World Religion Day


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Redlands, California
While this isn't a Holy Day for Baha'is there is a fairly widespread day we often celebrate called World Religion Day. On this day we invite members of other religions to join us in prayers and presentations about their religion in panel discussions to learn more about each other...

So annually in my community we have been hosting World Religion Day:

The aim of World Religion Day has beendescribed as follows:

"The aim of World Religion Day is to foster the establishment of interfaith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common denominators underlying all religions. The message of World Religion Day is that, mankind, which has stemmed from one origin, must now strive towards the reconciliation of that which has been split up. Human unity and true equality depend not on past origins, but on future goals, on what we are becoming and whither we are going. The prime cause of age-old conflict between man and man has been the absence of one ethical belief, a single spiritual standard – one moral code."

- Art
arthra said:
While this isn't a Holy Day for Baha'is there is a fairly widespread day we often celebrate called World Religion Day. On this day we invite members of other religions to join us in prayers and presentations about their religion in panel discussions to learn more about each other...

So annually in my community we have been hosting World Religion Day:

The aim of World Religion Day has beendescribed as follows:

"The aim of World Religion Day is to foster the establishment of interfaith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common denominators underlying all religions. The message of World Religion Day is that, mankind, which has stemmed from one origin, must now strive towards the reconciliation of that which has been split up. Human unity and true equality depend not on past origins, but on future goals, on what we are becoming and whither we are going. The prime cause of age-old conflict between man and man has been the absence of one ethical belief, a single spiritual standard – one moral code."

- Art
What would be that one moral code Ver? That might be the crux of the matter (no pun intended).


Quahom1 said:
What would be that one moral code Ver? That might be the crux of the matter (no pun intended).



When we had our World Religion Day last January 30th there were representatives from Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith and what we discovered was that the agreement on moral and ethcal issues is very strong. I think there's a reason people return year after year to observe this day...also many of those present work throughout the year in our Inter-Faith Council on projects such as aid to Afgan women and children, tutoring services adn advocating transitional housing for homeless families.

- Art :cool: