How Can We Attract New Members...?

The new user registration function was broken for two months with nobody noticing, until Sunday 23rd when we picked up the problem and @Cino fixed it.

New member applications will now continue as usual

The new user registration function was broken for two months with nobody noticing, until Sunday 23rd when we picked up the problem and @Cino fixed it.

New member applications will now continue as usual

Qué será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Qué será, será
What will be, will be. least you have had a nice break :)
The Baha'i Answer Forum has no new members but spammers, people wanting ro post port and links to selling stuff.

What a monster the lowlights have become.

Regards Tony
We require all new member applications to be manually approved by a moderator, and there is a spam filter to notify about those who have been banned from other forums for spam and trolling. @StevePame set it up. They still manage to get through

We are very lucky to have @Cino to give of his valuable professional time as an IT wizard in times of crisis

EDIT: Link to Baha'i Answer Forum
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We require all new member applications to be manually approved by a moderator, and there is a spam filter to notify about those who have been banned from other forums for spam and trolling. @StevePame set it up. They still manage to get through

We are very lucky to have @Cino to give of his valuable professional time as an IT wizard in times of crisis

EDIT: Link to Baha'i Answer Forum
Thanks for the advice, it is good to have knowledgeable and capable IT helping.

It is only me, with no IT. I just look for Mods, so maybe there is one. I will search.

Most likely I will close it down when due, in a couple of years also. Regards Tony
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We require all new member applications to be manually approved by a moderator, and there is a spam filter to notify about those who have been banned from other forums for spam and trolling. @StevePame set it up. They still manage to get through

We are very lucky to have @Cino to give of his valuable professional time as an IT wizard in times of crisis

EDIT: Link to Baha'i Answer Forum
Hey, I love you all meeting in this place, glad I can contribute.

We're also very lucky to have @RJM to sponsor the hosting costs.
Here of late, IO seems to have become a troll magnet. The last one however, brought up an interesting issue. That being, the lack of new members and always the same few members posting. So how can we attract decent new members and by that I mean serious individuals not out to disrupt things and encourage existing members to participate? I'm at a loss myself, so I put it you guys. What do you think we should do?

I was thinking back to when I first joined several years ago and what prompted me to do so. There wasn't really anything that directed me here, I just stumbled onto the site be chance. It was during a low period in my life and something I read from a poster made me feel a little better, so I joined. I'd imagine that's how most people find us, by chance, but should we be doing more to promote our site and if so, what?.
I apologize for my ignorance but what is IO?
Oh sh!t, my bad!
That said, I can suggest something to 'keep' members here, from being frustrated.
Lose that obnoxious 14-second waiting period between replies/posts . . . it only hampers genuine discussion.
Will have a look. Some of the delays are to discourage spam-bots
Will have a look. Some of the delays are to discourage spam-bots
Yeeeesh . . . now it's 48 seconds . . . you guys trying to get rid of me already?
Did anyone eat that as a kid? Spam fritters ... remember them?