Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return



Did you know that Muslims also believe that Jesus Will Return? I did not… But, in fact, this is obviously stated in Quran. I think this is amazing.. I read it here, in the book Jesus Will Return [link removed]. Another thing is, we have so many in common... There is a invitation from Muslims to Christian and Jews in the site, it is really meaningful, it is in the "articles" part.
Er...wow! That's great! But let's not get carried away with self-promotion - and on that point, moved to the Islam section. :)
Sure they do, hence jesus came before muhammed they do admit that jesus is a prophet... let me..

pretty good prophets b.c.
jesus was sent so god wanted humans to be christians
so they did
muhammed was sent so god wanted its vessels to be muslims
so... if christians accept muhammed as prophet they should change their religion. thats why they are attacking brutally to this religion, saying its no-good ;

and if you ask me, yeah jesus rocks, best man ever as far as ive known/read. i was wondering what would he say/is saying in heaven seeing what is being done in the name of him.
damn man damn, poor soul. lost in translation
PersonaNonGrata said:
Sure they do, hence jesus came before muhammed they do admit that jesus is a prophet... let me..
One more thing to add, in the bible, it is mentioned that every prophet that will come after Jesus is fake.

pretty good prophets b.c.
jesus was sent so god wanted humans to be christians
so they did
Jesus was God on earth. In his life, he showed the people right from wrong, light from darkness. Jesus was born without a sin and lived his life sinless. Jesus was sent to change the way people used to worship as it was mentioned in the old statments. Jesus came and died on the cross to forgive us for our sins, he came to give us a direct relation with him by praying. Who ever accept Jesus as a savior, and believe in the trinity of The father, the son, and the holy spirit is Saved.

muhammed was sent so god wanted its vessels to be muslims
so... if christians accept muhammed as prophet they should change their religion.
If Christians accept Muhammed ?? It should be very clear to all Christians that Jesus is the only way as it came in the bible. Why accept Muhmmed if Jesus is the only way ?

thats why they are attacking brutally to this religion, saying its no-good ;
Attacking is not the right word to use. Christianity is a religion based on Love. We as True Christians do not attack others. Maybe some Christians, and I am one of them enjoy Debating just to learn more and gain knowledge but not to attack.

and if you ask me, yeah jesus rocks, best man ever as far as ive known/read. i was wondering what would he say/is saying in heaven seeing what is being done in the name of him.
damn man damn, poor soul. lost in translation
More specific Please.

Actually, we believe that Jesus (pbuh) was a muslim, as was Adam (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh). Same religion, just evolved from time to time, revelation to revelation.

We just believe that people are somewhat forgetful. It happens.

I like this article: http://www.nawawi.org/downloads/article2.pdf

Isn't it nice?

We believe that Jesus (pbuh) will return (as he's not dead in our view) with the coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) as society finally crumbles. After waging war on him with Imam Mahdi and killing him (the Antichrist), he'll live for another 40 years and then die, going back to Allah (swt).

The Day of Judgement follows after. Scary stuff.
Prince said:
One more thing to add, in the bible, it is mentioned that every prophet that will come after Jesus is fake.
I wouldn't mind being reminded of that quote, if that's okay?
Semantic said:
Actually, we believe that Jesus (pbuh) was a muslim, as was Adam (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh). Same religion, just evolved from time to time, revelation to revelation.

We just believe that people are somewhat forgetful. It happens.

I like this article: http://www.nawawi.org/downloads/article2.pdf

Isn't it nice?

We believe that Jesus (pbuh) will return (as he's not dead in our view) with the coming of the Antichrist (Dajjal) as society finally crumbles. After waging war on him with Imam Mahdi and killing him (the Antichrist), he'll live for another 40 years and then die, going back to Allah (swt).

The Day of Judgement follows after. Scary stuff.
Ah'lan Semantic,

I did not realize the coming of Jesus was noted in the Qu'ran. I'll have to study this in more detail.

Shur'kra for the information.

Ma-a Sallamma.


