Is There a Need for Interfaith Forums?

would be interested as to how many spam members you get here. Sometimes they get to put up a couple of unwanted posts before I get to them.
@StevePame the last admin set up good spam filters, and new members also have to be manually approved., but still slip through the cracks. Steve does check in and will respond to a PM from you, although not at once.
Is there a need? I don't think so. But a use, a purpose, most definitely. Above all else, there is potential, who knows what tomorrow will want and who could satisfy this?
Of the posts in which I have been involved, those that inform and sometimes entertain and even on occasion offer a feeling of belonging, have always outnumbered those that infuriate. On that basis, I hope to see this forum in existence for many more years and hopefully thriving too.
I am gonna miss names.... but the braintrust we have here (to me) is incredible.

Thomas, RJ, NJ, SG, 123, ACOT, phyllis Rabbi, Cino, Craz, Tony, Aup, arthra, ahanu...and more.

There is no place I can go to get a plethora of valued opinions and thoughts...I do not agree.with you all on all things...but i do rspect your opinions and insights. And love when you push me back on the tracks.

Then add the newbies who have come in in the past year...asking questions, getting answers and sharing deep thought... is there anyone here who hasn't been touched byba post or sent down a rabbit hole?

And then the departed...whether from the site, or the planet old friends I have never met whose words are.still in the words I find falling from my lips as my own.

This site and its discussion has had an impact on me and those who encounter me...

I thank and appreciate you all.
I’m sorry, no amount of buttering us up will get you a larger allowance nor will we let you stay up after eleven.
The Bahai Answer Forum has 5 members and the fees are due. All we get as new members are spammers

I can see how this could easily get lost when you have an Ocean of information we all drool over.
I’m sorry, no amount of buttering us up will get you a larger allowance nor will we let you stay up after eleven.
If it is open for negotiation I will take double desserts and sleeping till 11.
I am gonna miss names.... but the braintrust we have here (to me) is incredible.

Thomas, RJ, NJ, SG, 123, ACOT, phyllis Rabbi, Cino, Craz, Tony, Aup, arthra, ahanu...and more.

There is no place I can go to get a plethora of valued opinions and thoughts...I do not agree with you all on all things...but i do rspect your opinions and insights. And love when you push me back on the tracks.

Then add the newbies who have come in in the past year...asking questions, getting answers and sharing deep thought... is there anyone here who hasn't been touched byba post or sent down a rabbit hole?

And then the departed...whether from the site, or the planet old friends I have never met whose words are still in the words I find falling from my lips as my own.

This site and its discussion has had an impact on me and those who encounter me...

I thank and appreciate you all.
And we all know it's really @wil who keeps IO alive, imo
What are our stats?

Not compared to pornhub or prankvideo sites...or even tiddlywinkntourneys...

But just numbers...clicks per day? Avg time spent by users on site. Unique clicks per day? New members last year. Number of active members per month posting vs checking in?

Again these would be of interest to me..bit would not change my opinion....we are useful imo.

Frankly if it were only five members...pick any 5 out of the top 25 members who posted any month in the past 10 years....and i would stay in that group chat and i would gladly continue to bounce thoughts, ideas, jokes around with them for the next decade.
This stuff is all probably available, although mostly far beyond my IT expertise:


There are also simple usage stats:

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Or have we reached the end of the road?
I just joined. I think there's a good need for it. Do you remember how Beliefnet used to be? It has changed tremendously and I still miss what it used to be. I have been aware of this site (Interfaith) for awhile but I don't know if I wasn't aware of the forum, or if maybe I did join at some point in the distant past and lost track of it. I'm almost wishing I could go back in time and join earlier and stay connected. I think it's a good idea. What caused this question? Do you have fewer people posting than in the past?
I am gonna miss names.... but the braintrust we have here (to me) is incredible.

Thomas, RJ, NJ, SG, 123, ACOT, phyllis Rabbi, Cino, Craz, Tony, Aup, arthra, ahanu...and more.

There is no place I can go to get a plethora of valued opinions and thoughts ... I do not agree with you all on all things...but i do respect your opinions and insights. And love when you push me back on the tracks.

Then add the newbies who have come in in the past year ... asking questions, getting answers and sharing deep thought... is there anyone here who hasn't been touched by a post or sent down a rabbit hole?

And then the departed...whether from the site, or the planet old friends I have never met whose words are still in the words I find falling from my lips as my own.

This site and its discussion has had an impact on me and those who encounter me...

I thank and appreciate you all.
From a brand new newbie: Beautiful comment. :)
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I wanna put in $$$ for the next decade!

I may not be around in 2025, but I don't want the question of it lapsing come up again then.
There's a typo. The renewal came up at the end of August 2022, not 2023. It's been renewed until 2025. But it's a package, like a contract, so it cannot be renewed or extended now until about two months before the expiry in 2025. So we'll have to see what happens then.
I'm just seeing this, @RJM. I'm glad you decided to renew.

I'm not all that active here, but this forum has a level of maturity and tolerance that other forums surrounding religion and spirituality do not, and I find that refreshing when I visit.

Thank you for deciding to stick around for a few more years.
I'm just seeing this, @RJM. I'm glad you decided to renew.

I'm not all that active here, but this forum has a level of maturity and tolerance that other forums surrounding religion and spirituality do not, and I find that refreshing when I visit.

Thank you for deciding to stick around for a few more years.
I agree with you. It feels like in this forum religion and spirituality gets the respect it deserves and different opinions are treated with respect and a constructive tolerance which is great compared to other forums that don't even have that much deeper religious discussions.
I agree with you. It feels like in this forum religion and spirituality gets the respect it deserves and different opinions are treated with respect and a constructive tolerance which is great compared to other forums that don't even have that much deeper religious discussions.
Always appreciated!

We that live here think the house is a mess, there is cleanup, dusting off, repairs undone and some others just aren't doing their share to straighten stuff up!
Or have we reached the end of the road?
I know for me it has been quite pleasant to find a place where there are so many open minds, so few trolls, and the moderators stick to their rules and don't rely on their own partiality. This is the only forum I visit anymore. So this place is definitely needed. I'm thankful for all the hard work that the moderators put into this place.