Is anybody came from heavens to this world in the human history? No

Concerning the sons of God who descended in the days of Jared the father of Enoch, the sons of God who Enoch calls ‘Watchers, or Observers,’ of who, ‘Azazel,’ was one of those observers, we read in the Book of Enoch the prophet ...
There's a good reason why the Book of Enoch is part of the pseudogrippia.

A compilation of apocryphal literature, the oldest element, the 'Apocalypse of Weeks' is dated just prior to the Maccabean uprising of 167BC.

Other sections are harder to date. Views on messianism, celibacy, and the soul may have originated with or been influenced by the Essenes at Qumran, where text fragments have been discovered. No part of the longest portion of the work (chapters 37–71) have been found at Qumran, and scholars theorise this was perhaps written in the 2nd century AD by a Jewish Christian who wished to imbue his own eschatological speculations with the authority of Enoch, and added his work to four older apocryphal Enoch writings.

Enoch was the subject of abundant apocryphal literature during the Hellenistic period of Judaism (300BC-300AD).

This portrait of Enoch as visionary was influenced by the Babylonian tradition of the 7th antediluvian king, Enmenduranna, who was linked to the sun god and received divine revelations. The story of Enoch reflects many such features of the Babylonian myth.

Widely known, Enoch was nevertheless excluded from the Hebrew canon. Several early sections of the book use material from the Torah – 1 En 1 is a midrash (gloss) of Deuteronomy 33. Trypho the Jew, debating with Justin Martyr on a reference to Enoch said: "The utterances of God are holy, but your expositions are mere contrivances, as is plain from what has been explained by you; nay, even blasphemies, for you assert that angels sinned and revolted from God." (Justin Martyr, Dialogue 79, Dialogue with Trypho.) The Jews rejected to Enochian notion of fallen angels and a revolt against God.

The Ethiopian Haymanot Jews is the only Jewish group that accepts the Book of Enoch as canonical and preserves it's language of Ge'ez as liturgical, although the evidence is that is was written in a mix of Aramaic and Hebrew writings and later in Greek.

Semjaza, the leader of the observers, taught enchantments, and root cutting, among other sons of God who revealed to the women all kinds of sin, were Armaros, who taught the resolving of enchantments, Baralqual taught astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon, etc.
This, too, might be evidence of Babylonian influence.

See the Book of Enoch the Prophet 10: 4-9; “And again the Lord said to Raphael: Bind Azazel hand and foot ...
This is typical of the Enochian corpus, in that interior processes are revisioned as beings and entities in their own right. This is all part of the dialogue between Hebrew and Hellenic mystical speculation in the Second Temple period, when Enoch was compiled and composed.

Moses took the bread or the sacred teachings of Egypt [The land of First Born] and removed the yeast and gave to the children of Israel the regulations, rules and laws, that the Israelites were to keep for all time. --------- In one of the religious regulations established by Moses, Aaron would place his hand upon the head of a scapegoat, symbolically transferring the sins of Israel to the goat, which was then sent out into the wilderness to Azazel.

This from De-Demonising the Old Testament (Judit Blair. p66-67):
"The significance of Azazel is not who he is but what he symbolises. In many ways his role is the opposite of Yahweh’s. Like Yahweh, he is a deity, though it is made clear that he does not possess the same power. Yahweh receives sacrifice, Azazel’s goat is not a sacrifice; Yahweh dwells in the very centre, the Holy of Holies, Azazel’s place is on the outside, the desert; Yahweh’s dwelling place is pure, the desert is where all impurities can be found; worshipping Yahweh brings life to his people, following other gods brings death to them. Yahweh establishes order, Azazel is the bringer of chaos.

The analysis of Leviticus 16 (the only direct mention in Scripture of Azazel) leads to the following conclusions ... The live goat (scapegoat) removes their sin and guilt by literally taking it outside of the community, into the desert, away from the sanctuary. The sanctuary represents the presence of Yahweh, the order of creation, while the desert where azazel is found, stands for the chaos that threatens it.