The return of Isa (pbuh) is only alluded to in the Qu'ran. The details/full story come via the hadith, our secondary source of information and is at a level that is mass-transmitted - similar to the authenticity that we assign to the narration of the Qu'ran.

Well, if you're a sunni anyway :)
Uhhmmm... Why was he suspended?

One more thing to add, in the bible, it is mentioned that every prophet that will come after Jesus is fake.
Are you sure about that? I beg to differ. Here, read this article (I hope copying and pasting is allowed by the mods, and I'll be excused by them if it's not, since it's my first post and I don't know):
Jesus Prophecied Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be on them both)

By Dr. Munir Munshey.

This is a straightforward to-the-point article written by my uncle proving that Jesus (Eesa) foretold the coming of the final Messenger of God, Muhammad, and told his followers to follow him (Muhammad) when he comes. (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them both).

The following verses of the Bible point to the promise Jesus (peace be upon him) made of another messenger to come after him:

"It is for your good, that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)

"And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor," (John 14:16)

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." (John 16:12)

"But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me." (John 15:26)

"These things have I spoken unto you, being [yet] present with you. But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:25)

The actual Greek word for 'the Counselor' in the original manuscripts is "Parakletos". Original manuscripts also call Jesus a 'Parakletos' translated into English as 'advocate'. (1 John 2:1)

Some old manuscripts use the word "Periklytos" and not Parakletos.

"Periklytos" means exactly what Muhammed means in Arabic, "the praised one". If so, it would be an open and shut case. Jesus promised the next messenger and also gave his name.

Let us say the word in the original greek was "Parakletos".

Parakletos means a 'Guide', a 'Counselor', an 'Advocate' and a 'Comforter.' All that Jesus himself was, and promised another 'Parakletos' before departing.

Some manuscripts use both words. According to these, Jesus promised another Parakletos, Periklytos. That would mean "Jesus promised another Counselor, the praised one (Read: another counselor, Muhammad SAW).

Christians say Parakletos was the Holy Ghost that appeared as a ghost a few days after Jesus departed.


The Bible calls Jesus "a Parakletos" in 1 John 2:1.

How could the Bible refer to a ghost as a Parakletos in the verses mentioned above, and refer to Jesus as a Parakletos in 1 John 2:1?

'Parakletos' can only refer to another man, because:

1) 'Parakletos' is not 'Holy Ghost'; it cannot be translated as 'Holy Ghost'. At every location in the Bible the words for "Holy Ghost" are "Hagios Pneuma".

2) 'Parakletos' must appear AFTER Jesus. ('Unless I go away the Counselor will not come' (16:6), [The Holy Ghost had appeared many times earlier].

3) The Parakletos is called a 'he' or 'him' _ a male pronoun _ 16 times; never an 'it'. He had to be a man!

4) He must relay revelation from God; not 'speak on his own.' (16: 13)

5) 'Parakletos' must appear to those not believing in Jesus and blame them; "they did not believe in [him]." (John 16:9)

6) And at a time when Jesus' message had been forgotten; he had to remind them. (John 14: 26)

7) He must 'teach all things'. (John 14:26)

8) And have "a lot to tell" that could not be told then, else Jesus himself would have. (John 16:12)

9) And 'guide into all truth'. (John 16:12)

10) And "bring glory to [Jesus]". (Jhn 16:14)

11) And testify about Jesus' status, special birth, and miracles. (John 14:26)

12) About the Parakletos the disciples were told on the last night as the final instruction. (John 14:30) [They already knew about the 'Holy Ghost'.]

13) Jesus would say 'Holy Ghost' if he meant that, and not call it a 'he'. He meant a man!

14) The man to come is called 'the Counselor' 5 times, the spirit of truth thrice, holy spirit twice, and 'a spirit' once.

15) The 'Holy Ghost' did not 'teach all things', and did not 'tell a lot'. It said nothing at all! Absolutely nothing!

16) It did not blame anyone for not believing in Jesus; it only 'came over' the believers.

