Some Curiosity Questions for Muslims :)

Actually a person who claims to be a Christian can not be a Christian if they don’t believe that Jesus is God in the flesh..
Well, that's what Roman Emperors enforced .. it was declared heretical to believe otherwise,
and would be in danger of being punished.
As I say it is illogical .. but even if it wasn't, and fully God, fully man made logical sense,
then how does that change anything?
Will you never understand that God is not logical. There is this Spirit that existed in nothingness, total void and then He starts to speak and things just start appearing. Finally taking some dirt, forming it and breathing life into it. Yea, sounds very logical to me!
You need to do your homework. They were all written in the 1st century AD50
..have you already forgotten about the Tanakh [OT]?

Yes, God used different men to pen these Scriptures, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John..
I think you'll find that most scholars believe that they were not the authors of the texts. It was commonplace
to name texts "according to so and so", when written by another.

But all the Gospels and Letters agree with each other..
I think that this is the point. The belief leads to ascribing authority to Paul of Tarsus, for example.
..and suddenly, we are being misled away from God's law to Roman law .. the laws of men
Are you not ascribing authority to Muhammad. At least Paul does not say things without witnesses. And where in the world do you get this idea of Paul changing God’s Law into Roman Law. You certain haven‘t read the Book of Romans. Paul never does this, show me the text, show me where Paul does this.
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have you already forgotten about the Tanakh [OT]?
So now you moved from the NT to the entire Bible. There still is no problem at all. Your Quran supports the OT as being valid. But there is one problem, the Quran states that the Psalms were given to David. David only penned about half the Psalms, There are, I think, 3 other people Involved in the writing of the Psalms.
Will you never understand that God is not logical..
Then we might as well be talking double-dutch.

One can claim that God is "insert your nonsense here", and it does not need to be coherent.
That pretty much makes God look like a fool .. to expect us to believe that His guidance
need not make any sense whatsoever.

NO! It is not so. The first commandment is not to be fooled with.
ONE GOD .. never mind explaining away how many "parts" God is .. that is a no-no for those with
true knowledge.
Replacing the first commandment with "Jesus is God" is not acceptable.
have falsely attributed is to John. It's in Mk 12:35-37, par. Lk 20:41-44, Mt 22:41-46
All these texts actually prove that Jesus is God, did you miss that! Jesus is saying that He existed even before David did. You find this also the statement Jesus makes to the Jews about Abraham, “before. Abraham was I AM”
Replacing the first commandment with "Jesus is God" is not acceptable.
You are stuck in your mind. God is so outside of what you think. You just can’t let go that God can do as He pleases. No one, Christians have made “partners” to God, that‘s your fantasy. The Jews were condemned for idol worship, they still walked around stating “hear of Israel, God is One” even while playing with Idols. The Christians have never joined an idol to Christ.

You just want to think that you understand God, you don’t! No one, No one can totally understand God, He is not part of your logic. Like I have said before, God does not live in your logic or anyone’s logic.
All these texts actually prove that Jesus is God, did you miss that! Jesus is saying that He existed even before David did. You find this also the statement Jesus makes to the Jews about Abraham, “before. Abraham was I AM”
Jesus "was" (is?) the Logos, the Word of God, which was before Jesus was born, and the Word is the Good Message to us, and divine. Jesus is the Messenger, and as he is not just speaking but "living" this Message, he incorporates the Message. John says, "the Word became flesh"
But we are some animals living on a planet in a world with an unknown huge number of other planets. God is the Creator, and omnipresent. You see the disproportion?
You just can’t let go that God can do as He pleases..
G-d sent Moses to the children of Israel, and helped them to escape from the persecution of Pharaoh .
Moses and his brother Aaron, taught them the guidance from God.

G-d sent Jesus as the promised messiah, but the Sanhedrin denied him due to greed and arrogance.
G-d, in His wisdom, raised him to heaven, to return at an appointed time.

G-d sent Muhammad, and caused him to be victorious.

All three preached the Oneness of God .. the first commandment is for all time .. from the beginning of the universe
until its end.

If it was so important that God had three parts, it would be part of the first commandment, because it could be seen as a major contradiction.

The truth is, that the trinity and gods dying and rising are from pagan belief, and the Roman Empire
wished to harness Christian belief for its own purposes .. A Jewish Jesus could not be tolerated.
Jesus "was" (is?) the Logos, the Word of God, which was before Jesus was born, and the Word is the Good Message to us, and divine. Jesus is the Messenger, and as he is not just speaking but "living" this Message, he incorporates the Message. John says, "the Word became flesh"
But we are some animals living on a planet in a world with an unknown huge number of other planets. God is the Creator, and omnipresent. You see the disproportion?

No. That's just the point. That is why God comes to men in Christ as Emmanuel -- God with Us. To show God as man -- not as a neutron star or unseen force, or as a fish -- for God is visible in those things too.

Christ is God as man -- not remote and unseen but suffering and feeling -- the bridge between God and man as spirit and nature, fully both. Everything man needs to know about his relationship with his Creator is expressed in the life, death and resurrection of the Christ. Everything.

Imo you dismiss it too lightly.
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Christ crucified by His humanity upon the horizontal axis of nature, time and death -- suspended on the vertical between the heaven and the earth. Dying, but resurrecting. Never ending symbolism and wisdom that deepens as the years go by, imo
Yes. Both Muhammad and Jesus have authority.
..but neither of them claimed to be God, or claimed that that was an important article of faith.
Actually Jesus certainly did. You just don't want to see it, read it or believe it. It' all right there. Muhammad had no authority, no miracles to prove anything that he said, Jesus, Miracle after Miracle to validate who He is. Only God can forgive sins, and Jesus forgave sins. The Jews had every indication to understand what He was implying.
G-d sent Moses to the children of Israel, and helped them to escape from the persecution of Pharaoh .
Moses and his brother Aaron, taught them the guidance from God.
You have totally missed the entire story of Egypt. It was not about getting Israel out of the persecution, that they wanted to go back to after God brought them out. It was about forming a Nation, the Nation of Israel. Read the real story of this in Book of Exodus. And they didn't "escape", they walked out with riches.
G-d sent Jesus as the promised messiah, but the Sanhedrin denied him due to greed and arrogance.
G-d, in His wisdom, raised him to heaven, to return at an appointed time.

G-d sent Muhammad, and caused him to be victorious
So when is Muhammad coming back? Oh, I forgot, he is dead and buried.
If it was so important that God had three parts, it would be part of the first commandment, because it could be seen as a major contradiction.
This is your nonsense, there are not 3 "parts" to God, never has been, never will be. This is the lie being told. God is ONE and always has been one and this is what Christians believe. You keep trying to put God into your little earthly box and tell Him what He can not do.
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The truth is, that the trinity and gods dying and rising are from pagan belief, and the Roman Empire
wished to harness Christian belief for its own purposes .. A Jewish Jesus could not be tolerated.
"truth is" and where do you find this truth? The Romans hated the Christians, are you unable to read. Listen I know Muslims have to try to make what they believe the truth, but when statements like this are thrown out which contradict history writings, that's just plain deceit.
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