While later texts speak of a proper name of a supernatural being whose place is in the desert, there is nothing to suggest that it would refer to a ‘demon’ named Azazel. Despite the various efforts of scholars to prove otherwise, there is no evidence that a mythological figure was behind this term. Azazel’s significance in Lev 16 is its symbolic function. Its role is to stand in contrast to Yahweh and as such it could be argued that it is a personification of the forces of chaos that threaten the order of creation."

This personification of psychospiritual dynamic forces, along with the personification of interior spiritual processes, is everywhere evident in the Enochian writings, and in the heterodox literature of the Second Temple period.

In the margins of the Good News Catholic Study Bible, Leviticus 16: concerning “Azazel” it is written by the Catholic authors of the GNB; ‘AZAZEL:’ “The meaning of this Hebrew word is unknown: it may be the name of a desert demon.” ‘Azazel’ see Leviticus16: 8-10.
Exactly. The above paper shows how a personal name is a stretch ...

The Orthodox Christian religious organisations are ignorant as to who Azazel is, because they have rejected the words of Enoch...
For good reasons.

But why did the builders of the Jewish church reject the writing of the righteous Enoch
Because they are later era, although possibly containing early strands of heterodox magic and mystical ritual, but mostly because they are derivative and without foundation.

The goat will carry all their sins away with him into some uninhabited land to Azazel. To whom all sins have been ascribed.

So I would say that the Enoch belief is Abrahamic.
Well the cleaning ritual of Leviticus 16 is, but to ascribe a whole personality and identity and function to Azazel, especially that of a superior angel, is clearly not.
Lol, do you talk about anything else?

Yes I do, I talk about the thousands of biblical commentators that I have listened to throughout my 80 odd years of life on this earth and find that no two are in agreement, So, I decided to ignore those so-called experts and allow the spirit of the Lord to guide me through his word revealing the truths that he has hidden there within, ’THE HIDDEN MANNA’.

I talk about the supposed miracles that are said to have occurred at the time of the exodus when the Island of Santorini exploded. The fourteenth day of the first month of the Jewish year, which was the first Passover ever, was the day in which all the firstborn sons of Egypt were killed. Around that time the volcanic Island of Santorini or Thira as it is also known, which was situated in the Aegean-sea, on the Anatolian plate, which is subject to the forces of the over-riding African Plate that grinds against the Arabian plate in its Northern migration, exploded with many times the force of Krakatoa, which was a volcanic island that exploded in 1883, and that explosion was heard 5,000 kilometres away, and caused a tsunami that killed at least 36,000 people. It has been estimated that when the island of Santorini exploded, 35,000 kilometres of material was lifted into the stratosphere, and that the explosive force would have created tidal waves of anything up to 130 ft high which would have traveled at speeds of around 150 miles per hour.

A cloud, that turned day into night around 1,500 BC, has been recorded in Chinese history, and would have covered all of north Africa. The African and Arabian plates intersect in a line that runs through the Red Sea and up the Jordan valley through the Dead Sea.

Look at the strange phenomenon that was occurring at the time of the Exodus. The cloud that blanketed north Africa and most of Europe, and turned day into a night so dark that a man was not able to recognise his own brother who was standing at arms-length from him. The rain of sulfuric acid that caused so much crop failure and the death of the livestock which were forced to feed on the polluted pastures, the following series of shock waves along the great rift valley and the fractures in the Sini peninsular which is situated on the Arabian plate, the bulging of the earth’s crust beneath the Red Sea which caused a highway to rise from the waters, with its following tremor when it collapsed and tidal waves that rolled in like two walls of water on either side of where the highway had been.

Wisdom of Solomon 19: 7-8, ‘Then was beheld the cloud that shadowed the camp, and dry land rising up out of what was before water, Out of the Red Sea an unhindered highway, and a grassy plain rising out of the violent surge.”

Look even where the Israelites camped on the shore of the Red Sea, which was smack bang in the middle of a major coal field in Egypt.

The bulging earth rising from the surging sea before them, pressurized gas screaming from the opening fissures creating towering pillars of fire to burn behind them, a strong east wind blew all that night causing the thick smoke to blind the pursuing Egyptians while lighting up the camp of the Israelites on the eastern side of those wild fires.