17) The Holy Ghost is amorphous and always there. It did not come!

18) Christians believe the 'Holy Ghost' to be God; it spoke of its own and not 'only what it heard.' The Counselor, by definition, acts on behalf of another.

19) Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive Ye the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22); Jesus did not say "Receive ye the Comforter". Spirit can be conveyed by a breath. (The actual Greek word is Pneuma Lit: breath). Comforter is a person.

20) Luke describes the coming of the Holy Ghost on the day of pentacost in 47 verses (the entire chapter Acts 2). Never does he mention the "Parakletos". Luke acknowledges receiving the Holy Ghost Jesus gifted to them after Resurrection (John 20:22), and not the Counselor Jesus promised before his arrest and the trial.

21) Peter makes a speech explaining the phenomenon of the coming of the Holy Ghost, but does not call it the promise of Jesus that was fulfilled. Peter does not
mention "Parakletos" in that speech even once.

22) Peter fails to refer to the Pentacost holy spirit as "the Counselor" promised by Jesus. Peters calls it the promise of prophet Joel (Acts 2:16), and David (Act 2:25) and not the promise of Jesus. Jesus was a man, says Peter. (Act 2:22.)

23) Peter described the purpose of the Pentacost Holy Spirit in Act 2:38. It was so people could repent and be baptized in its name, and as forgiveness for their
sins. Jesus never mentioned baptism in connection with the Comforter. Jesus never mentioned forgiveness as the purpose of the Comforter.

24) Jesus explicitly mentions "guidance into all truth" as the purpose of the Comforter. Peter never relates guidance with the Pentacost Holy Spirit.

25) The coming of the Counselor was Jesus' promise (John 16:7), neither Joel, nor David ever mentioned the Counselor (Parakletos).

26) Mat 24:11 confirms another prophet after Jesus, "And many false prophets shall rise," implying that one true prophet will arrive, while many will be false. Else, Jesus would say that all those claiming to be prophets will be false!

27) "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) Clearly they were looking for a true prophet long after the Pentacost Holy Spirit.
Good Day NaseehaMan,

You have a very interesting point here, and an unique take on prophecy.

I have questions and I will try to word them carefully so as not to offend.

Did not Jesus advocate turning the other cheek, giving shirt and cloak, walking two miles instead of one? Did he not express that this was to be done daily, not just once a year? Did Jesus not advocate loving and praying for one's enemy, and treating him with kindness, thus heaping coals upon his head?

When being persecuted, did not Jesus admonish Peter for striking out with a sword?

When hanging near death on a tree did not Jesus ask Abba to forgive them, for they did not know what they were doing?

Upon his return from sheol, did not Jesus tell his followers he must leave so that another could come (remember this was 500 years before the birth of Mohhamed)?

Is there not scripture describing a phenomenon where "tongues/licks" of fire decended and rested upon the fearful followers of Jesus, immediately after his departure from earth, which appears to have caused a new boldness, or lack of fear in the same followers to go out and spread the news?

When persecuted, did any of these "followers" fight back in anger?

Did not Jesus instruct his followers to "shake the dust of the town from their feet" as they left any town that refused to accept the salvation Jesus offered?

Would not a prophet that followed Jesus re-emphasize this concept of loving your fellow man as one does one's self?

If your answer is yes, then one of three things, or all have occured.

1. The followers of Islam have ignored the prophet's teachings, and are doing what they wish, which is to follow their base nature (which means Mohhamed failed).

2. The latter part of the Qu'ran has been written by imposters, with their own agenda, advocating violence, pestulance and anarchy.

3. The God of Islam is not the Same God of Judeaic/Christian beliefs.

I personally refuse to accept that there are two Gods out there battling over who will win the hearts of men. Therefore it must be number one or number two, or a combination.

Even in Jesus' most violent acts, never physically harmed a soul (he only bruised their over inflated egos).

Before you get upset and blast my opinion, know this. I was married to an Arab/Muslim. I am a Catholic Christian. (We fought hard and loved harder, and love easy now). I defied her father, and adored her mother. I have their respect, and they have mine. That is the bottom line.

