4 signs in Children that they maybe old-souls

Difficult to have any valid answer. Maybe they are old souls. Or maybe they are very gifted at a younger age with insight that most of us do not acquire till we get older. It does happen. In March of 2014 a 13 year old built a working nuclear fusion reactor as a school science project!
Most parents freak out when their three-year-old children start talking about their previous lives. But for the few fortunate parents who actually sit down, listen to, and encourage the telling of these stories, it can be a fascinating experience.

It is very common for these small children to completely lose their previous-incarnation-memories by the time they are six to eight years old.
If reincarnation is normal, or even common, then most of us will have been around quite a few times. I have a gut dislike of this sort of thesophical / newage (rhyme with sewage) belief that some are more "evolved" than others, but I suppose its defenders would say that's just a sign that I'm a new soul!
Most of us have been around a lot of life cycles. The difference is many lived lifetimes and never learnt a thing...hence was caught in a spinning wheel like a hamster, never realizing what's up...then again some realize and move on. Some repeat the same mistake they fathers had done upon them. There is no urgency for anyone to let anyone slide like in school. Here you repeat life after life until you are finally ready.
If reincarnation is normal, or even common, then most of us will have been around quite a few times. I have a gut dislike of this sort of thesophical / newage (rhyme with sewage) belief that some are more "evolved" than others, but I suppose its defenders would say that's just a sign that I'm a new soul!

I do marriage counseling. I believe that one of the biggest things about a marriage is that the two people were probably married to each other in a previous lifetime, and they are just "picking up from where they left off" last time. (Of course I don't say this to couples.)

I believe that a lot of marital troubles are continuations from troubles they had together in a previous lifetime. I think that, for many couples with difficulties, they are just continuing with problems from a marriage(s) in previous life(s) together.
I did not know that there is marriage counseling in China. That is interesting. :)

I do marriage counseling. I believe that one of the biggest things about a marriage is that the two people were probably married to each other in a previous lifetime, and they are just "picking up from where they left off" last time. (Of course I don't say this to couples.)

I believe that a lot of marital troubles are continuations from troubles they had together in a previous lifetime. I think that, for many couples with difficulties, they are just continuing with problems from a marriage(s) in previous life(s) together.

Surprisingly, China has one of the fastest rising divorce rates in the world. There is even a new phenomenon here called "flash marriage" or "flash divorce".