Akhenaten, Pyramid, Etc.


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What's your take? Was Akhenaten an alien? Were the pyramids really tools for ascension?

Dear Dauer

dauer said:
What's your take? Was Akhenaten an alien? Were the pyramids really tools for ascension?

Not an Alien and yes the pyramids were a place of ascension also ceremony.

We are often taken there in ascension meditations to meet with light beings.

Love beyond measure

Pyramids are not only tools for ascension, but I've learned that they're also landmarks for the earth's energy grid, which is based on the Golden Mean. It's sacred geometry, if you will, and a natural example of this is exactly when you cut a conch shell in half. The spiral, if studied carefully, will give you the Golden Mean. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, Kheops would be the beginning point, the small pyramid next to it (I unfortunately have forgotten the name), which archeologists thought to be worthless, actually points exactly where the Golden Mean spiral is directed, and the "end" of the spiral is somewhere in South America, but they haven't found this pyramid as of yet. Interestingly enough, all other sacred sites around the world (Stonehenge, Macchu Picchu, etc.) are exactly on this Golden Mean spiral.
It would be interesting to see a map of that. :)
It definitely would! I haven't found one yet, but I'll gladly share it once I do!