponsible for themselves, children, the mentally challenged, or animals) how can it be gross? That would imply the L!dy is gross... limiting the Divine or holding H!m responsible for evil are among my personal "thou shalt nots".

If I use my mind to fantacize or find out ways to increase the pleasure of my partner (in line with the above caveats) how can this be wrong?

Anyone who believes certain physical acts of love are wrong in any context (IMHO) simply has a sexual hang-up.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)

It simply doesnt work that way. The spirit and soul are patterned after the body and spirit elements cannot be changed even if the body is altered. Same sex is the same side of the puzzle so to speak and same half of the energy. For infinite life you need the other half of the puzzle and the bodies naturally show the two opposites go together for this union. Understand now? In my book , its not about accusation its about education. Simply why it doesnt work that way.
It simply doesnt work that way. The spirit and soul are patterned after the body and spirit elements cannot be changed even if the body is altered. Same sex is the same side of the puzzle so to speak and same half of the energy. For infinite life you need the other half of the puzzle and the bodies naturally show the two opposites go together for this union. Understand now? In my book , its not about accusation its about education. Simply why it doesnt work that way.
I'm a great fan of Hermetics, and I believe the Hermetic idea of opposites is the correct one.

There are no diametrically opposed opposites, that is a dualistic idea created by the monotheistic Zoroastrian religion. Hermetics explains this rather that there are 'polar extremes' of the 'same' thing, not opposites so to speak.

The Chinese Yin Yang also shows this with each side embracing a dot of the other side along with the flowing motion of the symbol. The symbol IS the idea here, it contains both polar extremes flowing into one another.

In Jungian psychology, all humans are born with an Animus or Anima, in other words Men have a feminine principle inside them, 'but' so do Women! This is the Great Mother Archetype and it is delt with differently within the psyche depending whether you are Male or Female.
I'm a great fan of Hermetics, and I believe the Hermetic idea of opposites is the correct one.

There are no diametrically opposed opposites, that is a dualistic idea created by the monotheistic Zoroastrian religion. Hermetics explains this rather that there are 'polar extremes' of the 'same' thing, not opposites so to speak.

The Chinese Yin Yang also shows this with each side embracing a dot of the other side along with the flowing motion of the symbol. The symbol IS the idea here, it contains both polar extremes flowing into one another.

In Jungian psychology, all humans are born with an Animus or Anima, in other words Men have a feminine principle inside them, 'but' so do Women! This is the Great Mother Archetype and it is delt with differently within the psyche depending whether you are Male or Female.

What you dont understand about that dot is that when the energy flows to the other side it always converts say from male to female to the female energy. Thats how it works.
You are entitled toi that opinion, I am entitled to mine.

See my other posts, it is naive to use even implied tuth. You imply you know all these things, you cannot, and I deny you do. You can believe it all you want. It does not make it true.

Proove "even one of the following:
1) "The spirit and soul are patterned after the body"
2) "spirit elements cannot be changed even if the body is altered"
3) "Same sex is the same side of the puzzle so to speak"
4) "same half of the energy"
5) " For infinite life you need the other half of the puzzle"
6) "bodies naturally show the two opposites go together for this union"

All of the above could be fact. But they are not provable as fact. It is a provable that some amphibians mutate from female to male if there is an enviromental stressor. It is a demonstratable fact that many species own their own engage in same sex behavior.

It simply does not matter what you believe on these matters in G!d's eye. He crated a universe where frogs change sex (see Wallace, Badawy and Wallace, 1999, "Amphibian sex determination and sex reversal") and over 1,500 other species have been documented as having same sex relationships (B. Bagemihl, 1999, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity)

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
You are entitled toi that opinion, I am entitled to mine.

See my other posts, it is naive to use even implied tuth. You imply you know all these things, you cannot, and I deny you do. You can believe it all you want. It does not make it true.

Proove "even one of the following:
1) "The spirit and soul are patterned after the body"
2) "spirit elements cannot be changed even if the body is altered"
3) "Same sex is the same side of the puzzle so to speak"
4) "same half of the energy"
5) " For infinite life you need the other half of the puzzle"
6) "bodies naturally show the two opposites go together for this union"

All of the above could be fact. But they are not provable as fact. It is a provable that some amphibians mutate from female to male if there is an enviromental stressor. It is a demonstratable fact that many species own their own engage in same sex behavior.

It simply does not matter what you believe on these matters in G!d's eye. He crated a universe where frogs change sex (see Wallace, Badawy and Wallace, 1999, "Amphibian sex determination and sex reversal") and over 1,500 other species have been documented as having same sex relationships (B. Bagemihl, 1999, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity)

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)

Ok well you and I both know that even with sex change operations and hormones science has admitted it still doesnt really change sex it only alters it.
No way to say this politely... poppycock! If one believes that the sexual orientation of a person is a function of the genetic makeup (what the Doctors involved with sexual change surgeries are writing about) you are just (again) factually wrong. Both the AMA and BMA assign "sex" in line with factors other than genetics.

Use the words the way you want. Just realize how wrong your beliefs are.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)