punishment in the bible


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How can our religion is peaceful religion ,and call for death as punishment
For many offences the punishment is to be "cut off." This
sometimes means death (e.g. Ex 31:14, Lev 20:2-3, Deut 18:10-12),
but sometimes it is apparently only banishment from Israel.

Death for adultery (Deut 22:22-24, Lev 20:10). But Jesus forgave one adultress (John 8:1-11).

Death by stoning to a bride who is not a virgin (Deut 22:20-21).

Death by fire to a harlot whose father is a priest (Lev 21:9).

Death to a witch (Ex 22:18 ).

"Cut off" for consulting a witch (Lev 20:6, Deut 18:11).

Death for blasphemy (Lev 24:16).

Death to a non-Levite for approaching the tabernacle (Num 1:51).

Death by stoning to a child who curses a parent or is rebellious (Lev 20:9, Ex 21:17, Deut 21:18-21; affirmed by Jesus, Matt 15:3-9).

Death by stoning for cursing (Lev 24:14, 23).

Death to the owner of a goring ox (Ex 21:29).

Death for disagreeing with a judge's sentence (Deut 17:12).

Death for not "hearkening" to a priest (Deut 17:12).

Death to a false prophet (Deut 13:5, 18:20).

Death for teaching a different religion (Deut 18:20, 13:1-10;also Gal 1:8-9).

Death by stoning for apostatizing from the true religion or practicing a different religion (Ex 22:20, Deut 17:2-5).

Total destruction to any city if any of its citizens apostatize (Deut 13:12-17).

Death to male homosexuals (Lev 20:13).

Death for bestiality, both to the offender and the animal (Lev 20:15-16).

A woman who assists her husband in a fight by seizing his opponent's sex organ shall have her hand cut off (Deut 25:11-12).

Sex during a woman's period: both shall be "cut off from among [the] people" (Lev 20:18; but cf. 15:24).

Death by stoning for gathering sticks on the Sabbath, or any work on the Sabbath (Ex 35:2, 31:14-15, Num 15:32-36).

God will cause cannibalism as a punishment for sin (Jer 19:9, Lam 2:20, Ezek 5:10, Lev 26:29, Deut 28:53-57, Isa 49:26, Rev 16:6).

God will cause adultery as punishment (Deut 28:30).

God will cause drunkennes as punishment (Jer 13:12-13).

God will "spread dung upon your faces" as punishment (Mal 2:3).

Illegitimate children and their descendants are stigmatized, not allowed into the congregation (Deut 23:2).

Abortion: punishable only if accidental, caused by a fight, and only by fine; i.e, it is not the same as killing a human being (Ex 21:22-25).

Whipping, up to 40 stripes, for losing a lawsuit (Deut 25:1-3).

" Cut off " for mixing perfume for yourself according to God's special formula (Ex 30:37-38 ).

"Cut off" for eating fat or blood (Lev 3:17, 7:23-27, 17:10-12).

"Cut off" for eating leaven, or even having it in the house, during Passover (Ex 12:15, 19).

For a description of hell, see Rev 14:11, 16:9 For a long and descriptive list of God's punishments see Deut 28:15-68, Lev26.

God uses his chosen people to punish other nations (Ps 149:5-9).

God will punish "seven times" (= sevenfold? Lev 26:28 ).

God punishes many for the sins of one, the innocent are punished for the guilty, especially their guilty ancestors (which punishment is "forever," Deut 28:41; Gen 9:24-25, 20:7,18, Ex 12:29, 20:5, 34:7, Num 16, Deut 5:9, 23:2, 28:32, 41,Josh 7:8-26, 22:20, 2 Kings 5:27, Isa 14:21, Ezek 23:25, 46-47, Mal 1:2-4, Jer 31:29-30, Hos 2:4-5, Rom 5:14, also Adam's Fall generally in NT).

God will punish the men by causing their wives to be ravished and their children to be "dashed to pieces" (Isa 13:16, 18, Zech 14:2, Nah 3:10).

God's punishment of entire nations or cities by destroying every living thing naturally includes the destruction of babies and unborn embryos (e.g. Isa 34, the Flood, the plagues on Egypt, Sodom; Jesus also: Matt 11:20-24).

An eye for an eye, etc. (Ex 21:24, Lev 24:18-20, Deut 19:19, 21, Matt 7:2; contra: Matt 5:38ff, 7:12, Luke 6:31).

God will punish any animal that kills a human (Gen 9:5), although God sometimes punishes humans by having animals kill them (e.g. 2 Kings 2:23-24, where 42 children are killed by bears; 1 Kings 20:35-36, where a man is killed by a lion for disobedience to a prophet).

Slavery for stealing (Ex 22:3).

Marriage is the punishment for seduction of a virgin (Ex 22:16).

Whoever divorces his wife and marries another or who marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Matt 19:9, Luke 16:18 ).
Well, as Christianity is established by the New Testament books, you might want to look for quote from those first. :)
Does our peaceful religion told us to destroy other people ?

Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations ... then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
20:10-15 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. ... This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them--the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites--as the Lord your God has commanded you.
I said:
Well, as Christianity is established by the New Testament books, you might want to look for quote from those first. :)
I quote from ( the Bible, New International Version) , is this Unchristianity book?
I heat my house with wood got a real neat stove that has two liners. The inner box holds most of the heat and radiates it to the outside. For the most part you can touch the stove and it is very hot but doesnt burn enough to really hurt you.
My 3yr old nephew is learning to walk and curious about everything this stove was just at the top of his list we spent days and days blockaiding it with chairs to keep him away not wanting him to get hurt thought it best at the time.
But then a new Idea struck me I talked him into touching it of course he boldly walked up and placed that inocent little finger on it. Tears fell as he ran for his mom in pain (not hurt to the point of needing medical attention but burnt nevetheless) I calmly set there by the stove waited for his tears to dry and called him to me yet again I touched it smiled and asked him to He did again the same reaction burnt and ran for mom crying. He loves me with all his heart and now no matter what I am doing with that stove he Knows it burns (The wages of touching the stove is pain) He now make a special attempt to avoid that stove I leave all the chairs coffee tables and furniture in their rightful place and only watch as this very inteligent child avoids the thing that caused him pain.

The wages of Sin is Death plain and simple you play with the fire you get burnt even today Those all seem like a punsishment when really it is cause and effect
You would be sadly mistaken to think that that was the only culture with that kind of legal system as a matter of fact it was much better than others of the area.
Example a decree that your first born daughter be given as a sacrifice to the gods no wrong doing implied would be pretty hard to live with infants being thrown in the fire while there mothers screamed

Odds are you and I would have screwed up and wound up below a rock pile with a mob of angry villagers cheering our death if we lived in that day. *shudders*
Those laws we ARE still guilty of tresspassing we do deserve to be the next targets as soon as they find another pile of rocks to chuck at us.
But wait Didnt Jesus die for our sins wasnt he beaten beyond recognition spit on yelled at by the mob that should be after us? He was found not guilty and yet Died anyway why So we wouldnt have to. I didnt deserve Him hanging on the cross for me I deserved to be hanging on the back side of it with Him.
By his Love and grace I am forgivin of all these sins that should be the death of me.
Sin to me is like that wood stove to my nephew I try my best to avoid it now that I Know its hot I trust Jesus to be the man in charge of the fire.

In the US a 2 yr sentence get you 6 months with good behaviour
I dont see our legal system working any better the opposite of Gods

The Law of Sin and Death has been Done away with Christ's Death Fulliled that Law if God really wanted everybody Dead because of there wrong doings I wouldnt be writing this today we serve a Just and merciful God

Here's something that I'm playing around with; haven't thought it through but I'd like to get some feedback on it.

