


First think then act. First think on you. My God did that. My God is all wise: he eternally begat self-knowledge by introspection. This self-knowledge of God is the concept of God. This concept of God is, as seen from the meaning of the word "concept", His Son, the Son of God. The Son of God is the mathematical & conceptual heaven, the eternal 7th day, the Logos.

The name of my God is I AM i.e., the I of my God contains the existence of my God. His I is his essence, his self-knowledge, the concept of God, the Son. My God is existence: the Son is the temple of God. Hence the Father is in the Son. The Son is in the Father because my God begat his Son by introspection. No one knows the Father except the Son & him to whom the Son reveals my God, because all the properties of my God, his glories are in the Son, his essence. No one knows the Son except the Father because only the Father recognizes himself in his essence: when you say "I" you don't expect anybody except you to recognize himself.

My God is existence. His Son is concept. The truth of "I AM" i.e., when my God saw that he knew himself, is the Spirit. the Spirit is truth. They are alive.

Cosmology: the 7th day is a cube. The 6 days are its faces. The cube is heaven, the faces are earth i.e., spacetime. The 6 days are a dream.
Those who live on earth die twice, the second death consists in falling asleep in the 6th day only to dream those very same 6 days again. And again. Those who live in heaven have 2 dreams. In the one they are the 2 witnesses clothed in sackcloth, the 2 olive trees, the 2 candlesticks standing against Satan. In the other, a lucid dream, they are the 7 angels pouring the wrath of my God on those who live on earth, ruling them with a rod of iron. The 6th day of both dreams is one: the marriage supper of the Lamb. The 7th angel, who is the 7 & Christ, wakes up those who live in heaven. They continue their eternal i.e., out of time, life. They blink their eyes / fall asleep: they dream one of those 2 dreams. The next time they blink their eyes they dream the other & so on.

Read carefully Ezekiel 39.1-4, Revelation 19.17-21, Ezekiel 39.17-20 & Revelation 20.7-10. Hint: Gog & Magog, all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
Fine, but just realize there are a lot of people who do not consider OT or NT as revelation. And, of course, Jews do not accept the NT. And A lot of those who remain (Christians) do not accept your interpretations of these verses.
.. 2 witnesses clothed in sackcloth, .. they are the 7 angels pouring the wrath of my God on those who live on earth, ruling them with a rod of iron.
Only sackcloth in heaven. They could get better cloth from this world. Ask your G!d to do 'yoga' morning and evening to quell his wrath or take medical/phychological advice. I heard G!d was love.
Only sackcloth in heaven. They could get better cloth from this world. Ask your G!d to do 'yoga' morning and evening to quell his wrath or take medical/phychological advice. I heard G!d was love.

Not sackcloth in heaven, sackcloth on earth. The beast shall overcome them in the 5 first days. The beast is dead in the 6th day. In the 6th day each one of those who are of the 2 witnesses / 144000 is one with his angel, who is of the 7 angels pouring, in the 5 first days, the wrath of God on the beast. When the 7th angel pours his vial, those who live in heaven wake up in the eternal i.e., out of time, 7th day. But they shall blink their eyes & during that blink they shall dream the lucid dream of their being of the 7 angels etc. One dream, wake up, blink, the other dream, wake up, blink...

You are not acquainted with the book of Revelation are you?
And A lot of those who remain (Christians) do not accept your interpretations of these verses.
Quite. Another case of someone construing the text according to their own preconceptions.

The true way was spoken by Paul: "And I made progress ... being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers" Galatians 1:4, as opposed to 'the traditions of men' that Scripture warns against, time and again.
Read carefully Ezekiel 39.1-4, Revelation 19.17-21, Ezekiel 39.17-20 & Revelation 20.7-10. Hint: 0) Gog & Magog, all the fowls were filled with their flesh. 1) Gog & Magog happen before & after the 1000 years.

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. (Revelation 17.9-11)

Imagine a segment. Divide it into 7 subsegments. These subsegments are the 7 heads. The whole segment is the 8th. Consider the middle segment. Divide it into 7 subsegments. And so on. Hence the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The angel speaks in the 6th subsegment i.e., when the beast is not (head wounded, 1000 years reign of Christ) this is what is meant by five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come.

That the head was healed means that, after 1000 years, the beast comes back: the 7th head. The bottomless pit of the second death consists in not waking up in the eternal 7th day but in falling asleep in the nightmare of the 6 days only to dream that very same nightmare again.

