Jesus vs. Modern Bureaucracies


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Texas, USA
If Jesus were to do His same ministry on earth in 1999, He would be wanted by....

the FDA for turning water into wine without a license ...
the EPA for killing fig trees ...

the AMA for practicing medicine without a license ...

the Dept. of Health for asking people to open graves, for raising the dead and for feeding 5,000 people in the wilderness ...

the NEA for teaching without a certificate ...

for walking on water without a life-jacket and for flying without an airplane ...

the SPCA for driving hogs into the sea ...

the NATIONAL BOARD of PSYCHIATRISTS for giving advice on how to live a guilt-free life ...

the INTER-FAITH MOVEMENT for condemning all other religions ...

and by the ZONING DEPT. for building mansions without a permit.
Faithfulservant said:
If Jesus were to do His same ministry on earth in 1999, He would be wanted by....

the FDA for turning water into wine without a license ...​

the EPA for killing fig trees ...

the AMA for practicing medicine without a license ...

the Dept. of Health for asking people to open graves, for raising the dead and for feeding 5,000 people in the wilderness ...

the NEA for teaching without a certificate ...

for walking on water without a life-jacket and for flying without an airplane ...

the SPCA for driving hogs into the sea ...

the NATIONAL BOARD of PSYCHIATRISTS for giving advice on how to live a guilt-free life ...

the INTER-FAITH MOVEMENT for condemning all other religions ...

and by the ZONING DEPT. for building mansions without a permit.
I don't know about the FDA and water/wine part, but ATF might be interested!

OSHA writes policy, but in this case, the FAA and the USCG might gang up on Him.

Don't think the AMA has any authority over "holistic" medicine...

Maybe the SPCA could use a flea dip or two themselves...

I'm going to stop here. Don't want NSA snooping around...:D


Don't forget Jesus did many things in his time that the Romans and Jews opposed too, but the thing was he stood up for what he said. That’s what we should be pointing out more clearly.
I wonder if Jesus would always wear his seat belt and do a complete stop at every stop sign. Would he always do the speed limit or would he drive really fast and still use caution?

Do you think he would want to drive a 4x4 truck or Jeep, corvette or a cobra, or do you think he would prefer a Harley or dirt bike to get around faster on.:D

I wonder if Jesus would wear sneakers or boots instead of his same old sandals and bare feet.

Would Jesus like soccer, football, basketball, baseball or tennis? Or maybe swimming and hiking best.

In his leisure time Would he like wholesome TV, radio or surfing the web better? Or would he just like to chat about the goodness of God.

Then he would have to choose between blue jeans and T shirts or robes, i bet he would take the blue jeans.

That would be awesome to have a buddy like Jesus to pal around with. I wish I could have known him as the man he was, but I love him just the same for the man he is and for making intercession for me so that I can enter the presence of God at any time, any place and in any situation:) .
I crave his teaching.. I would sit in a meadow with him and listen to him tell me the secrets of God and never grow tired hungry or bored. Thats a taste of heaven for me.
Apologise for the face.. Anyway you wish to see heaven, is what heaven is all about. But deep infactuation with Jesus is not good sometimes, infactuation is material feeling, true light and true good is much harder to see then that ;)
Postmaster said:
Apologise for the face.. Anyway you wish to see heaven, is what heaven is all about. But deep infactuation with Jesus is not good sometimes, infactuation is material feeling, true light and true good is much harder to see then that ;)
Indeed Postmaster,

Infatuation for Jesus implies a fleeting "crush", to burn out in short order. A familial sense of love I think is better. At least in this world, it lasts a whole lot longer (usually the life of the individual).

The difference can be noted when we start thinking "What can I do for you today Lord?" And He tells us, but we don't like it. However, we try to do it anyway. Not that He expects us to fully succeed, but is pleased that we are trying, despite our reluctance. For that is when we struggle against our own nature and desires, for a higher purpose (whatever that purpose may be).


Postmaster said:
Apologise for the face.. Anyway you wish to see heaven, is what heaven is all about. But deep infactuation with Jesus is not good sometimes, infactuation is material feeling, true light and true good is much harder to see then that ;)
PM after seeing your idea of hell Im not sure If I trust your opinion of heaven. :)

Im in love with my Lord and live to please him. The Love is called Agape and being greek I would think you, more that anyone, you would understand the meaning of that kind of love since we westerners dont have a word for it. If its just an infatuation.. how is it that I remember feeling the exact same way since I was 4 years old? :)

My questions to you are, how often do you pray? How often do you meditate on his word? Do you understand how much he loves you? Do you ask for that same love when looking at your neighbor? Try these things and tell me what happens.
It surely is more than infatuation. It is that love that is deeper than any friendship, married relationship, even when parents and kids are not there, Jesus is there. The love and power of God is a real thing that can be felt from head to toe in and out and all around. It really is joy unspeakable for me.

