Fundamentals of Islaam


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I just thought maybe I'd post a short article on the basics and fundamentals of Islam. It's like a primer :D. Anyways, feel free to ask questions. I hope this is allowed.
FUN-damentals of Islam

By Shazain Pervez.</H3>This was a speech written by my brother for his speech class. He chose to do it about the fundamentals of Islam. I thought it would be a good introduction or primer to Islam for some of the less acquainted. And short. I've editted it a little.

You must have heard about Islam in the media. Islam is the religion of 1/5th of the world’s population. It is also the fastest growing religion in the world. So have you ever wondered what the fundamentals of this widespread religion are? If you haven’t, don’t worry, because that’s what I’m here for.

I. In Islam, we believe that none has the right to be worshipped but God, our Creator. The name of this All-Mighty God, in Arabic, is Allah. The statement "None has the right to be worshiped but God" has deeper meanings that ought to be elaborated on, such as:
  • The word 'worship' includes obedience, which means none has the right to be obeyed over God. This also means that we refer to God for all our values and morals. Neither our conscience, nor anything else has the right to be obeyed over God.
  • It also includes supplication because us Muslims can’t supplicate to other things asking them for something which only God has the power to grant. In other words, we can’t believe in superstitions.
  • We can only say about God what he has revealed to us about himself. For example, we can call him The Most Merciful because that is what he has revealed to us about himself, but we cannot say he has a nose because God has not revealed any such thing about himself. Nor can we say he has a son, because that, too, would be lying about God.
II. God sent down his message through Messengers, some to whom he revealed Books.
  • A. Muslims believe in all the Messengers, including the last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of God be upon him).
  • B. Muslims believe in all the Books sent by God, which are The Psalms of Prophet David, The Torah of Prophet Moses, The Bible of Prophet Jesus, and The Quran. But we believe that all the books, except the Quran, were changed, and that’s the reason why we don’t refer to them.
  • C. Muslims believe that we have to obey the messengers and the Quran, because those are the means of God’s revelations.
III. Just like Jews and Christians, Muslims also believe that there is another life after this life.
  • Muslims believe that there will be a Day of Judgment when people will be judged by God according to what they believed, said, and did in this life.
  • According to how God judges them, people will either go to Paradise or Hell.
  • We believe that this life is temporary, unlike The Hereafter, which is eternal. Therefore, it makes sense to work harder in this life so you can enjoy your afterlife without any hardship.
  • Fear of God’s punishments and desire for his rewards in the hereafter, is what drives us Muslims to do what we do in Islam, like skipping sixth hour class on Friday to go to Friday prayer [he said this as a sort of joke because everybody in school knows the Muslims skip sixth hour for Friday Prayer].
muhammed was at first really the chosen one... but then he used his understanding of life for his own benefit and used the power he earned for his sexual and earthly lust. following his unbeatable conscious he should really be suffering as no other human suffered even nietche, as he was honest to say what he believe but nothing else.
was it muhammed or the others that follow this belief in the first sight but my fight with this so called religion will continue..
cuz if this thing spreads it will lead all the human beings to brutality...
Somehow I can't help but feel that some Muslims are "witnessing" at the other Muslims - again!
PersonaNonGrata said:
muhammed was at first really the chosen one... but then he used his understanding of life for his own benefit and used the power he earned for his sexual and earthly lust. following his unbeatable conscious he should really be suffering as no other human suffered even nietche, as he was honest to say what he believe but nothing else.
was it muhammed or the others that follow this belief in the first sight but my fight with this so called religion will continue..
cuz if this thing spreads it will lead all the human beings to brutality...
I didn't really understand your criticism. Come again, please.
Apologies if it sounded a little out - a couple of times before Muslims have pasted information into the Islam board, trying to colelct conversions to Islam. Yet on a board specifically for the Islam members..!?