Our sons have been taught the best of both faiths. They are "Istians".

IMO Mohhamed is a divine prophet, and Jesus is the Son of God.

Humans are idiots, with potential.

There must be a reason that the first born never gets a fair shake. The Bible is rift with allusions to the same thought.

Adam was the first son of God...

Jesus was the second.

Cain was first born.

Able was second.

Eusaua was first born.

Manessa was second.

Ishmael was first born.

Issac was second born...maybe that is the problem.

Or maybe it is "mom" who should be called to task. There is always a mom around that starts the trouble. God gave "moms" lots of power...moms should answer for their power, and how they use it.


1. The followers of Islam have ignored the prophet's teachings, and are doing what they wish, which is to follow their base nature (which means Mohhamed failed).

2. The latter part of the Qu'ran has been written by imposters, with their own agenda, advocating violence, pestulance and anarchy.

3. The God of Islam is not the Same God of Judeaic/Christian beliefs.

All I can say is:

NaseehaMan said:
Uhhmmm... Why was he suspended?
The original poster was simply spamming threads here. I left this one up because I figuerd we could at least have a good discussion on it.

However, things seem to becoming anything but civil. Let's keep things impersonal, thank you.
I'm sorry Quahom, I didn't really seem to understand your concern/question/argument or whatever it is you're trying to say. Could you please rephrase or simplify? Thanks. By the way, sorry for the late response.
And welcome to CR - sorry, forgot to welcome you. :)

By the way - my above comments about keeping civil and impersonal was about a post removed. Apologies if it caused any confusion.
NaseehaMan said:
I'm sorry Quahom, I didn't really seem to understand your concern/question/argument or whatever it is you're trying to say. Could you please rephrase or simplify? Thanks. By the way, sorry for the late response.
I went to your web page and read (among many things there), your thoughts on democracy. At first I was disturbed, until I realized several things.

1. We come from different worlds (backgrounds/beliefs) that may not be compatible in intimite terms.

2. We are both passionate about our own faiths, and pretty well versed on them.

3. We are using democratic principles to express our thoughts, whether your point of view, or mine, and we do so freely, without fear of retribution.

I agree that Allah/God is the supreme being. And I agree that man must answer to Allah/God ultimately, in the end. But in the interim Allah/God gave man choice, not only day to day, but over his own destiny. That means not only how we set up our respective governments on earth, but also how we choose to believe in the Supreme Being, and how we choose to live our lives.

I believe that man cannot interfere with that choice, as long as that choice does not harm another.

You may believe (I don't know) that it is the collective will of the "town" (faithful to Allah/God) to ensure compliance from the "wayward".

I think therein may lie the crux of the matter between east and west in philosophy.

We may never understand each other fully. Perhaps, just perhaps I tolerate too much, and you don't tolerate enough, and maybe we must find middle ground.

I know you profess to love Mohhamed as much as I profess love for Jesus. I know they both taught peace and kindness, justice with much mercy.

But I don't know why (spiritually) that does not apply to certain peoples. Seems unfair.

How can a situation be rectified when one can't stand "lone wolves" (American term for self reliant), and the other can't stand being told what to do?

You asked me to simplify my thoughts, or "rephrase" them, on Jesus, Mohhomed and the "spirit", or 'Parakletos'. How can I? We have not common frame of reference.

Truth be told here, the argument could go one of two ways...Mohommed is a "tag-along", or Jesus is false in his declarations. And the argument would simply continue...or a third possible thought - both camps are wrong...or maybe partially right each?

Naw, that's not possible...is it?


lol, dude, I still don't think I understand what it is you're trying to say. Like, what's your bottom line or your main point?

Okay, anyways, here, lemme try to see if I understood your argument correctly. What you're saying is that, since Jesus and Muhammad didn't teach exactly the same stuff and some of what they taught was actually contradicting, therefore, this means that one of them could not be true or that one of them is an imposter. Is that it? Am I getting what you're trying to say?

