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Evening all,

I'm new here, for as long as I can remember I've always felt a connection with "God" I know there is something there. I'm quite methodical and like to get things "right" if you like, perhaps that isn't the best way to put it but I hope you know what I mean.

I've always felt extremely conflicted about the correct way to give myself to God or the power I know exists, as of right now I would probably best call myself a Christian, but even then I feel like a lost sheep. I have looked into various different theologies I have also looked into Islam.

I suppose I am just writing this for some guidance, a sign I might read between your replies, something to set my compass and help me navigate my feelings.

Maybe this is the wrong place to come to? But something lead me here.

I look forward to talking to you all and learning more as each day passes
First, can you describe your connection with God?

Second, can you give us which qualities you're comfortable attributing to God and explain why you attribute them to God?

Third, can you define what it means to you to give yourself to this power?

Fourth, can you tell us why you want to give yourself to this power and, perhaps, what you might be particularly opposed to in this pursuit?

I don't think you even necessarily need to tell us these things. I think introspecting on them might help you find your own answers without us but I'm happy to discuss them with you. Just know that none of us can give you the uncontroversial truth.
Firstly the connection I can't really explain....I just feel ...if that makes sense?

Qualities? Hmmm...I'm not really sure I mean I suppose the feeling I get is a feeling of understanding a feeling that allows me to feel it's existence therefore must want me to have a relationship with it
Thirdly give myself to this in a sense of submitting and serving it, I'm just not sure how to

Fourth, I guess it's something I feel I need to or must do as it's been a constant in my life this feeling of a God watching over me, constantly finding myself asking it to accept me and show me the way for no real reason other than I feel it's almost a calling ...I guess? Without trying to sound too corny?

I understand you guys can't say yes no or maybe or whatever but it would just be cool to get.soke perspective and opinions

First, can you describe your connection with God?

Second, can you give us which qualities you're comfortable attributing to God and explain why you attribute them to God?

Third, can you define what it means to you to give yourself to this power?

Fourth, can you tell us why you want to give yourself to this power and, perhaps, what you might be particularly opposed to in this pursuit?

I don't think you even necessarily need to tell us these things. I think introspecting on them might help you find your own answers without us but I'm happy to discuss them with you. Just know that none of us can give you the uncontroversial truth.
Firstly the connection I can't really explain....I just feel ...if that makes sense?

It does.

Qualities? Hmmm...I'm not really sure I mean I suppose the feeling I get is a feeling of understanding a feeling that allows me to feel it's existence therefore must want me to have a relationship with it

Do you feel that it understands you and is reaching out to you?

Thirdly give myself to this in a sense of submitting and serving it, I'm just not sure how to

Fourth, I guess it's something I feel I need to or must do as it's been a constant in my life this feeling of a God watching over me, constantly finding myself asking it to accept me and show me the way for no real reason other than I feel it's almost a calling ...I guess? Without trying to sound too corny?

I don't think that's corny at all. I hope you find the answers you're looking for.

I understand you guys can't say yes no or maybe or whatever but it would just be cool to get.soke perspective and opinions

I could tell you what I "believe" but I'm not sure that would be very useful to you, honestly. It sounds like you're at the beginning of what could become a very long and very personal journey to me.
Evening all,

I'm new here, for as long as I can remember I've always felt a connection with "God" I know there is something there. I'm quite methodical and like to get things "right" if you like, perhaps that isn't the best way to put it but I hope you know what I mean.

I've always felt extremely conflicted about the correct way to give myself to God or the power I know exists, as of right now I would probably best call myself a Christian, but even then I feel like a lost sheep. I have looked into various different theologies I have also looked into Islam.

I suppose I am just writing this for some guidance, a sign I might read between your replies, something to set my compass and help me navigate my feelings.

Maybe this is the wrong place to come to? But something lead me here.

