Omnist Igtheism

knower of these
self evident
I cannot see how religion is self evident given the vast diversity of human religious behaviors from all places and times. If it were, we would all believe the same thing. The only things we have in common is humanity and fact. Humanity and fact are self evident. Religion is demonstrative of humanity's perception of fact, not fact itself.
it means re-bind, to make one what was apparently two.
Most who claim it are divisive, not religious.
It remains mental, the heart has not risen.
Without objects, the subject is unknowable...
Yet, in deep sleep, with no objects at all, still you are.
Same is before birth and after death.
All else is grace.
You are conscious of being.
The nature of beingness is love.
John 15:9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love."
Please cut the esotericism.
It is not self evident because you have not known it.

Apocalypse actually means "to lift the veil"...

Fana is that lifting...

Irfan is Divine Love, directly experienced.
you have not known it.
Religion is not "known". Religion is a perception.
Fana is that lifting...
Irfan is Divine Love, directly experienced.
This thread is not for preaching an individual religion. Although I respect sufism, I'd be more willing to have a dialogue thereabout on a Sufi or Muslim thread. Of all muslim sects, it is that to which I've been most attracted.
I have studied every tradition as deeply as I can, and see only love.

Even in the science of physics I see only the phenomena of love.
I have studied every tradition as deeply as I can, and see only love.
Even in the science of physics I see only the phenomena of love.
What do you mean by love?
Btw did you watch the video?
1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Does this "I" have a different nature?

Yet, the combination of object and subject, their relation, is the foundation for consciousness.
I prefer theological noncognitivism over failed communication.
If you want to preach sufism in the manner that you seem to prefer, go to another thread.
I prefer theological noncognitivism over failed communication.

Just consider the words I have shared.

No one else can give you the answer, as I go on saying: you have to experience it.

They are not empty words, I have no intention of teaching something.

My interest is direct understanding, creating the environment for insights to spring spontaneously.