My take on the Jhanas from a Jungian perspective.

Here's a working definition for solid concentration in any of the rupa jhanas: Bringing together different senses into the concentration. For example, a hand mudra, the mental equivalent of the mudra, and a seed syllable - form the hand into a loose fist, hold the concept of a fist in the mind, and chant "Ah", and hold all three things in concentration.

What do you think?
Here's a working definition for solid concentration in any of the rupa jhanas: Bringing together different senses into the concentration. For example, a hand mudra, the mental equivalent of the mudra, and a seed syllable - form the hand into a loose fist, hold the concept of a fist in the mind, and chant "Ah", and hold all three things in concentration.

What do you think?
If it works for you, great.
.. the Holy Spirit does not take over your mind ..
I would not let any holy spirit take over my mind. My mind is exclusively mine.
Seattlegal and Cino, you are being too technical. If I want to contemplate on something, I can switch off other thought immediately, instantaneously. Other people also can do that. So what else is required?
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I would not let any holy spirit take over my mind. My mind is exclusively mine.
Seattlegal and Cino, you are being too technical. If I want to contemplate on something, I can switch off other thought immediately, instantaneously. Other people also can do that. So what else is required?
Recognizing each mental formation for what it is, imo.