Omnist Igtheism

Yorlngu is a deity in Alradjadu. Although he isn't exactly equivalent to Kali, he certainly takes a similar role in the religion.
Kali is manifested in this painting.


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Kali is manifest in these words, but you are looking elsewhere.
That will be gobbledygook if you have not ventured far into Advaita and Yoga.
Kali is the highest form of the formless Brahman.

The purpose of Prakriti, Shakti, is to know Purusha, Shiva.


Shakti is my activity only.
I don't think Shakti has a purpose. I'd say she and Kali are the active and creative aspects of Brahman's embodiment in Purusha respectively
For me, we have never been mistaken about our purpose.

Love is the purpose, but we chase it in the partial, temporal.

Arguing about Gods and Goddesses does us no good at all...

Truth is a reality to be experienced.
God cannot know himself without other ...
I rather think that's an error of anthropomorphic assumption.

God's knowledge is not limited nor determined nor dependent — at least, not God as I understand the term.
I rather think that's an error of anthropomorphic assumption.

God's knowledge is not limited nor determined nor dependent — at least, not God as I understand the term.

There is simply nothing to know without other, hence in deep sleep we do not experience.

It is a disagreement we are bound to have, because many make kalpurusha their God - a figure appearing in time and space, walking and talking etc...

Sat purusha is the true God, where Brahman and Atman meet, called Aylin by Kabbalah and Hasidism. It is known as the Dharmakaya or Buddha Nature in Buddhism, and recognized in Nirvana alone.

Of course, whatsoever we think and say about God is just mental conjecture, words and beliefs are not God.