Who control the world ?


In the Name of God
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Salaamu Alyckum all
I have many questions that need answers to explain the truth about the claim of some people that Masons control the world .So ,if someone here no any thing about this issue he can help and give his idea or information. if he want !!

What is the relation between politics and Masonic? What is the relation between Masonic and religions? and what is the Masonic lodge? Are they control the world ?

Allah bless all
Naw, its the Illuminati who control the world :D...

The Masons are technically a charity organization. Pretty much anyone of any faith can join, so long as they are invited to join by a member. A "lodge", I think, is just a Masonic chapter in any local area. Now, as for the conspiracy theories concerning the Masons...well, it used to be that upper-class Brits (nobility and the like) would join the Masons, and the whole affair would be highly secretive (secret meetings and rituals and whatnot). Further, American Presidents (to this day) are supposedly invited to join the Masons upon their inauguration...so anyways, drawing from this, people like to claim that the Masons are controlling the upper-eschalons of society. But honestly, its just a club.
Naah. Cats control the world. Think about it - they laze around, nothing to do in most cases, and we keep them and feed them and clean up their hairballs....
I agree Cats control the world but they a cover up for the real people controling the world. People in higher class, people with a significant amount of money that control world and local issues and thats a fact.
I only had time to have a quick glance - but like a lot of conspiracy sites, it seems thick on invective and shallow on detail. Oh, it's happy to inlcude a lot of well referenced historical detail - but at no point - so far as I could see in a quick read, did it ever justify a single claim that Masons were involved in any part of it.

For example, it details the Russian uprising of 1895 - and than flatly states: "The Decembrists were none other than Masons". Proof? Justification? Source? There is none.

Simply copy the material and replace all the words "Mason" and "Masons" with whichever is your preferred enemy of choice:


It's just stock conspiracy theory - not a single actual accusation backed up with anything other than invective.
Salaamu Alyckum all

The globalization attitudes which is made the world as small village , actually it is maximised the benefit of the multi-national companies around the world , also exploit the low and middle level people ,and restrict the authority of many countries , their utility is the first requirement despite of anything else. But I think that after September 11 events and the war against terrorism the activities of the multi-national companies are decreases ,and the economic power has been influenced negatively . I want to discuss this issue with others , I feel that there are a big conflict between the economic power and the political power .and I want to ask this question to those whom interested in this subject : Which is the biggest power in the world ,the economic power or the political power ?

Certainly there has been an incredible rise in economic power over national boundaries - while politics is supposed to be tempered by local concerns (ie, the electorate) there is a definite danger of corporate bodies having undue influence on governments.

Unfortunately, it's a pretty common historical pattern for the rich and powerful to ride over the lower classes to achieve their own personal and limited ambitions.

On the issue of conspiracy, though - even though corporate bodies may contain people who know each other, of each other, even friendly with each other - my perception is that the persons involved will be very competitve, and ultimately be competitive against each other.
Friend said:
Salaamu Alyckum all
I have many questions that need answers to explain the truth about the claim of some people that Masons control the world .So ,if someone here no any thing about this issue he can help and give his idea or information. if he want !!

What is the relation between politics and Masonic? What is the relation between Masonic and religions? and what is the Masonic lodge? Are they control the world ?

Allah bless all
Ah'allan Friend,

Here is some information on the topic:

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization which exists in nearly all countries where men are free to choose the company and character of their associates. It teaches a belief in the Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and the immortality of the soul. It is religious in character, but adopts no particular creed – and urges all of its members to practice the religion of his choice. It is designed to make men of good morals better by symbolically applying the principles of architecture and operative Masonry to the science and art of character building. It urges its members to be charitable but is not a charity. It is not a secret organization in a free society, but it is the first to be banned when a government becomes totalitarian. Anyone wishing to petition must seek the recommendation of a member.

And another order of similar design:

The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is internationally known as the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. We are a nonsectarian body of men and women devoted to the investigation, study and practical application of natural and spiritual laws. Our purpose is to further the evolution of humanity through the development of the full potential of each individual. Our goal is to enable everyone to live in harmony with creative, cosmic forces for the attainment of health, happiness, and peace.

You might say that the people who join these orders, often times find their ways of thinking to be rather deep, that is much deeper than say that of an "average" person. So they look for others that think like them. Often they are not satisfied with the "dogma" of organized religion, but are extremely spiritual, and are not content to receive bits and pieces of enlightenment from the "church" from time to time, nor do they wish to wait until "old age" to begin caring for society as a whole. Therefore they actively seek out the "truth" rather than wait for it to come to them.

I think Friend, that these groups are benign, and benevolent (based on my observation). If they wanted to take over the world, they may well have done so centuries ago.

One particular example I can provide of their adherence to take care of others, is the Masonic Home in Seattle, Washington. It is huge (several acres), and beautiful, and the elderly within are treated with the utmost respect and dignity. If I'm not mistaken, it also costs the families of the elderly residing there, next to nothing. The Masons also give alot of money to childrens' funds (for healing sick kids).

The Rosicrucians gather in meditation, and "pray" for the well being of others, and for the world as a whole. They also teach others how to tap into the cosmic strength or energy that is available to all of us, and to learn to be still, even in a chaotic, noisy world.

Of course they would invite people who show potential towards affecting the world on a macro level, to join with them. Their optomistic view on life prohibits them from just letting things entropy into chaos. They do not appear to force anything, but offer solace and calm, and teach focus.