All these events were caused from pressures that had been built up over tens of thousands of years and would have occurred in their proper time, irrelevant as too the Israeli situation. Where the miracle lay, was in the fact that an unseen deity of the future, was able, through his prophet Moses, to organise the events leading up to and including the exodus itself at the precise time in history that this cataclysmic event occurred.

In the book “The Wisdom of Solomon, 16” Solomon has much to say about the days of Moses; he speaks of the strange hails that fell from heaven. Burning balls of frozen gases, some with the ability to burn even in water, some which burned with a heat so intense that they incinerated anything they came in contact with, while other hail, burned with a cold fire through which animals could walk unharmed.

Solomon also speaks of the cloud that covered the Israelites in the desert and of the Manna that fell from heaven during the night. According to Solomon, the heavenly covering was a cloud by day and a host of stars by night, (a night sky ablaze with falling balls of burning hail stones). Then concerning the heavenly Manna, he says, “And that which was not injured by fire, [Burning hailstones] simply warmed by a faint sun beam melted away.

Each morning the desert floor was covered with the residue of the melted hailstones, mounds of a flaky cellulose substance, which looked like coriander seed, and would melt and breed worms and stink if left out in the sun, and yet could be preserved when cooked, and tasted like biscuits mixed with the purest of olive oils.

Carbohydrates are any of a group of chemical compounds, including sugars, starches, and cellulose, containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ‘ONLY’, [of which there was an ample supply in the cloud from the volcanic explosion] with the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms usually 2 : 1. Perhaps, if our scientists could simulate the same conditions that occurred in the stratosphere when the island of Thira exploded, they may come up with an inexpensive and environmentally friendly source of food production to feed the starving millions on the earth.

The early Egyptian magicians or scientists, were able to duplicate some of the miracles of God as performed by Moses. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our magician/scientists of today were able to perform the more mysterious of God’s miracles as seen in the days of Moses and provide an abundant and cheap source of food to feed the ever-growing population on this earth.

As I have already said, all those things that happened in Egypt at that time, were caused from pressures that had built up over many, many, thousands of years. Where the miracle is found, is in the fact that some invisible entity from some other time dimension, was able to instigate the Exodus, at the precise time that the destructive forces beneath the island of Santorini, were beginning to awake.

Although radiocarbon dating of an olive tree imbedded in lava would appear to indicate a 1600 BCE eruption of Santorini/Thera, that is, if the lava that it was imbedded in was from the actual eruption that devastated the island and its surrounding districts and not from an earlier minor lava flow, there are many archaeologists who still believe that the date is contradicted by findings in Egyptian and Theran excavations.

Buried Egyptian and Cypriot pottery found on Thera were dated to a later period than the radiometric dates for the eruption, and, since the conventional Egyptian chronology has been established by numerous archaeological studies, the exact date of the eruption remains controversial.

Because of all the contradicting evidence, the exact date of the eruption has been difficult to determine. For most of the twentieth century, archaeologists placed it at approximately 1500 BCE, but this date appeared to be too young as radiocarbon dating analysis of that olive tree which was buried beneath “A” lava flow from the volcano on Santorini, indicate that the particular lava flow in which the olive tree was imbedded, occurred between 1627 BCE and 1600 BCE.

But at Tell el Dab'a in Egypt, pumice found at this location has been dated to 1540 BCE, closer to the traditionally accepted date of Thera's eruption. This matches the composition of the Thera eruption.

It was 1545 B.C., when the 80 years old Moses, with the 600,000 Israelite men, their wives and children, departed the land of Egypt and this would have seriously depleted the forces of the Hyksos king and it was some three years later in 1542 B.C., that Ahmose I, was finally able to defeat the depleted forces of the last Hyksos king, ‘Apopis,’ and send them packing.
There are some religious books that say that somebody went to heaven but in human history, nobody came back physically. And nobody saw them.
The Old Testament tells us that both Enoch and Elijah were taken to heaven and we know that Moses' body was taken by the Archangel Michael. At the of transfiguration of Jesus Christ both Moses and Elijah appeared and the disciples wanted to erect temples for the each of them and Jesus said no. There were witnesses.
The Old Testament tells us that both Enoch and Elijah were taken to heaven and we know that Moses' body was taken by the Archangel Michael. At the of transfiguration of Jesus Christ both Moses and Elijah appeared and the disciples wanted to erect temples for the each of them and Jesus said no. There were witnesses.

GNB Catholic Study Edition, Luke 9; 28-35; About a week after he had said these things, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him and went up a hill to pray. While he was praying, his face changed its appearance, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly two men were there talking with him. They were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in heavenly glory and talked with Jesus about the way in which he would soon fulfil God's purpose by dying in Jerusalem.

Apparently, the disciples witnessed none of this, for the chapter continues.

Peter and his companions were sound asleep, but they woke up and saw Jesus' glory and the two men who were standing with him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” (He did not really know what he was saying.) Apparently, he was still heavy with sleep.

While he was still speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow; and the disciples were afraid as the cloud came over them. 35A voice said from the cloud, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen — listen to him!”

KJV But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep and when they were awake they saw his glory etc.

The LIving Bible; Peter and the others had been very drowsy and had fallen asleep, now they woke up and saw Jesus covered with brightness etc.

NWT, Now Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep, but when they got fully awake they saw his glory etc.
But returning to post no 123; in response to wil’s question; ‘Do you talk about anything other than Enoch? And after talking about the so-called miracles that are said to have occurred around the time of the exodus, I thought about the fall of Jericho and “What a miracle that was,” a blast of the trumpets, a shout from the camp of Israel, and the walls of Jericho which had stood for hundreds of years collapsed, that is, except for the section of the outer wall from whose window, Rahab the prostitute had hung a red rope. Or was it a miracle?

Jericho was a double walled city. Within the two walls, ‘the inner and outer walls,’ houses were built, the roofs of those houses formed a rampart behind a low parapet, which surrounded the city, from where a clear view of the country side could be observed. Joshua, the commander of the Israelite invaders, sent two men into the city to spy it out and gather information, those spies stayed in the house of Rahab the prostitute, and when the King of Jericho discovered that the spies were staying in the house of Rahab, he sent his men to order her to bring the spies out, but Rahab had hid them on her roof and she told them that two men had spent the night in her house, but they had left the city early that morning, and if the men would hurry they still might be able to catch them.

After the king’s men had left, Rahab revealed to the spies that the entire city was terrified of the Israelites, they had heard of the mighty wonders performed by the Lord who led them out of Egypt, and of the wars that they had won in their 40 years of wandering, she then made an agreement with the spies, that if they would guarantee the protection of her entire household, she would help them to escape.

When the spies agreed to protect her household, she planned to lower them down the outer wall of her house in a basket, which was the outer wall of Jericho, and the spies told her to hang the red rope used to lower them down, out of her window in the outer wall of Jericho, and no one in that house would be harmed.

Was it some great miracle that when the walls of Jericho collapsed, only that section of the wall in which the house of Rahab was built, remained standing?

Jericho, was built close to the fault line where the African tectonic plate grinds against the Arabian plate in its northern migration, and would have suffered and survived many earth tremors, surely the sound of trumpets blasting and the shouts of the Israelites could not do, that which the earth tremors had been unable to do and bring down the walls of Jericho?

In fact, it is believed that it was either the flooded Jordon river, or an earth tremor that caused a landslide up north of Jericho around the town of Adam, which dammed the Jordon river long enough for the Israelites to cross over on dry land.

Joshua 3: 14-16; It was harvest time, and the river was in flood. When the people left the camp to cross the Jordan, the priests went ahead of them, carrying the Covenant Box. As soon as the priests stepped into the river, the water stopped flowing and piled up, far upstream at Adam, the city beside Zarethan. The flow downstream to the Dead Sea was completely cut off, and the people were able to cross over near Jericho.

How did Joshua know the exact day when to cross the Jordon, who was it who told him?

The Wall of Jericho is the oldest city wall discovered by archaeologists anywhere in the world, and it is built of undressed stones. Knowing from the scriptures, that people in those days who were under siege in a walled city surrounded by enemy troops, would dig a hole through the wall and attempt to escape in the darkness, or in the case of Jericho, remove a stone in the outer wall.

For forty years the Israelite shepherds with all their livestock wandered like nomads through the wilderness, having plenty of meat and dairy products, but not staying in one place long enough to plant and grow grain, and for their daily supply of carbo-hydrates, they relied on the manna that fell from the overshadowing Cloud of Debris trapped in the upper stratosphere, which cloud was caused by the explosion of the Island of Santorini.

It was for this reason that they always remained under the cloud, when the cloud remained stationary, they set up camp and remained in that campsite until the cloud began to drift. They would then break camp, loading their tent and all their gear onto their beasts of burden and follow the cloud until it remained stationary once again.

It was harvest time when they reached the Jordon which was in full flood, and yet they had crossed the river on dry ground; Joshua 5: 1; All the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings along the Mediterranean Sea heard that the LORD had dried up the Jordan until the people of Israel had crossed it. They became afraid and lost their courage because of the Israelites. It’s all in the timing and being foretold of the future events.

After they had crossed the Jordon on dry land, all the young men who had not been circumcised during the forty years of wandering were then circumcised at Gilgal and spent some days resting until their wounds healed. Joshua 5: 10-12; While the Israelites were camping at Gilgal on the plain near Jericho, they observed Passover on the evening (Which is the beginning) of the fourteenth day of the month. The next day was the first time they ate food grown in Canaan: roasted grain and bread made without yeast. The manna stopped falling then, and the Israelites no longer had any. From that time on they ate food grown in Canaan.

Did the cloud dissipate, or did the Israelites, now with grain grown in the land of their rightful inheritance then cease to follow it as it drifted further to the north east?

Then came the time for the conquest of Canaan, which land was the rightful inheritance of the descendants of Shem, as was allocated to Shem by his father Noah, (But that’s another story) and the conquest would begin with the city of Jericho. If the Amorite kings and the Canaanite kings along the Mediterranean Sea became afraid after they heard that the Lord had stopped the flow of the Jordon for the Israelites to cross, they would become terrified when they heard of the blood bath that occurred in the city of Jericho.

For six days, the Israelites marched around the city once a day, blowing their trumpets, before returning to their camps which were set up around the city, while the terrified inhabitants prepared their escape plans, wondering when the attack would come.

Then on the seventh day, things were different, instead of returning to camp after the first circuit, they continued a second circuit, then a third, and a fourth, a fifth, a sixth; Surely this was it?

Then at the close of the seventh circuit the trumpets sounded a blast that echoed across the plains, and the shouts of the entire Israelite camp could be heard for miles around. The terrified inhabitants in the houses built into the double walls, kicked out the stones they had loosened for their escape route, the structural integrity of the outer wall was compromised, and even the slightest of earth tremors would bring the walls crashing down, that is, except for the section of the wall with the red rope hanging from its window, in which house, Rahab, her parents, brothers, sisters and even her servants were secure in the knowledge that they would not be harmed, even though every man, woman, child and animal in the city would be butchered.
I thought about the fall of Jericho and “What a miracle that was,” a blast of the trumpets, a shout from the camp of Israel, and the walls of Jericho which had stood for hundreds of years collapsed, that is, except for the section of the outer wall from whose window, Rahab the prostitute had hung a red rope. Or was it a miracle?
Have you considered the historical evidence?
And ignored it, I presume?

A little something to keep your overactive brain occupied.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the sixth child born to Time (Kronos) and Space (Rhea), Time was his father and Space his mother. IMO, Zeus is the Godhead, the Most-High that was created on the sixth day, or the sixth period of universal activity, the sixth generation of the universe. Zeus, the sixth child born to Time and Space is called the father of Gods and men, the most high and powerful among mortals, whom all others obey.

His five siblings, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed by their father ’Time’ immediately after they were born. The five universal bodies, who were born to Time and Space prior to the sixth universal child, did not develop a mind, that is to say, a spiritual godhead to the universal body in which they were developing.

When Zeus was born, his mother ’Space’ hid him in a cave, a tunnel (A worm hole) and gave to her partner ‘Time,’ a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth, which he swallowed. The stone swallowed by Time was none other than the philosopher’s stone, the concealed stone of many colors, the single stone with seven facets, the mystic seed of transcendental life, which should invade, tinge, and wholly transmute, the imperfect self into spiritual gold.

The son of Zeus and his sister wife Demeter, is Dionysus who is equated with Osiris, The Platonists who believed the Greek myths, called Dionysus, the mind within us, our master, our indwelling ruler.”

Demeter was the sister wife of Zeus and mother of Dionysus [The firstborn son of Zeus and the successor to the throne of the spiritual godhead to the human race] whose body was torn to pieces by the Titans, then boiled in water before being roasted in fire; [The baptism of blood, water, and fire.

When Zeus had grown, it was by a cunning devise of Metis ‘which is divine wisdom,’ that Cronos (Time) was forced to bring up the five children or the previous five universal bodies that he had swallowed before they had developed a Supreme personality of godhead within them, but first of all, the seven faceted stone.

Those children who were swallowed by time, were the product of the first five creative days or periods of universal activity, (The first five generations of the universe.) Osiris like Adam was the first man to be mummified and Osiris is the god of the first of the five new made days.

Osiris/Adam, the first man to be mummified, was created by “The Son of Man,” who was born at the close of the 6th generation, who was ‘the Lord to the glory of ‘EL’ the creator.

Budge—Book of the Dead, p. 627, “O Osiris, son of Nut (Primeval matter), I have given unto thee the Sovereignty of thy father Seb (Time), and the goddess Mut (Space), thy mother, (Lord of Space and Time) who gave birth to the gods, brought you forth as the first born of five gods, and created thy beauties and fashioned thy members.”

Isis, the sister wife to Osiris, was the most popular goddess from the time of Psamtik 1 (663-610 B.C) till the coming of Christianity, her cult appealed to the Greeks and Romans alike and when Egypt came under Roman rule, her cult spread through much of Europe. By the time of Jesus, the chief center of her worship was in Rome. Isis is commonly depicted with Horus the child (Harpocrates) on her lap, and today, it is impossible for the average punter to distinguish between the late pagan and early Christian figures of the mother and child, it’s almost as though the old Pagan Queen was stripped of her old garments and clothed with the new covering of Christianity.

It has been said in the Pseudepigrapha of the Hebrew scriptures, that it was (Jah-el) Lord to the glory of ‘EL’ the creator, who is thought by some to have been born at the close of the sixth day, who, in the beginning of the seventh day, on a barren earth, with the seeds of the previous age still in the earth, planted a garden. It would appear that this Lord to the glory of the creator did not have the ability to create from point zero.

If viable seeds from the sixth day could survive in the barren earth of the seventh day, perhaps frozen genetic material of mankind from the previous age could have also survived, also frozen genetic material of the animals.

Just something to think about.
From the book of Sirach, which is to be found in the Apocrypha of the Old Testament, coupled together with the book of Job, a number of the Psalms, Parables, Ecclesiastes, and the Wisdom of Solomon, all belong to the Hogmah or Wisdom Literature of the Hebrews, ‘Mashal’ means Similitude, parable, or proverb.----- In the book of Sirach, R, H, Charles translation chapter 47 verse 17, it is written concerning Solomon, “By thy SONGS, PARABLES,, DARK SPEECHS, and SATIRES, thou didst cause astonishment to the peoples etc.”

Thus says the SATIRIST Solomon; ECCLESIASTES 9: 2-6; The same fate comes to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the bad, to those who are religious and those who are not, to those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. A good person is no better off than a sinner; one who takes an oath is no better off than one who does not. One fate comes to all alike, and this is as wrong as anything that happens in this world. As long as people live, their minds are full of evil and madness, and suddenly they die. But anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion. Yes, the living know they are going to die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward; they are COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN. Their loves, their hates, their passions, all died with them. THEY WILL NEVER AGAIN TAKE PART IN ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THIS WORLD.

Solomon wrote four books and Solomon’s songs are found in his book, ‘SONG OF SONGS,’ his parables are found in his book of ‘PROVERBS’, his dark speeches are in the ‘WISDOM OF SOLOMON’ and who can read the negative and even depressing words from the book of ‘Ecclesiastes without realizing that here is the ‘SATRICAL’ work of Solomon, aimed at those people, who believed in neither life after death, or the resurrection from the dead.

BTW, Jesus was never in heaven until after his life and death on earth.

Hebrews 5: 7-10; In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was “A” Son of God, (As are all Jews see Psalms 82.) he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.
You didn't really answer my questions or address my points.

In addition:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3, NIV)

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. ( Colossians 1:15-18)

So Jesus created heaven but He never set foot in it. Doesn't make any sense to me. Please answer my previous questions as well. Solomon wasn't the only one who said something that didn't agree with your belief about Enoch.
A little something to keep your overactive brain occupied.
What relevance is Greek mythology to the question of Jericho?

Tell es-Sultan is generally believed to be the biblical Jericho. Excavations show the destruction occurred during a well-attested Egyptian campaign some time during the 15th-14th century BCE. A long time before Joshua's conquest.

Stuff like archeological digs, material evidence, carbon dating, etc. Science stuff.
You didn't really answer my questions or address my points.

In addition:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3, NIV)

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. ( Colossians 1:15-18)

So Jesus created heaven but He never set foot in it. Doesn't make any sense to me. Please answer my previous questions as well. Solomon wasn't the only one who said something that didn't agree with your belief about Enoch.

The 'MAN' Jesus Jesus didn't create anything and nowhere is it said in scripture that the WORD is Jesus. All things were made through GOD, by GOD and for GOD.

And that Jesus was not an immortal god who became a man is made explicitly clear in Acts, 17: 31, where it is written, “For He, (The Lord ‘I AM’) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a 'MAN' He has 'CHOSEN'. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that 'MAN' from death!.”

Who was the man that the God of Abraham raised from death moralorel, the MAN of who it is said in Acts 3;13; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus.
The 'MAN' Jesus Jesus didn't create anything and nowhere is it said in scripture that the WORD is Jesus. All things were made through GOD, by GOD and for GOD.

And that Jesus was not an immortal god who became a man is made explicitly clear in Acts, 17: 31, where it is written, “For He, (The Lord ‘I AM’) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a 'MAN' He has 'CHOSEN'. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that 'MAN' from death!.”

Who was the man that the God of Abraham raised from death moralorel, the MAN of who it is said in Acts 3;13; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus.

It was 'I AM' the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who said to Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; "I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put MY WORDS in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command, and whosoever will not heed MY WORDS, which he shall speak in MY NAME, I will surely punish, etc.”

He shall speak to the Israelites all that God COMMANDED him to say . Jesus was the earthly temple that was filled with the spirit of our lord God and saviour and it was He who commanded Jesus to say; 'Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.

They were the words that Jesus was commanded to say by “I AM,” who raised the body of Jesus, the earthly temple, which had been filled with his spirit.

Acts 5: 30; The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hanged on a tree.

Acts 13: 30; But God raised him from the dead: and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee, etc.

1st Corinthians 6: 14; And God has both raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power.

2nd Corinthians 1: 9; But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.

2nd Corinthians 4: 14; knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.

Acts 17: 31; For He (The Lord God our saviour) has fixed a day in which he shall judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death.

And it was 'I AM' who commanded his servant Jesus to say; ' Before Abraham was, 'I AM'.
The 'MAN' Jesus Jesus didn't create anything and nowhere is it said in scripture that the WORD is Jesus. All things were made through GOD, by GOD and for GOD.

And that Jesus was not an immortal god who became a man is made explicitly clear in Acts, 17: 31, where it is written, “For He, (The Lord ‘I AM’) has fixed a day in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a 'MAN' He has 'CHOSEN'. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that 'MAN' from death!.”

Who was the man that the God of Abraham raised from death moralorel, the MAN of who it is said in Acts 3;13; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus.
Soooooo when the Word became flesh... who was the Word?
What relevance is Greek mythology to the question of Jericho?

Tell es-Sultan is generally believed to be the biblical Jericho. Excavations show the destruction occurred during a well-attested Egyptian campaign some time during the 15th-14th century BCE. A long time before Joshua's conquest.

Stuff like archeological digs, material evidence, carbon dating, etc. Science stuff.

Kathleen Kenyon, a most respected archaeologist dug at Jericho over the seasons between 1952 to 1958, her results were confirmed in 1995 by radiocarbon tests, which dated the destruction of Jericho to 1562 BC (Plus/minus 38 years) with a certainty of 95%.