Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

What were they thinking

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm listening to the (close to) four-hour broadcast of the SCOTUS arguments concerning "45"'s most recent case of "presidential immunity" (I won't post the link for obvious reasons...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I remember hearing about this possessed nun years ago. Her letter has been on a long list of writings that people haven't been able to decode. We finally have an answer to what she wrote. It's creepy!

It looks like we finally figured out what the Easter Island head statues were for. They marked areas where water springs existed.

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This relic has stumped archaeologist for years! A tall iron pillar that has never rusted. The technology for stopping iron from rusting didn't exist back then. Now we know how they did it.

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So it has galvanized itself with an invisible layer of FePO4 derived from hammered-in particles of the original slag, that prevents the formation of FeO2 rust? Cool :)
A political joke by one of my neighbours that y'all might enjoy (it involves one of the republican'ts): "I'm going to wear prison orange that day."

We were discussing the upcoming RNC here in Milwaukee next month.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Another "episisode of What were they thinking?:

To make up for the concoction above the "break", a Hawaiian beverage posted on my LiveJournal

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine