WHO rules the world?

Nicholas Weeks

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Dr Malone points out the flaws in WHO leader's decision:


In a move that is sure to trigger widespread discussion concerning the independence, objectivity and wisdom of granting authority to the WHO to manage global infectious diseases responses, the monkeypox outbreak has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization.
Yesh ...the conservatrive-libertarian Brownstone Org is one of those outfits with dubious credibility ... Monkeypox is creating concern because of the instances among the LGBTQ communities ... but that's not an excuse to stigmatise of create a false narrative.

Anyone can get it, and it's most likely not transmitted through sexual contact.
But is it a global red level pandemic emergency?
Or is it pandering to the increasingly strident and irrational demands of the LBGTQ+ lobby to force their minority values upon society at large?
Or is it pandering to the increasingly strident and irrational demands of the LBGTQ+ lobby to force their minority values upon society at large?
Is that not what every minority group does?

Note.... I prefer the WHO or even illuminati rule the world over the crackpots that decry them.
Is that not what every minority group does?.
Absolutely not.
Note.... I prefer the WHO or even illuminati rule the world over the crackpots that decry them.
He over ruled his own majority of experts. Not a good look

Anyway ...
I find myself echoing Wil.

We have #MeToo, we have #BlackLivesMatter, we have #LGBTQ and so on ... what we have are voices now being heard who were surreptitiously denied before.

And what we also have is outrage that such voices are being heard, so there are attempts to demonise and drive back into the shadows, or the closet, or wherever.

As ever, Social Media is a major factor, and the nature of the beast means that there will always be those on either side who seek to 'grandstand' and, rather than engage in dialogue, simply ridicule and harangue the other ... a contributing element of social media dialogue is not arguing your point, but rather just ridiculing and infuriating the opposition who are only trying to defend theirs ... or both sides just winding each other up with outrageous statements ...

So yeah, OK, maybe some of the voices are strident and irrational ... but sheesh, the 'mainstream' can hardly claim to hold the reasonable ground!
but sheesh, the 'mainstream' can hardly claim to hold the reasonable ground!
The biggest fear of the oppressors is if the oppressed gain equality or majority and will treat them as they have been for centuries....so we demean, put down and maintain our separation to hold onto our majority and feelings of superiority....so says the white american hetero cis gender male who is fully aware of his privilige....and a tad ashamed all he does to rectify the situation is expose and counter by writing
Oh so it has the same homophobes up in arms again...lol... I see.

The discussion is around the director of the WHO going against the advice of his own experts to declare monkeypox a global emergency. And the question is would the same decision have been taken if it was not perceived as pressure from the LQTGB+ lobby to 'do the right thing'?

@wil The article you have just posted says:

" Contrary to COVID-19, monkeypox is a DNA virus. Thus, Murphy predicts that the outbreak is unlikely to reach epidemic or pandemic status. “...Infectious disease people like myself are calling it an outbreak; it’s not an epidemic, and it’s very unlikely to become one,” Murphy stated. “It’s a DNA virus, they don’t mutate like these RNA viruses, so you’re not expecting this to turn into something like HIV or COVID-19.”

It's the tactic for the woke lobby to try to silence and cancel anyone who disagrees or even tries to debate with them with accusations of homophobia or transphobia, etc.
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All will follow & comply with medical "experts". Here is the evidence on how to get us to obey:


There are literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies on vaccine hesitancy and how the government can overcome it. In sum, there are over 6,000 such studies on Pubmed. A more narrowly focused search on endnote pulled up about 1,250 studies. These studies have a wide range of topics, but most focus on which groups of people are vaccine-hesitant, statistics on these populations, as well as how to overcome vaccine hesitancy through propaganda, censorship, the law, and behavioral control.
so we demean, put down and maintain our separation to hold onto our majority and feelings of superiority
The only ones I see doing this are the alphabet crew that say men can get pregnant, and to hear them say that is according to science.

There is a LOT of straining credibility going on right now. And it is not coming from the establishment, traditional side.
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DNA contamination in mRNA shots:

Buckhaults, who has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, said “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”
He said it’s a plausible mechanism for what might be “causing some of the rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest” in people following mRNA vaccination.
Buckhaults is not an alarmist and has been reluctant to go public with his findings for fear of frightening people.
A other word for compassion for others?

Jesus was woke....I just don't understand your disdain for caring.
Perhaps confusing caring with woke cancel culture virtue signalling?
A left handed one, yep.
So unless I am wrong, in post 14 you were referring to my post 9 where I was referring to the abuse homosexuals have taken over the decades, the ostracizing, the insults, the beatings, the murders....and in your response you indicated the "alphabet crew" is the only one doing the demeaning?

Does left handed compliment mean blatant hypocrisy?

I am just trying to clarify my understanding of what transpired...and I find I must have read your responses in error.