Your meditation practice


One of Many
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Seattle, WA
Namaste everyone,

hope you are well. how's your meditation practice going? i've been inconsistent in my formal praxis however i've been making decent progress with general mindfulness and being present in the moment.

i've finally gotten a place where i can set up my cushion and a small alter so i can have a dedicated space to sit in. i find that's more conducive to my practice than just about anything else from an environmental point of view.


In my experience you are correct...time and location helps...

What I like is to go ultra early for appointments...yes because I like to be on time...and we have horrendous traffic in the balt/dc area.... But more importantly... My time and place is that gap before a meeting... 20-30 minutes of meditation allows the preparation to sink in...and prepares to nd refreshes me much better than being stuck in gridlock and then making excuses...
... My time and place is that gap before a meeting... 20-30 minutes of meditation allows the preparation to sink in...and prepares to nd refreshes me much better than being stuck in gridlock and then making excuses...

i think that's a good idea. when i used to drive a lot for work i'd do a driving meditation where i envisioned all of the bumpers and rear lights to be the smiling faces of the Buddha and that would allow me to greatly mitigate the stresses involved with commuting in the DC area.


Yikes... I am not ready for a driving meditation... I go out... Walking meditations are hard enough for me...once when I came out of meditation I had crossed three highways and was three miles away from home in a snowstorm...
Mopping the floor meditation has got to be one of my favorites, closely followed by washing the dishes meditation. Mindfulness meditation is useful for inducing lucid dreaming, where you can get all sorts of work done!
Yes sg.... I feel safe in those venues... Behind the wheel, I am not ready....

I think id I were able to meditate behind the wheel.... I wouldn't need to be behind the wheel...
Namaste all,

curiously enough it was during my driving meditation when i had a moment of Satori.. it was quite intense. fortunately i tended to drive on the back roads through Montgomery County rather than on 95 or either beltway.


I usually seek out a church close to where I work ... there's one half a mile up the hill from where I work now, so I can combine a lunchtime walk and then a sit. The church is usually empty and, thank God, open although unattended.
Namaste all,

thank you for the replies to this thread.

that sounds like a peaceful lunch period Thomas. LOL Aussie Thoughts... maybe not meditation exactly but good nonetheless :)


Mopping the floor meditation has got to be one of my favorites, closely followed by washing the dishes meditation. Mindfulness meditation is useful for inducing lucid dreaming, where you can get all sorts of work done!
I like that when meditation flows naturally into everyday activities and life in general for which meditation becomes as indistinguishable and natural as breathing and exhaling the air is.

Looking back on the motoring meditations above, my own experience has been one of learning the fragility of my facade! :D

There's nothing like being cut up on a commute; the guy who muscles his way into the traffic-flow, or the one who by-passes the queue at a lane-split junction and then dives back across at the top, obviously his life is too important to wait his turn like the rest of us ... I've seen a couple so aggressive recently that a fender-bender seemed inevitable ... and it's de rigueur these days for at least one car the jump a red light, tailgating the one in front who was pushing his luck on the amber as it was ...

Or the scene I witnessed when a young dude in a big SUV was behind a young lady in a little SUV, with a kiddie in the back,

So I'm now building 'motoring metta' into my broader practice, although like Wil the intention is not to 'zone out' and wake up to find myself at my destination (and that happens a lot more than we are conscious of), but rather be in the moment, in a little tin box, among other tin boxes, all trying to get somewhere ...

It's a curious thing. My old job commute involved a 15-mile run on a motorway, when all the traffic was in the other direction. I had three modes of transport: An £800 rusty old Nissan Micra :))). A shiny mid-size family car (a Renault :confused: and then a Saab :cool:) . A Honda Hornet 600 :)D).

In the Nissan, I'd have stereotypical BMW w*nk*rs crawling all over me to get by, they'd run me off the road if I didn't get out of the way ... there's obviously some awful dread that a picture might find its way onto Facebook of them stuck behind ... behind ... a second-hand, twelve-year-old Nissan, oh, the shame of it!

In the saloon ... no problem. All very civilised. Yet I'm no faster in the saloon than in the Micra, which was a delight, never failed, would barrel along at 80mph no problem ... but obviously a perceived affront to the masculinity of the man in his big car behind me.

On the Hornet ... of dear ... the BMWs are still swanning along at 80, and if they bothered to look in the rear view mirror, there I would be >>> :mad: <<< c'mon! Move that lump of tin outa my way!

Not sure about motorcycling meditation, but I have prayed, and St Columbanus, the patron of motorcyclists, saved my silly arse on more than one occasion!
In the saloon ... no problem. All very civilised. Yet I'm no faster in the saloon than in the Micra, which was a delight, never failed, would barrel along at 80mph no problem ... but obviously a perceived affront to the masculinity of the man in his big car behind me.
My 1st car was a 1968 Ford Galaxie 500. I was driving with my mom one day when we came to a 4 way stop with 3 other cars. I proceeded 1st even though I didn't really have the right of way. My mom asked how I knew I could go first. "Simple, I told her, I have the biggest car.":D
I do a "cooking"/"baking" meditation while the furred purrson plural do whatever constitutes :kitty: meditation. :)

I wish that I could learn :kitty: meditation since it's rather useful imho. :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine