Gay rights groups decry Mass. Catholic devil essay

No way to say this politely... poppycock! If one believes that the sexual orientation of a person is a function of the genetic makeup (what the Doctors involved with sexual change surgeries are writing about) you are just (again) factually wrong. Both the AMA and BMA assign "sex" in line with factors other than genetics.

Use the words the way you want. Just realize how wrong your beliefs are.

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)

The reason a child is born naturally either male or female is because its either male or female its that simple. Its is either the female energy or the male energy. The dot on the yin and yang will always convert to what side it really is , if its male to female it will convert to female energy. This is a life fact that cannot be changed.
If you care to look at the references I sent, that is not true. Amphibians often natually (by G!d's grace) change sex but they do not change their genetic tag.

You've yet to offer anything but opinions and beleifs. It would help if you discussed them as such!

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
If you care to look at the references I sent, that is not true. Amphibians often natually (by G!d's grace) change sex but they do not change their genetic tag.

You've yet to offer anything but opinions and beleifs. It would help if you discussed them as such!

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)

You know I was told about frogs who go from male to female , the information is wrong they just flash pink and blue but one is male and one is female. These are the laws and the way things work it really doesnt change.
Nope, what you believe is just (once again) scientifically wrong. Read the reference.

Scientifically right. You know there are references to life on other planets where they look the same however they can tell which one is male and which is female, same with frogs.
The reason a child is born naturally either male or female is because its either male or female its that simple. Its is either the female energy or the male energy. The dot on the yin and yang will always convert to what side it really is , if its male to female it will convert to female energy. This is a life fact that cannot be changed.

Have you noticed that you cannot draw a perfect circle in this material universe due to quantum elements? Theory doesn't ALWAYS work here. The interconnectedness of everything provides enough complexity for the chaotic to manifest.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
~Chuck Reid
Have you noticed that you cannot draw a perfect circle in this material universe due to quantum elements? Theory doesn't ALWAYS work here. The interconnectedness of everything provides enough complexity for the chaotic to manifest.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
~Chuck Reid

The four elements are placed in a square to form a perfect circle inside the square.
Have you noticed that you cannot draw a perfect circle in this material universe due to quantum elements? Theory doesn't ALWAYS work here. The interconnectedness of everything provides enough complexity for the chaotic to manifest.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
~Chuck Reid

Each in a corner but each element is shaped like a triangle. The fifth goes in the center.
Have you noticed that you cannot draw a perfect circle in this material universe due to quantum elements? Theory doesn't ALWAYS work here. The interconnectedness of everything provides enough complexity for the chaotic to manifest.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is.
~Chuck Reid

Each elemental stone is like a pyramid.
I'm a great fan of Hermetics, and I believe the Hermetic idea of opposites is the correct one.


In Jungian psychology, all humans are born with an Animus or Anima, in other words Men have a feminine principle inside them, 'but' so do Women! This is the Great Mother Archetype and it is delt with differently within the psyche depending whether you are Male or Female.
I'd love it if you would start a thread on this! (please?) :D
I wouldnt say feminine I would say a gentle side. Its still masculine.

Sorry for the double post.This is why some men get upset when women say to get in touch with their feminine side. The only feminine side to a male is their female counterpart. :rolleyes:
I'm a great fan of Hermetics, and I believe the Hermetic idea of opposites is the correct one.

There are no diametrically opposed opposites, that is a dualistic idea created by the monotheistic Zoroastrian religion. Hermetics explains this rather that there are 'polar extremes' of the 'same' thing, not opposites so to speak.

The Chinese Yin Yang also shows this with each side embracing a dot of the other side along with the flowing motion of the symbol. The symbol IS the idea here, it contains both polar extremes flowing into one another.

In Jungian psychology, all humans are born with an Animus or Anima, in other words Men have a feminine principle inside them, 'but' so do Women! This is the Great Mother Archetype and it is delt with differently within the psyche depending whether you are Male or Female.
This insn't China, or Bhuda. This is the Christian forum. Please consider.


Hey, what does all this have to do with the Catholic Church and the "Devil in the details?"

Let's get back on track.
Gay rights groups decry Mass. Catholic devil essay.

The Church was wrong, the gay rights group was wrong...How do we fix this?

Well I think with education not accusation. Same sex simply do not go together for infinite life. The bodies are a good indication of that and natural producation of life.
Well I think with education not accusation. Same sex simply do not go together for infinite life. The bodies are a good indication of that and natural producation of life.
Bull. (I can't believe I'm saying this). Love has no barriers. See love has no people. That's right. Love is more than humans. I think Jesus was trying to tell us that. But as angry as I am right now, I could care less what you think. And that is my right.