Creation Theory according to my ex-Teacher



I tend to agree with him.
The Universe was created from all the vast Infinity where "laya centers" exist (these are all potential universes) when something occurs (Big bang) and from these "mustard seed like" (Jesus said this, not me) "potentialities"(laya centers) the Universe or Universes would form. Now comes the interesting part. The Seven Dyan Chohans or (archangels) will create the planets and the suns (stars) from their concentrated power of thoughts. After this an evolutionary force begins and Nature course will take place. All will evolve from minerals on to life. According to him all matter has an essence - even a piece of rock that contains "life" or divine spark (which is the same).

I personally do not get too detailed as the nuances but this jibes with science as well as religion.
According to him all matter has an essence - even a piece of rock that contains "life" or divine spark (which is the same).

This certainly fits with our current understanding of the foundation of this reality within which we live. All the Cosmos is energy. Many different forms of energy to be sure. Energy never the less.

I also believe the earth was created by a group of seven gods rather than a single God. The good news is, the Bible even confirms that it was a plural, not singular, group of gods:

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (Genesis 1.26)

Yes, the earth was created by a group of seven gods, just like the Bible says.
How are they different from the 7 Dhyan CHohans? It is just a name...

I also believe the earth was created by a group of seven gods rather than a single God. The good news is, the Bible even confirms that it was a plural, not singular, group of gods:

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (Genesis 1.26)

Yes, the earth was created by a group of seven gods, just like the Bible says.
Yes. The "mustard seed" is a symbol of the multitudes of big bangs occurring. Jesus and the new testament has amazing revelations, IF interpreted properly without the historical prejudices. The Dalai Lama also mentioned it in his book "The Universe in the single atom".
More importantly the adage of "as above, so bellow" that had mystified people for ages, can be explained with the similitude of atoms-star and systems.

mustard seed had to do with faith eh?
I recall while carving into my desk in 5th grade....the teacher droning on about atoms, electrons, protons head was on my desk, half asleep, looking at my knife carve deeper into the plastic top, listening to her words yet staring off into space and beyond my knife was a diagram of our solar system...and a connection was made...I looked up and saw her drawing on the board, then back at the diagram on the wall, then looked at the desk I was carving and imagined in it the atoms were solar systems and on one of those electron planets was a child carving into his desk in class....and then I looked up and imagined above the ceiling a giant knife point carving into my reality....