Your pasting reminded myself of that, though I do appreciate that there are discussion starters in there. :)
Well, I would've posted this in one of the general areas but I thought you'd end up moving it here anyways With your permission, I'm still willing to post it in other sections as well. :D
You know It is simply just a slavery system thats why i dont like this religion:

You can not even make love in the way you'd like to do so.. No, no i mean the postures and how nekkid you could be .. With the freewill (the soul you may name it) i have you should be only a guide, this religion wanted me to be a slave that doesnt need to think and progress.

I may go hand in hand and in harmony with nature itself, why dont you let me find the truth by examining the life itself with you help but not in chains, and the fires themselves, how come a creator would be that ruthless to its children?
is it what im asking too much?

One other fact, i guess im coming out of closet, you are really arrogant to show that you are muslims, right? Why the headscarf? Is it really the man or the woman that your Allah dont trust?

How about the human relations in islam? No women and men is equal in this religion, yeah if its not the mohammed himself your Allah clearly states that men are superior, which by no means could be acceptable by my ongoing consious.

And NaseehaMan if you may please read the life of your prophet you sure will understand what i mean by the wisdom misusage...And the magnificient and mouth-filling life he spent.

So you basically don't like Islaam because you hate to abide by any of the rulings and commandments of God. You hate to be subjected to God's authority. Isn't this right? Or is it that you only hate it when those rulings aren't in line with your opinion?

If this is the case, then this is the very thing we call you to in the first place. I mean, if it can be proven to you that the Qur'aan is true, and that Muhammad really is a Prophet of God (as you yourself admitted that he was the chosen one), and The Hereafter - Paradise and Hellfire - are ALL true, then would you still have a problem accepting God's authority and accepting Islaam? Logically, it wouldn't make sense for you to still have a problem with it.
NaseehaMan said:
So you basically don't like Islaam because you hate to abide by any of the rulings and commandments of God. You hate to be subjected to God's authority. Isn't this right? Or is it that you only hate it when those rulings aren't in line with your opinion?

If this is the case, then this is the very thing we call you to in the first place. I mean, if it can be proven to you that the Qur'aan is true, and that Muhammad really is a Prophet of God (as you yourself admitted that he was the chosen one), and The Hereafter - Paradise and Hellfire - are ALL true, then would you still have a problem accepting God's authority and accepting Islaam? Logically, it wouldn't make sense for you to still have a problem with it.
If i thought that Allah sent the book i would definately believe in that, though finding it weird why it took 26 years for IT to sent it...
The reason that i dont believe your religion is the content my friend. It is the rules and must nots in the Quran.

Any human that could think analytically will found out that the book itself is nothing, but a history book and some copies of previous beliefs, pages and pages of Allah trying to make its vassals believe that mohammed is the prophet, and then quite a lot pages of allowed variations for mohammed which are really disgusting to read ...

Id like to talk more about this issue since one day Ayse, after he 'received' a verse about in which order he should do sexual intercourse with his wives, (he had 30-40 of them actually) asked him 'Why is Allah so concerned about your penis?'. I dont know what he said but i assume he sure said smthng like he is the greatest he knows the best etcetera.
I would really recommend you to read verse by verse and pay special interest
to the verses that was only written for mohammed...

What media in Turkey was interested couple of months ago was 'yes but is islam able to provide reasonable answers to our modern world?'. My answer is with just a quick look to all the muslim countries' situaiton and the living standarts in the world, will be a BIG great NO! Not only there are no human rights for them but also the machoist culture is really pissing me off..