I stop to say at least one prayer every day to the Lord, but I have communion with him all day, every day. I am into the Word most every day but some days I read and study a lot more, like maybe 10 chapters. It gets easier and smoother to commune through the Word the more ya topic study.

Just recently I have been having some real neat times. It is almost as if I am right there in the circle with Jesus and the apostles. When I read the gospels and the words he spoke, it is almost as if I keep hearing the SAME Jewish-like voice speaking the words through the right side of my head. This is new for me and I am absolutely in Love with the word of God. Not infatuated, but in sincere love and peace.
It is NOT the same thing as studying for college or learning a new math. It is not the same thing as being in love with a brand new corvette. Sorry but it is not the same thing at all.

This love is steadfast and never wears old or tiring.

I have also noticed more lately than in years past, when I stay focused on him, when driving, at work, doing projects, running or whatever, the days have been way more succesful than when I focus on the garbage in the world. It is fellowship and the world did not give this. Neither can the world take it away from us.

I have loved Jesus since I was 9 for sure but even earlier do I remember things. It has only gotten better, even when I have forsaken him, he always picks me up right where I left off. He is like that with everyone, we just learn His ways as we grow older in Him.

Another blessing is hearing HolyGhost filled music and vocalists. Or even some of the secular artists who make a few songs for the Lord.
Faithfulservant said:
PM after seeing your idea of hell Im not sure If I trust your opinion of heaven. :)

Im in love with my Lord and live to please him. The Love is called Agape and being greek I would think you, more that anyone, you would understand the meaning of that kind of love since we westerners dont have a word for it. If its just an infatuation.. how is it that I remember feeling the exact same way since I was 4 years old? :)

My questions to you are, how often do you pray? How often do you meditate on his word? Do you understand how much he loves you? Do you ask for that same love when looking at your neighbor? Try these things and tell me what happens.
May I correct you about the "we westerners" part but although it makes no difference if I tell you but I'll let you know that the Greeks are considered the original westerners. It’s only now that the west has shifted more west and time has seem to have forgotten the Greeks. The way you talk about love and God, I feel is very materialistic and infatuating. When the bible tells us the lord and God loves us, they do. In other words we are accepted by them regardless of race, colour of skin, language and any other material barrier. It’s not the sort of love that should stimulate feeling in the gut, like it would to a relative because after all, you love your relative simply because they share your genes. True love is all about accepting people who have absolutely no use to you. Is that the way you see it too?

I do not pray, I used to pray a lot when I was younger. I feel praying is a way to escape, into your own positive state of mind and positive as we know connects with God the positive force of all exsistence, but now that you bought it up, I will take to praying once again, thank you.
Postmaster said:
May I correct you about the "we westerners" part but although it makes no difference if I tell you but I'll let you know that the Greeks are considered the original westerners. It’s only now that the west has shifted more west and time has seem to have forgotten the Greeks. The way you talk about love and God, I feel is very materialistic and infatuating. When the bible tells us the lord and God loves us, they do. In other words we are accepted by them regardless of race, colour of skin, language and any other material barrier. It’s not the sort of love that should stimulate feeling in the gut, like it would to a relative because after all, you love your relative simply because they share your genes. True love is all about accepting people who have absolutely no use to you. Is that the way you see it too?

I do not pray, I used to pray a lot when I was younger. I feel praying is a way to escape, into your own positive state of mind and positive as we know connects with God the positive force of all exsistence, but now that you bought it up, I will take to praying once again, thank you.
Thats right. Orthodox/Byzantine Catholic Church. I know that had slipped my mind as well Postmaster. But it is fact as you remind us that Rome had two capitals (the other being Constantinople), the other part of the "Western world".

As far as the love you describe, it sounds like "selfless love". It is a non-emotional type of love, where one does what is best for another, regardless of personal feelings.

If you have chosen to stop "praying" (I don't mean reciting route mumblings over and over again...I mean talking to God), then how do you communicate with God?

If you can't get "positive vibes" from God, where are you going to get them from? Senator John McCain had nothing but God to give him "positive vibes" while he served five years in the Hanoi Hilton during the 70s.

I'm not sure, but you seem to be a "glass half empty" kind of person. Try thinking of the glass as being half full. You said yourself that Greeks know the value of happiness, and how to spread it around (remember my trip to the mountains of Crete?) :D

I certainly came down from those hills a very content man, full of wonder and memories to last a life time.


Good luck with your prayers PM.. Its our communication link with God. After praying daily and reading your bible for a couple weeks let me know how you're feeling. :)
well ya know Jesus is the one we are going to be spending the rest of our lives with. I do mean ALL the rest of our life.:D

There are different things. Prayer. Praying for others. Asking God for answers.
Seeking God. Giving God praise. Worshiping Him. Constant communication. Glorifying God and thanking Him with our lips. Walking in the Spirit.
Then there are just rambling thoughts and basic meditation. Depends on how deep we want to know Him.