Reducing disasters and damage from human nature


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here and there around the world
These are some ways that I think the number and severity of disasters from human nature will be largely reduced some day, and between now and then a lot of the damage from them will be reduced and counteracted:

- People will be learning to train children in ways that will mostly stop those disasters from happening.
- People will be learning to value all of nature more, including all people everywhere, and to care more about what happens to them.
- People will be learning to work together side by side, without drawing lines of alienation between themselves and other people, to make community life healthier, happier and more loving for everyone, at the level of neighborhoods and villages all around the world.
- People will be learning to live in ways that help reduce and counteract the damage from disasters for people around them and for people all around the world.
Noble ideas Longfellow. They are the sort of thing that I have been interested in all my life. Although there are some signs of progress I have to admit to becoming more pessimistic with age.

Do you feel that the foundations for these good works are in place, or are we waiting for some new, perhaps revolutionary inspiration?
Do you feel that the foundations for these good works are in place, or are we waiting for some new, perhaps revolutionary inspiration?

I think that the foundations for those practices are in place, and that they will be growing and spreading, but it will take at least three more generations, maybe even five or ten, for them to overpower the forces of disintegration. which are also growing and spreading at the same time. Even less than five generations is stretching my imagination.
The star trek world?

I think we humans screw.up nature every single time we try to fix it.

For thousands of years we have been filling ravines as dumps for our waste...and we still the wealthy countries ship our garbage around the world...