Sorry but i am really feeling pitty for the ones who are following this belief...

not the bottom line
OK, this thread just ticked me off big time.
1. Persona, I understand your angst, but I don't know if it's really fair to say you feel pity for someone who might be following what they believe is right. My parents converted to Islam because they wanted to, not because they came from a country that forced them to. They researched and followed their heart and truly believed it to be the right course to take.
2. There are several reasons why Islamic countries are still behind the West, and part of it is the West's doing. Blaming it solely on religion would be like blaming it entirely on lack of technology or decent schools, or bad crops or corrupt politics. There are a number of reasons for this problem.
3. Most of what you're talking about is the traditional aspect of Islam, the way it is practiced, not the Qur'an itself.
4. Neseeha Man: I don't understand how going against your conscience is different from superstition. If Allah is the one who provided us with the gifts of free will and with Furkan (the ability to distinguish right from wrong) then why is it that Allah and conscience are pitted against one another? Shouldn't they be complimentary?
5. I have to agree with Persona that I can't abide by a practice that puts me in a subservient condition when compared to a man, and interprets the Qur'an entirely literally, and flings accusations at those who challenge their views, the way fanatical, evengelical Christians might, and tell me that it is the will of Allah. Essentially, it's your will in the guise of God's will, which culturally would have me in the same condition regardless of religion. Let us please make that distinction. Just because someone doesn't agree with one aspect of Islam (or your idea of what it should be) doesn't mean you should lash out at him.
6. The Qur'an itself tells us that we are only responsible for ourselves. If you choose to believe in Heaven and Hell, and live your life entirely by the Qur'an and it's literall interpretation, then that is your affair and no one else's. However, there are plenty of people who view the commandments of Islam in a more flexible light, and choose to apply these rules accordingly. You may think it's wrong to do so, but only Allah can jurdge that, you aren't in charge of who believes and who doesn't. Not even the Prophet was granted that authority.
mirrorinthefog said:
You may think it's wrong to do so, but only Allah can jurdge that, you aren't in charge of who believes and who doesn't. Not even the Prophet was granted that authority.

thou, and thy followers shall see that i am

but first i need to speak english perfectly as this language seems to be the ruling one..

Ask any question you like PersonaNonGrata


The problem with you is that you lack enough knowledge about Islam for your claims. Let's have an active and constructive debate. I don't mean to impress you about Islam and my intention isn't either to convert you to Muslim but I only want to clear your misconceptions about Islam. I'll appreciate if you list down the questions you want to ask about Islam (with numbering). They can be questions or your verdicts (like Islam discourages women from going outside their houses etc etc). I'll answer each and every question/claim of yours with logically.
Re: Ask any question you like PersonaNonGrata

Hi arsalamj20, and welcome to CR. :)

Sounds like a good idea for a new thread, if you're up for it, PNG? :)
Re: Ask any question you like PersonaNonGrata

arsalanj20 said:

The problem with you is that you lack enough knowledge about Islam for your claims. Let's have an active and constructive debate. I don't mean to impress you about Islam and my intention isn't either to convert you to Muslim but I only want to clear your misconceptions about Islam. I'll appreciate if you list down the questions you want to ask about Islam (with numbering). They can be questions or your verdicts (like Islam discourages women from going outside their houses etc etc). I'll answer each and every question/claim of yours with logically.
and islam is really bad man, im telling you very bad. you shouldnt be beliving in that, neverthless lets yeah start with that...lets go slow...

1) Islam discourages women from going outside their houses, and there's a very clear favor that is done by muhammed on man over the women (you may change mohammed with Allah if you'd like to)

p.s : mohammed understanding that is what the arab males wanted and realising that he needs these strong humans physical power to fight for him gave what male wanted. Easy way right? Why bother about these silly, weak females while beating them or telling them to stop solve the problem... Even, they should be covered because they are spoiling the civilization..

Re: Ask any question you like PersonaNonGrata

1) Islam discourages women from going outside their houses, and there's a very clear favor that is done by muhammed on man over the women (you may change mohammed with Allah if you'd like to)

Ok.. And what do you base this claim on? (you can quote websites or whatever)
Good point, but how do you know they wouldn't be living in the same conditions without Islam?
PNG is not talking on the base of any argument ?????
I know that even after conversion people were following there previous cultures so that is not part of Islam....PNG elaborate plz.:)

If i will post something from history then people will complaint we are trying to covert.