Your Daily Rant

Devils' Advocate

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In this so called Reality. Well, most of the time.
Why is it that whenever I call a company to ask a question I ALWAYS get "We are having unusually high customer requests at this time, blah, blah, blah.

If a company is always having a higher volume of customers calling than normal, isn't the higher volume the new normal?!?!?!?!?

In the case of the idiots that took over servicing of my mortgage, it's a case of an already incompetent organization, and I use the term loosely, taking on even more business that they can't handle. Thus, more complaint calls, longer waits, more dropped calls, more calls, more complaints and so on and so on.....:mad:
Two rants:

1) There is a reason that there are medical charts. I wish that some quacks would read them.

2) Just because I was the victim of an auto vs. pedestrian accident doesn't mean that I have to sue the driver. The fewer frivolous lawsuits jamming up the fooking legal system, the more impact the "legitimate" lawsuits can have in changing a broken system imho. Please accept my decision, especially if you weren't there! :mad: Before you ask, yes, I am including lawyers.:mad:

The more that I have contact with the human race, the more I appreciate :kitty:s. :mad:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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As to your #2, most lawyers just assume that if you are in an accident you are going to sue. We are a ridiculously litigious society. What used to be a bad luck experience has come to mean, in most people's minds, a chance to cash in on their misfortune.

And the lawyers make an ass/u/me. ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
New rant that doesn't pertain to me specifically, but riles me to no end: the (former) Stanford University swimming "star" and his crime/punishment. He was found guilty of three Class B felonies, yet was sentenced to the equivalent of a Class E felony, if that.

Second rant: Neighbor X, if you truly understand what I've told you repeatedly about my gender identity, stop trying to fit me into your binary paradigm! I don't fit! Oh, and stop invading my personal space to make your point!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Why is it that whenever I call a company to ask a question I ALWAYS get "We are having unusually high customer requests at this time, blah, blah, blah.

If a company is always having a higher volume of customers calling than normal, isn't the higher volume the new normal?!?!?!?!?


I had a similar occurrence.
I am a member of the RAC(breakdown service in UK) for 28 years and for all those years the yearly cost has increased.
Being a person who like to avoid bureaucracies, I let it go until this year when they charged me £165($240). I thought this absolutely outrageous, so I called and got several options. I chose the 'cancel account' option and got the 'we are very busy try later' option. This happened over several tries.
So....I called again and hit the 'I want to open an account' option and guess what, I got through immediately.
When I got through, I spoke with the operator and explained that I am a long term member who has used the service 5 times all the years and that the cost is outrageous. I spoke with an offended voice and also added that I know it wasn't the fault of the person I was speaking to.
They gave me an offer of £66($95).
A win.
Smart move, Craz! Going thru the open account portal, which, quite miraculously, has no wait time. Actually there are so many parts of this post I think are terrific. Most people don't even consider the possibility that they might be able to get a better rate - never hurts to try. Like you, I also take the time to let the customer service rep know that I am mad and why I am mad, but I am not mad at them. So many people rant and rage at the poor service rep who is in no way part of whatever the problem is. That is unconscionable.
The trick to getting through to my mortgage company is to select tax information when prompted. They seem to put their more experienced reps on that line. Also, wait time is usually less than a minute compared to 30 to 45 minutes on general inquiries.
New rant: if you are "on the outs" with your SO, find someone of your gender identity to stay. Stop asking random female-identified neighbors for a place to stay (if you're male) and stop asking male-identified neighbors if you're female. Moreso if said neighbor doesn't have a place for you to sleep!

No Means No!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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New rant: if/when you're finished smoking your cigarette, make sure it's completely extinguished before tossing it somewhere. One of the buildings on campus was evacuated yesterday, plus all classes held there were cancelled until today due to a small fire caused by a cigarette. Oh, and the person who caused the fire tossed the cigarette into a small pile of either leaves or brush even though there are "smoking poles" present for used smoking materials, and in obvious places, to boot.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Another new rant: I don't know you from an Apatosaurus, so don't tell me that I need to shave and/or pluck my neck hair! I'll never willingly cross paths with you again, so I don't need your "beauty tips", especially if there's evidence of infections and/or severely ingrown hair on your face.

Different person: if I say that there's a stroller coming onto the bus, take my word for it. I don't move for just anything, and we were sitting in the "reserved for strollers" area. The lady had two children in said stroller, and there wasn't any other place for her to sit down without blocking the aisle. It shouldn't take three people to get you to move.

I can't wait to get back to the :kitty: delegation.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
If there's a sign on the door indicating soliciting of any kind is unwelcome, don't rap on that door with offers to pave my driveway, power wash my siding or to cut my freshly mowed lawn-(regardless of there being a sign)!!!:mad:
If there's a sign on the door indicating soliciting of any kind is unwelcome, don't rap on that door with offers to pave my driveway, power wash my siding or to cut my freshly mowed lawn-(regardless of there being a sign)!!!:mad:

Ditto if there are "NO SMOKING" signs all over, PUT YOUR CAMEL LIGHTS AND BIC LIGHTER AWAY. :mad:

I apologize for yelling at the choir. :kitty:s are available at the door.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I despise modern technology that is thrust on us when it is still a work in progress.

Thrice damned cell phones are NOT ready for prime time! Half the time I try to use the thing it sends me automatically to voice mail (when I know the person is available). Half the time they drop the signal in mid sentence. The third half of the time there are a host of other problems. Smart phones CAN do all sorts of other wonderful things but they suck as phones!

And it's not like I live in the middle of Upper Slobovia! Major metropolitan area here!
Ah... the wifi/cel tower shuffle. Great isn't it? At my old place I had to make cel calls from the kitchen to avoid roaming charges I incurred when using it in the living room. Mind you this was a 600 SF house! Ahh... the good old days when phones had cords and actually worked.
I wonder about apple....I have yet to meet the apple or iPhone user that doesn't complain about the changes and updates, about the new models and the expense, about glitches and repairs....

Yet they not only keep buying....they pay more for the product...and have to have it.
I wonder about apple....I have yet to meet the apple or iPhone user that doesn't complain about the changes and updates, about the new models and the expense, about glitches and repairs....

Yet they not only keep buying....they pay more for the product...and have to have it.
This is true. Talk about successful marketing. I bet the Apple ad men could convince Eskimo's without electricity to buy a side-by-side refrigerators!