
*mod hat*

No, I told you the truth about our moderation policies.

Let me put it this way: No establishing of teacher-student / mentor-mentee / guru-chela / counselor-counselee / ... relationships here.

Forming friendships is fine. "Let me tell you how to run your life" however, is not.

*tosses mod hat in the corner*

I never told anyone how to run their life. Solving eachothers problems is what friends do. Your insistence that I'm converting anyone or finding students when I told you it's friendship makes you once again a liar, since you are lying about me. The mear insinuation that I'm a fake guru is extremely violating of my values so that I'll conclude this discussion now as I have no desire to engage further.
Nope, your wrong. We all have problems. To imagine you don't is insane. I would never apologize for being right.
Nope. You are. The word problems has a particular connotation. If that connotation was not your intention -- you should explain and correct. Just 'sorry I didn't mean it that way' would end the issue?
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Nope. You are. The word problems has a particular connotation. If that connotation was not your intention -- you should explain and correct. Just 'sorry I didn't mean it that way' would end the issue?

You really like getting people to say sorry, huh? Who cares about connotations? Words have MEANING, so there you have the definition of problems, read it and understand we all have problems. Like in the example given by the dictionary there: I personally have financial problems, maybe you are well off in that department and money isn't a problem for you, but I'm sure you have other things that are bothering you, you seem far from perfect, which is what you're claiming to be by implying that you have no problems since problems are offenses and personal attacks in your wrong oppinion since it [your oppinion] lacked understanding of the meaning of the word problems, so you relied on connotations (which are inexact.)
You really like getting people to say sorry, huh? Who cares about connotations? Words have MEANING, so there you have the definition of problems, read it and understand we all have problems. Like in the example given by the dictionary there: I personally have financial problems, maybe you are well off in that department and money isn't a problem for you, but I'm sure you have other things that are bothering you, you seem far from perfect, which is what you're claiming to be by implying that you have no problems since problems are offenses and personal attacks in your wrong oppinion since it [your oppinion] lacked understanding of the meaning of the word problems, so you relied on connotations (which are inexact.)
Biggest load of crap out, imo. You may think you're a mentalist but you know zero about me. Look to your own problems. You have a lot of words.
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Biggest load of crap out, imo. You may think you're a mentalist but you know zero about me. Look to your own problems. You have a lot of words.

I know more about you than you think. You don't like a lot of words, you're the guy who says "can you dumb it down?" "Whats this folk here with all his words talking about, we don't do that around here and we don't take to his kind." I rather stay out of your sight before you kill me (ban me.) Also if you can't explain to others in words why they are wrong why even try to argue? Resorting to insults like 'what a load of crap' roasting me in public by saying I'm full of shit is always what your type does.
Making friends are we?

Here to make a good friend (or two?) Seeking knowledge
Like a bull in a china shop?

I rather stay out of your sight before you kill me (ban me.)
Has poking the bear worked for you in other forums?

Around here most raise their hand and asked to be banned...even after 3 warnings! So unless you need to go to the bathroom, put your hand down!

In general responses like the previous one are indicators of a bad fit. Take a gander at our code of conduct.
"kill", "crucify", "ask for my head" - nobody is threatening you existentially here, @Francisco Gonzalez. You must be thinking of another forum.
"kill", "crucify", "ask for my head" - nobody is threatening you existentially here, @Francisco Gonzalez. You must be thinking of another forum.

Archetypes are universal so they can be projected onto any time and place. Maybe here it's civil, but what if we were hungry, in a bad situation, angry, or lost in a desert? Banning someone is a an archetypal form of killing someone since you are eliminating their existence from your sight by force.
Archetypes are universal so they can be projected onto any time and place. Maybe here it's civil, but what if we were hungry, in a bad situation, angry, or lost in a desert? Banning someone is a an archetypal form of killing someone since you are eliminating their existence from your sight by force.

And entering an online forum is an archetypal form of being born, because you had no existence before you entered our sight?

Do you really believe that?
And entering an online forum is an archetypal form of being born, because you had no existence before you entered our sight?

Do you really believe that?

No, entering a forum is an archetypal form of entering a room full of people which is why forums have a section called a Lounge which is a reception but also has seats and entertainment.
Oh the victim...

Nah... You continue on this path of your choice I will hand it to you as the screen door...

And there it is! Like clockwork. With grammatical errors as expected of you. And some of my posts aren't available to visitors so that the conversation is being manipulated.
And there it is! Like clockwork. With grammatical errors as expected of you. And some of my posts aren't available to visitors so that the conversation is being manipulated.
So this happens often enough to you that you blame.us?

Grammatical errors, and punctuation.too!

A few strokes leaving vision and dexterity issues and a lack of concern on my part causes that.

Is it wrong for me to chuckle at your response?

I really should not waste my time explaining that this is our sandbox and we decide how to play right and how to enforce our level of decorum.

How is your sandbox doing? If you have not.the time or inclination to form your own...ya gotta follow.the code...or...

Choices...each post either leads you toward camaraderie, conversation, interaction.... Or closer to you blaming us for all your foibles...
Nope, your wrong. We all have problems. To imagine you don't is insane. I would never apologize for being right.

Don't apologize. I understand where you're coming from and you're correct.

@RJM, I appreciate you standing up for me. I don't think anyone's ever done that before. Definitely never someone in a position of authority.
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Biggest load of crap out, imo. You may think you're a mentalist but you know zero about me. Look to your own problems. You have a lot of words.

It's interesting to see someone apply cold reading techniques and Barnum statements over a purely digital medium, although probably not very appropriate here.
It's interesting to see someone apply cold reading techniques and Barnum statements over a purely digital medium, although probably not very appropriate here.

Here's the funny thing...I know absolutely everything about him. Even the 'little' secrets he thinks NO ONE knows. I've analyzed that brain in and out and know every crevice and space. Like yours too Ella. I was expecting a little more...just more of you. But you're fine, I still like you. Mmm, but no, it probably won't be.
Here's the funny thing...I know absolutely everything about him. Even the 'little' secrets he thinks NO ONE knows. I've analyzed that brain in and out and know every crevice and space. Like yours too Ella.

I'm almost certain that you are mistaken on these points. You are using rudimentary mentalist techniques. They don't automatically grant you omniscience.

Real psychologists take half a year to get to know their clients personally before they can diagnose them, even with illnesses that it might seem they "obviously" have. The ones who think they can diagnose clients quicker than that are almost always misdiagnosing.

You certainly can't know everyone's secrets just by reading their posts on a forum. You can probably tell more about them than they'd like you to but that's not quite the same thing.

I was expecting a little more...just more of you. But you're fine, I still like you. Mmm, but no, it probably won't be.

I am indifferent toward you, although I appreciate the free reading.