When the adultress was brought to Jesus, he said that anyone who was without sin could instigate the stoning. So in a sense he affirmed that the sentence of by stoning would be suitable for an adultress (or adulterer; I've always found it fascinating that the adulterer was not also brought to Jesus).

At the same time Jesus himself was capable of throwing the first stone, as he was without sin. But he didn't, because mercy triumphs over judgment. "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." I think, among other things, this means that God would rather see a wronged party show mercy to a transgressor than for a transgressor to try making up for their sin.

Now if we look at the covenant of law as the starting point of Judaism (that accepting the law through circumcision is to Judaism as baptism is to Christianity), then at the moment that God delivered the law to Moses every Israelite was clean and sinless. If sin comes only through breaking the law, then technically the Israelites were not sinners at the moment the law was instituted.

Now in this sense, every single Israelite would be capable of casting the first stone; all were under the law, and all were sinless. But they are not sinless by their choice, but by a technicality coming from the actions of God in establishing this law. A little leaven leavens the whole loaf; if in the group of Israelites there are evil, sinful people they will corrupt the rest, and the whole group will become sinful. So how do you prevent this from happening? You remove the lumps of leaven before they spread through the rest of the loaf. This is to say, you remove the sinners from among you either by death or by exile.

Two things would have happened if the Israelites would have followed the law. First, those within the tribe would have remained sinless. Second, the numbers would have been reduced to nothing-- literally!

The sentence for sin is so often death because death takes the sinner out of the group, and the rest are preserved sinless. But the beautiful thing about Jesus is that he, more than anyone else, understands the law (probably because he, as the Word of God, wrote the law). And he took the law one step further, from judgment to mercy. It would have been just for Jesus to stone that adultress: She deserved it, and he was sinless and therefore just in delivering the punishment. It was also just for Jesus to show mercy and forgive the woman her sins.

So to wrap things up: The law is brutal, but it's not because we are supposed to destroy each other; it's because we ourselves are not meant to be destroyed, and the removal of sin is the only way that we will not be destroyed. Before Jesus' appearance the removal of sin depended on separating yourself from sinful people. After Jesus' appearance, the removal of sin depends on Jesus, and the mercy that he will show us if we show mercy to others.
You have to find balance in God and balance in life. Look at how this guy is seeing God.


Then search God and the Bible for the great wonderful things He is, not just the negative.;) It depends on how you decide you want to know God.
God is God and He is going to have His way, we just learn over time that His ways are right and beautiful. If we don't praise Him, then He will have the rocks and Hills praise Him.
So lets give Him praise for the mighty great and wondeful things God is.

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever. I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.
There are consequences to our actions. There are spiritual consequences emotional consequences and physical consequences.. and believe it or not the consequences we inflict on ourselves. In the Old Testament God was preparing the world for Jesus Christ by showing us that the consequence of sin is death and its not possible to make it to heaven to be with God without the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
How can our religion is peaceful religion ,and call for death as punishment
It's hypocritical. I've read quotes from the old and new testament about stoning. I believe that people should research whether their god have ever given orders for someone to be stoned to death for something like adultry (or in my opinion, for ANYTHING), then they should search Google for descriptions of stonings, and maybe even watch some stoning videos (though I strongly advise against it), then ask themselves if they think it's appropriate punishment. I'm afraid I'd be breaking the rules here if I describe how I'd feel about anyone who thinks it is appropriate.

Hell is supposed to be pretty bad too. Could the deterrent affect of stoning, to prevent some people from burning in hell, justify stoning? I don't know, but I think the punishment of hell for adultery, homosexuality, etc. is ... again, I'm afraid I'll be violating the rules if I explain.

Basically, I think the majority of people in the world are hypocrites, ignorant, or evil. Humanity sickens me and I'd fear bringing another life into this world.
To me the old testament is the legacy of the jewish people. jews wrote it and lived it. They saw God as on their side when things went well and against them if they went bad. I don't believe that God told them to lay seige of cities and to kill all those that oppose them. If this is true then I guess any battle is justifiable. I think rather that that was their belief system at the time. I don't believe that the Jews are any more special in God's eyes than anybody else.