I look forward to talking to you all and learning more as each day passes
There is absolutely no evidence of some external, quasi-internal, mystical, what-have-you deity/god . . . there is, however, plenty of evidence that through evolutionary processes this illusion of a god/thing has taken place. Our ability to experience something spiritual or mystical is the result of a specific hereditary gene called 2 (VMAT2) that releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, and GABA which all create this God Illusion within some of us.

This neural pathway is reinforced by religious indoctrination, thus making the delusion stronger and more permanent. Combined with psychological tools such as Shame, Guilt, Punishment, and Reward religion anchors itself into the psyche, and what is nothing more than a genetic illusion becomes a religious delusion.

Fortunately, this gene is not passed down to everyone, and when it is, the neural pathway can be suppressed and defeated by not indoctrinating the brain at a very young age (e.g. religious rituals, schooling, etc.) and through critical religious thinking which is why more and more people are Atheists.

Another possibility, and one that also has validity, though not much, is that we all possess a Higher Self, a Godself, or our isolate conscious awareness, soul, psyche, etc., and THAT is what Man has confused with there being some kind of All/Absolute/God etc.
It does.

Do you feel that it understands you and is reaching out to you?

I don't think that's corny at all. I hope you find the answers you're looking for.

I could tell you what I "believe" but I'm not sure that would be very useful to you, honestly. It sounds like you're at the beginning of what could become a very long and very personal journey to me.

Its strange because it feels like the begining but I also feel like I've been at the beginning for the last 15 or so years.

You can tell me what you believe if you like, I'm interested to hear what you have to say.

Regarding it reaching out to me, it's more me reaching out, asking forgiveness that I'm not living my life for God or I'm not sure the correct way to give praise.
Its strange because it feels like the begining but I also feel like I've been at the beginning for the last 15 or so years.

You can tell me what you believe if you like, I'm interested to hear what you have to say.

Regarding it reaching out to me, it's more me reaching out, asking forgiveness that I'm not living my life for God or I'm not sure the correct way to give praise.

I think that, if there is a Creator God or some sort of being that watches over and sustains our existence, then they leave their fingerprint in nature. We can come to understand them directly through the clues they left for us to observe. We don't need to put our trust in some ancient scripture or organization to understand this being.

To that end, such a God probably just wants us to be healthy and happy. I think that's enough. We see this desire arise from the genetic structures we've been bestowed by the hand of nature; our adaptations formed over the years to help our species survive and thrive.

Although, to tell you the truth, I don't believe in the existence of a higher power or the supernatural.
I've always felt extremely conflicted about the correct way to give myself to God or the power I know exists, as of right now I would probably best call myself a Christian, but even then I feel like a lost sheep. I have looked into various different theologies I have also looked into Islam.

Welcome to the forums, and thank you for introducing yourself. I hope you will enjoy this place.

What is the nature of the conflict you feel about the correct way to give yourself to God? Is it about getting everything just right, about the last few centimeters to perfection? What, on the other hand, would be totally, utterly incorrect for you?
Welcome to the forums, and thank you for introducing yourself. I hope you will enjoy this place.

What is the nature of the conflict you feel about the correct way to give yourself to God? Is it about getting everything just right, about the last few centimeters to perfection? What, on the other hand, would be totally, utterly incorrect for you?
I suppose it's through lack of knowledge, for instance I don't want to go in whole heartedly praising God in a way that might offend him.
example being, I was Catholic for some time, but I felt too many contradictions, Idolatry, worship of things other than God (Mary and so on, as much as Catholics will say they don't worship Mary)

so I suppose, I don't want to commit my life to Jesus, if Muhammad had wisdom and teachings that were true for i'd be ignoring them, likewise following the teachings of Muhammad if there are texts or things that specifically say there is no others after.

or indeed breaking laws set by God in the OT and following Jesus or anything post OT - the old traditions may be the correct way?

I hope this make sense I know it's a bit of a ramble but I suppose at the core of it I'm worried about dedicating myself that is incorrect - I guess that's where faith comes into it?
Welcome :)

I believe God knows the heart and responds to the sincere and humble soul, regardless of time, place or religion. Perhaps instead just give it all up into God's hands and let God take over completely?

"Lord, this is too much for me. I can't do this. It's over to you."

Perhaps God doesn't want you to VOW yourself to any particular religion, which it then becomes a sin to leave, if you change your mind. All the religions and uniforms and rituals, all believing God favours their own particular 'God club' -- and all attacking one another's beliefs as false and bound for hell

It might be interesting visiting different religious temples and houses of worship, reading their scriptures, but strongly resisting letting anyone convert you to take their vows -- because they all will surely try to 'win your soul'

What do they know?

God knows your heart. God's angels will guide you from where you are, imo

My 10c worth, lol ...
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I believe God knows the heart and responds to the sincere and humble soul, regardless of time, place or religion..
So do I. It is all about sincerity.

Perhaps God doesn't want you to VOW yourself to any particular religion, which it then becomes a sin to leave, if you change your mind. All the religions and uniforms and rituals, all believing God favours their own particular 'God club' -- and all attacking one another's beliefs as false and bound for hell..
Religious belief should not be a matter of force .. it is a personal decision.
G-d has given us hearts and minds .. nobody can enforce their belief onto our hearts .. only our tongues, perhaps.

Whatever G-d enjoins on us, it is a blessing .. if we don't want any blessings, it is our loss.
G-d has no need of our worship .. it is mankind who are in need.
Social interaction is an important part of life, and who we mix with is important.

There is nothing stopping us attending multiple conregations, but our beliefs remain a personal thing.
So do I. It is all about sincerity.

Religious belief should not be a matter of force .. it is a personal decision.
G-d has given us hearts and minds .. nobody can enforce their belief onto our hearts .. only our tongues, perhaps.

Whatever G-d enjoins on us, it is a blessing .. if we don't want any blessings, it is our loss.
G-d has no need of our worship .. it is mankind who are in need.
Social interaction is an important part of life, and who we mix with is important.

There is nothing stopping us attending multiple conregations, but our beliefs remain a personal thing.
Thank you! I totally get this, it's difficult for me to explain but I think it's more, I know for sure God/Allah/a higher being exists, I'm certain they are 1, I just feel a deep need to give thanks to them and worship them. I suppose it's a matter of wanting to follow a set of traditions to do this, as I feel like sometimes just doing things off my own back, i.e, praying in a certain way, my just be, not wrong, but misguided and I want to expand my critical thinking when reading texts or listening to a service so that I can make sure all thanks I give are proper.

people say following a structured religion isn't important and so on, and to a degree, I agree, but I do also find that the traditions and teachings passed down in different faiths are extremely powerful in compounding you beliefs and reassuring you that you are worshipping correctly.

for instance one of the things I admire so much about Islam and muslims is the traditions you follow so rigidly. but then there is also a saying faith is in the heart not in the knees, so I can see both sides to the argument, I guess I just need to learn to interpret my feelings better, but also taking advise from people with more knowledge on such things is also a positive thing to do.
for instance I don't want to go in whole heartedly praising God in a way that might offend him

Maybe I have no business saying this, as I have no gods or God, but have you considered that to imagine God to be easily offended by sincere prayer, for formal reasons, is basically to create a (false) image of God and worshipping it?

Recently, we had a thread around here about which form of prayer we could all agree with, from our various traditions and world-views, and one good candidate was, silence. I think you will find that some form of silent contemplation or prayer is completely un-offensive.
people say following a structured religion isn't important and so on, and to a degree, I agree, but I do also find that the traditions and teachings passed down in different faiths are extremely powerful in compounding you beliefs and reassuring you that you are worshipping correctly.

For any practice, religious or spiritual or secular, it is true that 5 minutes per day of actually doing it beats decades of fantasizing about it.
Evening all,

I'm new here, for as long as I can remember I've always felt a connection with "God" I know there is something there. I'm quite methodical and like to get things "right" if you like, perhaps that isn't the best way to put it but I hope you know what I mean.

I've always felt extremely conflicted about the correct way to give myself to God or the power I know exists, as of right now I would probably best call myself a Christian, but even then I feel like a lost sheep. I have looked into various different theologies I have also looked into Islam.

I suppose I am just writing this for some guidance, a sign I might read between your replies, something to set my compass and help me navigate my feelings.

Maybe this is the wrong place to come to? But something lead me here.

I look forward to talking to you all and learning more as each day passes

I don't have anything especially profound to add, simply that I can very much relate to this sentiment. I recently left the Christian faith (though I am still highly influenced by Catholic values), but consider myself firmly monotheistic. What has guided me so far is simple prayer and research into the various faiths/belief systems that believe in God. Coming from Anglo-Catholicism, which strongly values correct theology, defined kinds of prayer, etc. I have found it very liberating and helpful simply to say 'Hey God' and go from there in prayer. Maybe that might help you? I'm the same as you, I want to do things RIGHT (and I also "know" that there has to be something or someone out there); but I figure through prayer and research, if God has a way He wants to be worshipped or seen, He will guide me. Maybe the same way of thinking might help guide you?
There is absolutely no evidence of some external, quasi-internal, mystical, what-have-you deity/god . . . there is, however, plenty of evidence that through evolutionary processes this illusion of a god/thing has taken place. Our ability to experience something spiritual or mystical is the result of a specific hereditary gene called 2 (VMAT2) that releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, and GABA which all create this God Illusion within some of us.

This neural pathway is reinforced by religious indoctrination, thus making the delusion stronger and more permanent. Combined with psychological tools such as Shame, Guilt, Punishment, and Reward religion anchors itself into the psyche, and what is nothing more than a genetic illusion becomes a religious delusion.

Fortunately, this gene is not passed down to everyone, and when it is, the neural pathway can be suppressed and defeated by not indoctrinating the brain at a very young age (e.g. religious rituals, schooling, etc.) and through critical religious thinking which is why more and more people are Atheists.

Another possibility, and one that also has validity, though not much, is that we all possess a Higher Self, a Godself, or our isolate conscious awareness, soul, psyche, etc., and THAT is what Man has confused with there being some kind of All/Absolute/God etc.

Yikes, don't you think this is a condescending and limiting view of religion? I was 'indoctrinated' into atheism, the same way anyone is 'indoctrinated' into religion. I was raised without religion and came into it later, partly because of its intellectual appeal to me, not because I was brainwashed. 'Critical religious thinking' made me devout, not atheistic. Religion is integral to human experience and has influenced every aspect of our culture, including literature, art, film, etc. for the better, not the worse.
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The great religions all seem to teach that man's happiness is not found in material attachment. Sometimes it's hard. God knows the heart and soul?
I don't have anything especially profound to add, simply that I can very much relate to this sentiment. I recently left the Christian faith (though I am still highly influenced by Catholic values), but consider myself firmly monotheistic. What has guided me so far is simple prayer and research into the various faiths/belief systems that believe in God. Coming from Anglo-Catholicism, which strongly values correct theology, defined kinds of prayer, etc. I have found it very liberating and helpful simply to say 'Hey God' and go from there in prayer. Maybe that might help you? I'm the same as you, I want to do things RIGHT (and I also "know" that there has to be something or someone out there); but I figure through prayer and research, if God has a way He wants to be worshipped or seen, He will guide me. Maybe the same way of thinking might help guide you?
I can totally relate to this, I loved the uniform rigidity of Catholicism but I always felt really guilty when praying to God knowing that some Catholic practices (in my opinion) broke his direct instructions, which I guess is why I've always stressed myself to get it 'right' ....I think prayer and research is powerful but you have to be wary of anything trying to mislead you on your way too I suppose. I'd love for a group or a religion to say this is what we do this is why we do it here is the scriptures that tell us why we do it and for it to all add up so I go..."this feels right" ...still waiting