By the way, I'm sorry for the late reply. I thought I had Instant Notification turned ON, so I was waiting for an Email Notification but it had been quite a while. Then I came here and noticed a reply, and therefore concluded that I needed to turn ON the Notification. Sorry about that.
NaseehaMan said:
lol, dude, I still don't think I understand what it is you're trying to say. Like, what's your bottom line or your main point?

Okay, anyways, here, lemme try to see if I understood your argument correctly. What you're saying is that, since Jesus and Muhammad didn't teach exactly the same stuff and some of what they taught was actually contradicting, therefore, this means that one of them could not be true or that one of them is an imposter. Is that it? Am I getting what you're trying to say?

By the way, I'm sorry for the late reply. I thought I had Instant Notification turned ON, so I was waiting for an Email Notification but it had been quite a while. Then I came here and noticed a reply, and therefore concluded that I needed to turn ON the Notification. Sorry about that.
Nope. And no worries mate. You start walking my way, and I start walking yours... maybe we can meet in the middle. If one belief says "no" to the other on "meeting in the middle", then the situation is hopeless. That is about as simple as I can get.

I wasn't worried about time...we're both as curious as the other to know what is next. :D


I think you should read the life of the Prophet Muhammad before coming to assuptions or being sceptical as to whether he failed. You will find numerous examples of the compassion and love that he should to thoses who didn't necessarily reciprocate. Like jesus (Esa A.S) did. One example is when the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) went to the city of Taif. I'd check it up and read about it if i was you. Its a great example of the sublime character of the Prophet.
"And most certainly thou (Muhammad) Art of the most sublime and exalted Character" (Surah Qalam 68.4)

This is just one grain of an example in a desert.
By giving variuos examples of the character of Jesus i have yet failed to understand exactly what you are trying to say or get at.
The weekly newspaper "TIME" carried a selection if opinions by variuos historians, writers, military men, businessmen and others on the subject "who were Historys Greatest Leaders?" The criteria set was as follows
They must fulfil three functions
1 Provide for the well being of the led
2 Provide for the socail organization in which people feel secure
3 Provide them with one set of beliefs
They concluded that
"Jesus and Bhudda belong in the third catergory only. Prehaps the Greatest leader of all times was Muhammad(p.b.u.h.) who combined all three functions. to a lesser degree moses did the same"
In the book titled "the 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in history" MUhammad P.b.u.h was ranked number one. The author micheal Hart said
" My choice of MUhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may suprise some readers and may be questioned by others, But he was the only man in history who was supremly successful on both the religious and secular level"
Their were two principal reasons for this choice
First Muhammad p.b.u.h. played a far more important role in the development of IslamThan Jesus did in that of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (in sofar as they differed form Judaism) St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology. Its proncipal proselytizer and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.Muhammad p.b.u.h. however was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its Main ethical and moral priciples. In addition he played a key role in prsolytizing the faith and in establishing the practices of Islam.

Secondly, you write about the latter part of the Quran being writeed by Musalims. I'm not quite sure which part of the Quran you are referring to, but the Quran in not man's production. None of it is. It is Allah's Word and Allah tells us in the Quran that he will protect it.
Allah has promised in the Qur’an :
"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption). [Al-Qur’an 15:9]

Also the Quran took a period of 23 years to be revealed. No man can stay consistent in his teaching sor preachings for that long. His views and ideals are bound to change with time. However the Quran States
Why do they not study The Quran carefully? If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions." (The Quran, 4:82)
Which shows that it is not the product of man, as man is bound to make mistakes and contradictions as time goes on.
And if you actually read the bible, am not sure if you have, but you would heve found many prophecies referring to the coming Of MUhammad p.b.u.h., Also prophecies given by Jesus p.b.u.h. himself.
Alos you say that you bring you sons up with the idea that jesus is the son of god and that Muhammad p.b.u.h. is a divine prophet. i don't quite understand. could you please elaborate how that works?:confused: