What Christmas really means


....whys guy.... ʎʇıɹoɥʇnɐ uoıʇsǝnb
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Kindest Regards to all!

Just thought I would take a moment and reflect on what this season means to me. I invite all to share.

To me, Christmas is a time for reflecting on my faith. A time of introspection, of looking at the basis of my faith, what my faith stands for, and how I'm doing in actualizing my faith.

It seems so many lament the crass commercialism, perhaps rightly so. Yet most still fall victim to that commercialism, I know I do. But I try to keep it all in perspective, by enjoying the good company of friends, renewing and beginning friendships near and far, and reflecting on the wisdom of my faith.

Sometimes I hear the lament, "why can't Christmas be all year?" To which I have long thought, "Why not?," the only person stopping me, is me.

And so, I want to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas! I realize some may not celebrate this particular holiday, but I wish you kindness and warm regards just the same!
juantoo3 said:
Sometimes I hear the lament, "why can't Christmas be all year?" To which I have long thought, "Why not?," the only person stopping me, is me.
Indeed. :)

As someone with no organised path, it's a case of trying to be mindful with every step, rather than just at certain points of the journey. :)

Of course, the journey itself can be a little distracting...
Dear juantoo3

This Christmas means that people are getting into more debt and the negative energy thereof. Seeking happiness outside of themselves and their own misery, only to be faced with even more problems in 2005 when the bills roll in. I find the commercialism very sad indeed, and each year I have done less and less to recognise it. Today I bought two presents one for my son and the other for my GOD son.

But it is that time of year that can indeed surprise you, I have been blessed to hear from a couple of friends that have not been in touch for a long time. So to be reunited in 2005 is a blessing indeed.

The children love it but yet we could show them another way, maybe one day humanity will wake up to the damage that this out-of-control materialism creates.

In this moment my thoughts and heart are with those that are alone, depressed, suicidal, starving, poor, sick and homeless. For them it is the very worst time of year.

So for me it will be over very soon because it never really started in my own reality. I look forward to the new beginnings in the New Year.

Love beyond measure


For me, Christmas means celebrating the fact that God chose to be one of us and walk this earth just like us and ultimately die for us. All out of pure love for us. What more could we ask of any deity?

To me, it also means being with family and celebrating with them. There are of course the gifts, but it's more of a tradition now than anything else. You just need to focus on the spiritual side of Chrismas and get away from all the commercialism and marketing hype...

Have a Merry Christmas!
Bethlehem, Israel

This Christmas Eve, Jews "allowed" Palestinians to go to "church" with Christians at midnight mass, to celebrate the birth of the man named Jesus. Above the sign that said "...Subject to Search", was the sign posted by Israeli soldiers, "Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year", at the check points into Bethlehem. No bombs exploded, and no one died, in Bethlehem this night.

It was the first time in several years that this occured.

In 1914, Soldiers of both sides (Germany/England, et al), suspended fighting and spent Christmas together, sharing food, cigarettes, stories, and games. Of course this did not sit well with the Generals of the war (WW I), but for one night, the generals had no control, and the world did not end. For one night, enemies were friends (or potential friends).

The funny thing about peace is, that it sneaks up on one, when least expected. It is offered, but often missed. But once in awhile, peace is accepted, tenuously at first, then with both hands.

But peace is a true balance you see. In other words there must be four hands involved in a grip of peace, for when two men (mankind) grasp both hands of another, there is no hidden hand to go for a weapon.

Did you know that the human body's ability to grasp and hold close is three times stronger than the same human body's ability to shove away?

When we pull towards us, we force our balance to be centered. When we attempt to shove or force away, we knock our own selves off balance.

Did you also know that two men who grip each other's arms in a "Roman chair" formation can carry almost ten times their combined weight, but alone most humans can only carry two, maybe three times their own weight?

Christmas is reaching out to each other, and holding close. Christmas is balance...

Merry Christmas!


How many people have forgotten the very first Gift?

It wasn't the gold or the incense. It wasn't anything that can be bought.

It was a child. The Child.

Sorry. :eek: (No, I'm not Christian.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Dear Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Yes I agree the greatest gift from GOD and highest supreme joy is the child.

being love

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards to all!

Just thought I would take a moment and reflect on what this season means to me. I invite all to share.

To me, Christmas is a time for reflecting on my faith. A time of introspection, of looking at the basis of my faith, what my faith stands for, and how I'm doing in actualizing my faith.

It seems so many lament the crass commercialism, perhaps rightly so. Yet most still fall victim to that commercialism, I know I do. But I try to keep it all in perspective, by enjoying the good company of friends, renewing and beginning friendships near and far, and reflecting on the wisdom of my faith.

Sometimes I hear the lament, "why can't Christmas be all year?" To which I have long thought, "Why not?," the only person stopping me, is me.

And so, I want to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas! I realize some may not celebrate this particular holiday, but I wish you kindness and warm regards just the same!

Dear Jtoo2: Hello and belated Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Good to 'see' you again.