The Bible is a depiction of man's relationship with God over time. A relationship that evolved from superstition about God, a god that couldn't be approached by the people, to a loving God that loves us all and wants the best for us. Now we are at this juncture and we still haven't realized our full potential with God, but we are trying.
Barry said:
It's hypocritical. I've read quotes from the old and new testament about stoning. I believe that people should research whether their god have ever given orders for someone to be stoned to death for something like adultry (or in my opinion, for ANYTHING), then they should search Google for descriptions of stonings, and maybe even watch some stoning videos (though I strongly advise against it), then ask themselves if they think it's appropriate punishment. I'm afraid I'd be breaking the rules here if I describe how I'd feel about anyone who thinks it is appropriate.

Hell is supposed to be pretty bad too. Could the deterrent affect of stoning, to prevent some people from burning in hell, justify stoning? I don't know, but I think the punishment of hell for adultery, homosexuality, etc. is ... again, I'm afraid I'll be violating the rules if I explain.

Basically, I think the majority of people in the world are hypocrites, ignorant, or evil. Humanity sickens me and I'd fear bringing another life into this world.
Hi Barry, and welcome to CR. :)

Viewed solely in the context that some of those proscriptions were made in, we're possibly talking about brutal punishments for a people who apparently spent 40 years living in the brutality of the desert.

However, as some of the Jewish members have also pointed out, the laws described in Leviticus are only part of the story anyway - and that death sentences are very hard to sustain in Judaism - certainly in the modern forms.
I agree Didymus

Dear Talkwith

We have already read on another thread that it states in Romans that men told many lies and IME this is very true and some of those lies can be found in scripture by the men that wrote them. It also states in Matthew that Jesus came to teach a foundation of the world that had been hidden from humankind.

This is why Jesus was sent to show us the GOD of love a different foundation. Yes he came to fulfil the prophecy of his coming and this is how he fufilled the law.

As a Christian the NT and the gospels not included in the bible are the most important to me so like love we have a choice in what we put our faith, love and trust.

Jesus used a lot of reverse psychology to achieve his ends.

being love

Kim xx
1 John 4:16-21 NIV

GOD's Love and Ours

"And so we we know and rely on the love GOD has for us. GOD is love. Whoever lives in love lives in GOD, and GOD in him. In this WAY, love is made complete among us so that we have confidence on the judgement, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But PERFECT love drives out fear, because fear as to do with punishment. (This is now backed up cellular biology www.brucelipton.com) The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.

If anyone says, "I love GOD" yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he as seen, cannot love GOD whom he as not seen, And he has given us this command: Whoever loves GOD must also love his brother."

And so it is the brotherhood of man the love and unity that Jesus came to teach us, a wonderful legacy he left us not to punish anyone or the self for any perceived wrong doing, for when we allow ourselves to be the perfect love we were born to be, all becomes perfect in multi-dimensional reality.

being love

Kim xx
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And so it is the brotherhood of man the love and unity that Jesus came to teach us, a wonderful legacy he left us not to punish anyone or the self for any perceived wrong doing,
Which leads to there is no wrong doing
Because there is no wrong
Because everything is good
So Do what ever you want what ever you feel is right God doesnt care He only Loves. He wont punish you there is no judgement. You are truely a free spirit and perfect calling all the shots. you are your own God.


Pr 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

If you truely Love your fellow man than you dont tell and preach things that put them in danger. That should be somewhere in the "law of love":(

Pr 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
YEP! as if there are no danger signs and directionals. That is blind.
Dear Basstian

A person who is perfect love is in no danger, the Kingdom of Love is a different plane of existence, it is pure Christ Consciousness. When one is being divine love one is fearless as Jesus was fearless.

You can kill the body but you cannot kill the soul and this Jesus proved to us.

Love beyond measure

The Danger in this type of doctrine does not come from men

Mt 10:28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.