Who believes, death is just the beginning?



I am trying to find people who share my belief that death, is only the beginning. Not in a saddistic way * nuh uh! *, but the belief that we are more in the universe, and after death, we, in a way .. Ascend?

If anyone shares my belief, please contact me via any of the methods below.

E-Mail: cmilne@manubis.net
AIM: AuroraNetInc
MSN: cmilne@aurorahost.net

I am despirate to hear from others who share my belief.
CMilne said:
I am trying to find people who share my belief that death, is only the beginning. Not in a saddistic way * nuh uh! *, but the belief that we are more in the universe, and after death, we, in a way .. Ascend?

If anyone shares my belief, please contact me via any of the methods below.

E-Mail: cmilne@manubis.net
AIM: AuroraNetInc
MSN: cmilne@aurorahost.net

I am despirate to hear from others who share my belief.
Selam CMilne,
I am too believing that death is really 'cool', and really looking forward to it, but what next you think?
What is awaiting you, or being unaware of what awaits us is the thing that makes it appealing?

welcome to CR btw )
CMilne said:
I am trying to find people who share my belief that death, is only the beginning. Not in a saddistic way * nuh uh! *, but the belief that we are more in the universe, and after death, we, in a way .. Ascend?
If you were Born from Above, in the Very Begining, even before the foundation of the universe, then when you die, it's like waking up from a dream as you return to the larger reality from whence you came. And in this form you remember everything.

Namasté CMilne,

Like Wolfgang has mentioned, death is but an illusion and is only a transition back to where we came from in the first place.
Its an old aborignies saying..
Life begins when it enters a dream.

I have a brief after Death experiecnce... and I believe reality will began after death..
CMilne said:
I am despirate to hear from others who share my belief.
I do not share your belief and I'll tell you why. I had two suicides in my departement in the last two years. The girl had only 24 and was the daughter of one of my collegues. She worked the summers with us as a student. She had only a semester left to finish her studies. But life was not good enough for her, even she could afford to get anything she wanted to. So she hanged herself into a small forest, not far from home. She had a knife into her hand, so her mother is turmonted maybe she wanted only a strong feeling and not really to die. On 27th this week she had two years from her death. And her mother cried all day long. And some of my collegues got scared when they heard a howl of a wouded animal from the ladies room.

The guy had 22 years old and he worked as an inspector in QA. He hanged himself too, after 8 months of the girl's death. He had tried all types of drugs before and he couldn't go back to a normal life.

In other words, I believe death is not an option. It's a normal stage in our lifes and as long as I'm not forced to think about it, I prefer to enjoy my life with all its advantages or inconveniances.

God bless you all !
Namasté Aquaris,

That's a beautiful saying. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Death as a return, rather than something entirely new...a return to the Source, whatever name we give to that.
alexa said:
I do not share your belief and I'll tell you why. I had two suicides in my departement in the last two years. The girl had only 24 and was the daughter of one of my collegues. She worked the summers with us as a student. She had only a semester left to finish her studies. But life was not good enough for her, even she could afford to get anything she wanted to. So she hanged herself into a small forest, not far from home. She had a knife into her hand, so her mother is turmonted maybe she wanted only a strong feeling and not really to die. On 27th this week she had two years from her death. And her mother cried all day long. And some of my collegues got scared when they heard a howl of a wouded animal from the ladies room.

The guy had 22 years old and he worked as an inspector in QA. He hanged himself too, after 8 months of the girl's death. He had tried all types of drugs before and he couldn't go back to a normal life.

In other words, I believe death is not an option. It's a normal stage in our lifes and as long as I'm not forced to think about it, I prefer to enjoy my life with all its advantages or inconveniances.

God bless you all !
I am sorry for your associate's end. It takes a very strong will to overide self preservation, and a desperation or hopelessness that few can understand.

I think that death is nothing more than birth into a new life. I think it is the beginning of the third stage in our existence.

I think that those that go before their time are premature...


My condolences, Alexa.
I also don't share the belief that death is the beginning of any sort of progression. It's simply a return to wherever we came from. No judgements, no great revelations or ascent. Just....nothing. You die and are once again part of the makings of the Universe. Some of what we are might very well be 'recycled' as in reincarnation, some of it may linger for a while, some may indeed travel to other planes of existance, if there are any. But for the most part I think whatever makes us 'us' disolves after death, when it is seperated from the body, and is left to the flow of the Cosmos.