That is my take of course, based on my observation. But Friend, as with any human orginization, there might be fringe variants that do not follow the precepts of the collective majority. And as always the "fringe" can cause the majority of "bad news" or bad publicity (horror stories), that the media loves to exploit.

No, I am not a Mason, nor ever have been (too busy to take a breath, let alone think deeply) :D

Just my two cents.




Quahom1 :I read from many resources that Masons have levels ,and they have an observed activities and non observed activities . So if they have any secret activities or certain objectives ,Do you think that any one can know about them ??
Friend said:

Quahom1 :I read from many resources that Masons have levels ,and they have an observed activities and non observed activities . So if they have any secret activities or certain objectives ,Do you think that any one can know about them ??
Of course Friend,

Anything under the Sun is possible ;)


The Mason don't rule the world Friend. Not any more than the Variety Club International or the Lions ( two more charity/service organisation/clubs). Not that I know much about the Masons. Ha ha. They do seem to be mysterious so maybe they are up to something!!!. I didn't read many of the replies to this post so maybe one of them managed to succintly explain the Masons. doubt it though. I think chances are that the world is truely ruled by a small 5/7 member group of very rich men who happen to be friends/friends of circumstance who are of at least three diferent religions/cultures/faiths who all are deaply involved in oil. Or maybe the world is truely ruled by oil itself!!!!. Did anyone ever see that movie "The Blob"?????? I don't know about the rest of you but I seriously need cheap oil to run my ute and my wife's car am a bit upset that the Masons haven't been able to deliver.
Friend said:
Salaamu Alyckum all
I have many questions that need answers to explain the truth about the claim of some people that Masons control the world.
Masons do not control the world any more than the members of any other social club do.
KnightoftheRose said:
Naw, its the Illuminati who control the world :D...

The Masons are technically a charity organization. . . . But honestly, its just a club.
Right on, the masons are just a club. Not technically a charitable organization but do spend millions on charity. A mason is generally NOT permitted to invite someone to join. This rule is loosening somewhat but it is still pretty much true that if you wait for an invitation you may die waiting. A lodge is a local unit. There may be several in a city. No American president has ever been invited to join. About 14 have been members though.

For those who think Masons control a government, consider this. Harry Truman and Douglas McArthur were both masons.
There's a mason club just up the road from me actually - or at least, there's a building set on a main road just outside the town center, with a big white board outside that says something on the lines of "Masonic Lodge". Not a good cover for an apparently secret organisation. :)
It's less of an issue now than it was but until the 1980's, a large number of senior civil servant in the UK had some link with the Masons (Check the newspaper web pages for the period), also look up P9 and the hanging of the 'Banker to the Vatican' under Blackfrias' Bridge in London. Of course, they continue to be significant in many countries (less in France and Germany, where they have legislation against affiliations for public servants).

The Masons are a very large organisation, something a little more than a social club but their influence is because of money more than anything else.

Anyone who has tried to organise an international or even other than very local event will kow how difficult co-ordinating things can be to sort out, so I hold that the global domination thing is just not what humans are good at - for Masons, Jews, or 'terrorists'.

Isn't global domination theories just something for those who don't believe in God to hang on to? There has to be a power out there somewhere ?

The terminology can be a little confusing. While referrnig to "the Masons" as a club is essentially correct the word doesn't carry the complete meeting. Masons meet in groups called "lodges." A lodge meets in a building typically called a Masonic "hall" or "temple." Nope, not a secret organization at all. Or at least no more secret than any other fraternity.


The "issue" over the masons is a non-starter. A large number of civil servants in the UK were also "men," "protestants," lived in "houses," etc., etc., etc. Conspiracy theorists see conspiracies. Realists see reality.

The P9 group was a problem simply because they departed so drasitcally from the basic teachings of the masons with regard to their civil duties. Those teachings state, and I qoute, "In the state you are to be a quiet and peacable citizen, true to your government and just to your country. You are not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion but patiently submit to legal authority and confirm with cheerfulness to the government of the country in which you live." In the U.S. masons who are citizens of the U.S. say the Pledge of Allegience at every meeting. I doubt that it is heard much elsewhere.

Masonic "money influence" is non-existent except in terms of the charities that receive the money, such as the Shriner's Burns Institutes and Hospitals for Crippled Children.

You sum it up nicely with, "Isn't global domination theories just something for those who don't believe in God to hang on to?" For a bunch of guys who cannot even properly set up an after-the-meeting catered lunch to be taking over the world is quite a stretch. There's a lot of reliable info about the masons at http://www.masonicinfo.com - check it out.
The "issue" over the masons is a non-starter. A large number of civil servants in the UK were also "men," "protestants," lived in "houses," etc., etc., etc. Conspiracy theorists see conspiracies. Realists see reality.[ENDQUOTE]

This is true and in some respects, being a Mason can be considered to be the same as being in a golf club - you can't get promotion unless you are in one. In a democracy, this should not be so. Also, he the P9 lodge was out of control but it was not the Masons who resolved the problems.

The Masons get a worse press than they deserve now though; there was a shake up in many countries during the 1970's and 1980's and it was just that group but the Mafia, various left and right wing political groups that had to change their ways.

Believe in conspiracy, it keeps you on your toes.
mahogan said:
This is true and in some respects, being a Mason can be considered to be the same as being in a golf club - you can't get promotion unless you are in one. In a democracy, this should not be so. Also, he the P9 lodge was out of control but it was not the Masons who resolved the problems.
I don't know any mason who got a job or a promotion because he was a mason. I do know lots of masons, however, who were denied a job or a promotion because they were not the best person for that job or promotion.