In regard to the beast, it can be seen as a hexagon. Its mountains are each of the 6 vertices plus the 6 taken together for he is the eighth, and is of the seven. Spacetime has time loops. Why hexagon? Because Satan is the god of those who live on earth. The heavenly Jerusalem, the 7th day is a cube & its faces are spacetime. The projections of the cube on its faces are hexagons.

Any symbol that can be construed as a projected cube e.g., Magen David or Crucifix, is a mark of the beast. No symbol is tolerable in fact.

All religions are whores begotten of that mother of mysterious philosophy that is Babylon. The Law is no religion.
Babylon works according to the following scheme:

0) man sins, 1) conscience tortures, 2) man gets religious & is adopted by his preferred religion, 3) religion calls evil good compelling the sinner to do good: go to 0)

A bottomless pit.
Imagine a segment. Divide it into 7 subsegments...
Why? This is your own imaginings ... the world is full of people who imagine they have found the 'key' to the Book of Revelations, it lends itself to all manner of interpretations, but it's all beside the point, really, isn't it?

Yours is just another system, after all ... you're trying to found your own religion.

Better to accept the wisdom that when mysteries or prophecies are revealed, they're usually nothing like what we expect, so all this speculation is something of a sideshow, really.
The above approach is formal. How this form is filled can be found in J. Mede or I. Newton.

Read what is suggested in Ezekiel & Revelation and be astonished: Gog & Magog = the beast etc. Both occur before & after the 1000 years first resurrection. The second resurrection is a poor one because those who wake up not in the 7th day dream the very nightmare they fell asleep in.

The considerations about the beast were not undertaken prior to the discovery of Gog & Magog occurring both before & after the 1000 years / 6th head. Nor were the evident repetitions taken for what they were. To be blinded by the light of such revelations one can try to see the darkness of what is concealed.
Read carefully Ezekiel 39.1-4, Revelation 19.17-21, Ezekiel 39.17-20 & Revelation 20.7-10. Hint: 0) Gog & Magog, all the fowls were filled with their flesh. 1) Gog & Magog happen before & after the 1000 years.

Imagine a segment. Divide it into 7 subsegments. These subsegments are the 7 heads. The whole segment is the 8th. Consider the middle segment. Divide it into 7 subsegments. And so on. Hence the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The angel speaks in the 6th subsegment i.e., when the beast is not (head wounded, 1000 years reign of Christ) this is what is meant by five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come.

That the head was healed means that, after 1000 years, the beast comes back: the 7th head. The bottomless pit of the second death consists in not waking up in the eternal 7th day but in falling asleep in the nightmare of the 6 days only to dream that very same nightmare again.

In regard to the beast, it can be seen as a hexagon. Its mountains are each of the 6 vertices plus the 6 taken together for he is the eighth, and is of the seven. Spacetime has time loops. Why hexagon? Because Satan is the god of those who live on earth. The heavenly Jerusalem, the 7th day is a cube & its faces are spacetime. The projections of the cube on its faces are hexagons.

Any symbol that can be construed as a projected cube e.g., Magen David or Crucifix, is a mark of the beast. No symbol is tolerable in fact.

All religions are whores begotten of that mother of mysterious philosophy that is Babylon. The Law is no religion.
Babylon works according to the following scheme:

0) man sins, 1) conscience tortures, 2) man gets religious & is adopted by his preferred religion, 3) religion calls evil good compelling the sinner to do good: go to 0)

A bottomless pit.
I believe that the number 666 simply refers to man who was created on the 6th day. Man is in mortal condition due to the fall. The number 888 is the number for Jesus and is the result of 8 seal openings and bindings involving his body the last being his ascension. His human body became immortal. There are actually 10 seal openings and bindings like there are 10 commandments. In Judaism the when the number 10 is reached it just keeps repeating itself. Infinite life. I do not believe that most main stream religions are evil. I believe that the only religion that would be evil was one that teaches the opposite of what god is and does. Instead of saving life it would say to take life. Instead of love it would teach hate. Most religions teach to love one another ect. They are not perfect but they are definitely not evil. I believe that revelation is a process to obtain immortality in paradise. The end result being the union of body soul and spirit and in my belief with each persons own true opposite. I believe you can obtain immortal life alone but you need your opposite to obtain infinite life.