What is Adultery


Treat others with love and respect. Try to help them. Do what you can to protect the planet God gave us. Be tolerant of people unlike you. Seek joy through caring for others and celebrating with others. Remember that even atheists worship God (albeit unknowingly) when they do good work.

Better to follow God's commandments than yours Lincon...
If the deity had anything to do with the commandments the so and so was an arrogant ********, who didn't live up to them itself!
That is an utterly absurd and false choice. How do you know God's commands (let alone if God is a He)? How many people have gone on killing sprees because they thought that Gold told them to. How do you know that what you think is God's commands aren't your own fantasy--or a fantasy implanted in you by the culture you grew up in?
The choice of whether to live for our pleasure or for the Lord's, is what the entire bible concentrates on from Genesis 1 all the way to the end. So the choice I laid out is hardly "absurd." Rather, it is one of the most defining choices since the dawn of man.

As for the rest of your rant, where you accuse me of not knowing the difference between truth and fantasy... bear in mind that you yourself, have absolutely no clue whether God is talking to us or not.

Here's something far more sensible:

Treat others with love and respect.
I guess in your case, there had better be mulligans.

Try to help them. Do what you can to protect the planet God gave us.
Treating people with love and respect, and trying to help others is an excellent way to live. We agree on that. It's also a Godly way to live. My claim is, most people if given the choice would not live Godly lives. Look around you. What percentage of people all over the world do you see loving, respecting, and helping others all the time?

Be tolerant of people unlike you.
Are the implications in your answer to my post, a good example of being tolerant of others? More mulligans are in order.

Seek joy through caring for others and celebrating with others. Remember that even atheists worship God (albeit unknowingly) when they do good work.
I dare say the Atheists would vehemently disagree!

And when it comes to myth and ritual, take what pleases you.
Yes. How does that song go? "If it makes you happy.... it can't be that bad..." Do what pleases you. Which takes us right back to my "absurd" choice that you think is so irrelevant.
Me thinks we need to have a reverse cage match....

Put a few folks in a thread with the express purpose of finding common ground...
Me thinks we need to have a reverse cage match....

Put a few folks in a thread with the express purpose of finding common ground...
I established common ground in my post.