A New Creation

There never was a yesterday when 2000-year-old Jewish miracle workers delivered miraculous cures.
But Baha'u'llah was able to read the mind of the Shah's emissary (what was his name again?) and quote him the verse of the Qur'an that he was thinking of?
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I do not accept this fictional distinction, @Thomas.
OK. Nevertheless, it's a distinction the rest of the world finds reasonable, so I'll stick with it.

Conscious awareness reflected in any ancient text is not really an accurate reflection of reality.
Then how come the edifice of Philosophy still stands on the foundations laid by the 'ancients'.
The arts and sciences still happily utilise the same lexicon?
Plato and Aristotle? The poetry of Sappho? The plays of Terence ... still models for this age ...

Have you considered the psychological insight that underpins the likes of Homer, the Greek myths?

I think they had profound insights into the human condition.

The ancient Jews lacked the subtleties in their language to talk about diseases on a molecular level, so causes were attributed to external spiritual forces like demons.
OK, well the ancients believed in spiritual forces for good and ill – and they mistakenly attributed too great an effect to them – but that doesn't disprove them outright, and angelology and the understanding of spirits has moved on since ...

... And you believe in Messengers ... so where essentially is the difference?
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But Baha'u'llah was able to read the mind of the Shah's emissary (what was his name again?) and quote him the verse of the Qur'an that he was thinking of?
I see we all have the capacity in Mind to enable a connection to all others. We are yet to develop that mind.

There are twins that have an uncanny ability to do this already across continents, there are married couples that through love, empathy and compassion that have developed a low level of capacity to do this.

Regards Tony
Nope, it's a reasoned discussion. It's called theology: 'Faith seeking understanding' – that's how we tell the difference between the false and the true.
I see it is all relevant Thomas. History has shown us that when God sends a Messenger, only a few while the Messenger walks this earth, embrace the Messenger. As the decades and centuries unfold, a multitude start to flock to that Message, finding the truth and fulfillment in that message. All the while those that have rejected that message, have likewise offered they were and are still using sound logic and reason.

The same passages read by those for and those against are seen in a different light, a different frame of reference, thus 100% relevant.

Example. I see the Prophecy is clearly fulfilled with Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah. Using logic and reason I see all can see the Prophecy is likewise fulfilled. Now if others disagree that is the case, then I see that is because the use of logic and reason has been veiled by prior learnings and preconceptions about past given Faiths. That is my relative understanding of God's interaction with humanity.

Regards Tony
Now if others disagree that is the case, then I see that is because the use of logic and reason has been veiled by prior learnings and preconceptions about past given Faiths. That is my relative understanding of God's interaction with humanity.
that is a big fail on the part of your god. he sends messengers, but people have their prior learnings and preconceptions about past given faiths, and refuse to accept his message and things continue to be what they were. then after some time god sends another messenger, who too faces the same fate. when will god stop this stupid process of sending messengers? what kind of silly interaction is god having with people? and then, the professed followers of one messenger fight with the professed followers of other messengers. jews, christians, muslims shia or sunny, bahais and ahmadiyyas, all are at odds with each other as well as other people who do no believe in this god.
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I see it is all relevant Thomas.

To be frank, I think you see nothing but a chance to post a Baha'i text.

And because of that, you don't think about, or try to understand what Im saying.

For all your emotive and sentimental self-validation, it's really quite rude.
Let's try again, Tony.

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality." (1 Corinthians 15:53) – what does that say to you?
Let's try again, Tony.

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality." (1 Corinthians 15:53) – what does that say to you?
Personally I read that as being born again in Christ.

Regards Tony
To be frank, I think you see nothing but a chance to post a Baha'i text.

And because of that, you don't think about, or try to understand what Im saying.

For all your emotive and sentimental self-validation, it's really quite rude.
Sorry Thomas, I do not mean to he rude.

My whole persona has indeed become focused on the Baha'i Writings, I am not able to apologise for that, as I see the Word of God has to so permeate our soul as to enable us to become a true servant to God and humanity. Words still outweigh my deeds, that is my constant dilemma. Luckily my wife knows all this about me.

Life is very busy, I work full time, I have a wife house, dogs, cats, chooks and garden to look after, I am building an extension (owner builder) for my daughter and her partner. From a child I have been go, go, go, most likely the most impatient person ever born, everything needs to be done yesterday.

That may indicate to you why I am unable to do large replies, nor address a post with a magnitude of possible responses, it would most likely come across as being a very rude person. Only God knows my heart and I can say I am always tested with patience. Heck I live in a town of around 1200 people and still have to wait at an intersection for one car, heck even up to 4 cars to pass sometimes and then they only do 40km per hr in the 60km zone, so frustrating.😊😉😅 the town is only 2km one end to the other.

All the best, peace be with you, Regards Tony
Sorry Thomas, I do not mean to he rude.

Heck I live in a town of around 1200 people and still have to wait at an intersection for one car, heck even up to 4 cars to pass sometimes and then they only do 40km per hr in the 60km zone, so frustrating.😊😉😅 the town is only 2km one end to the other.

All the best, peace be with you, Regards Tony
LOL, I live in a town of about 10,000,000 ... I get to the top of my road and can wait from 14 cars to pass before someone will let me out ...

Keep safe.

To temper those motoring moments, check out:

I've enjoyed his videos ... my wife and I play 'spot the street we know' ...
"Because the creation / creature (Gk: ktisis) also itself shall be delivered from the servitude of corruption, into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. For we know that all creation/every creature (Gk ktisis) groaneth and travaileth in pain, even till now. And not only it, but ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our body."
Romans 8:21-23

Interesting because the Greek term ktisis is often translated as 'creature', but it has a broader interpretation, according to Strong's –
the act of founding, establishing, building etc;
the act of creating, creation;
creation i.e. thing created
of individual things, beings, a creature, a creation
anything created
the sum or aggregate of things created


This passage is worth considering in light of the proposed thesis.
My whole persona has indeed become focused on the Baha'i Writings, I am not able to apologise for that ...
No-one's asking you to apologise for who you are, Tony, just that you extend a common curtesy to others for who they are.

It's always wise to bear in mind that maybe their focus on their inspired writings as much as you do on yours, and indeed perhaps the Word of God has permeated their soul more that it has yours or mine ... we should be open to the other, that's what true love is.


I heard an Islamic scholar on the radio, years ago, and he offered a story of Christ, although I have no idea of its origen or authenticity.

Jesus was walking along the road when he came upon a holy man kneeling in prayer.
"What are you doing?" Jesus asked. "I have dedicated my whole life to God, and the contemplation of Him," the man said.
"Who takes care of you?"
"My brother takes care of all my worldly needs," the man told him, pointing to the brother waiting nearby.
"Then perhaps your brother loves God more than you do," Jesus said, and went on his way.

I doubt it is authentic ... but it's certainly 'in the spirit' of His mission. Those words have stuck with me.
OK. That certainly is one of the dimensions of the text.
Now I can add It has infinite meanings Thomas, the way I see it, it is the gift of free will, it is the gift of the Spirit that is Christ. The incorruptible being the virtues and morals given of God in the example of the Messengers, a life of complete servitude unto God, which is the Love of all humanity and service to humanity.

It is our oneness, Regards Tony

LOL, I live in a town of about 10,000,000 ... I get to the top of my road and can wait from 14 cars to pass before someone will let me out ...

Keep safe.

To temper those motoring moments, check out:

I've enjoyed his videos ... my wife and I play 'spot the street we know' ...
Fun video thanks for that, I have done city loving and city driving, I am not one you had to beep waiting for a gap in traffic, friendly or not friendly beep. 🤣 those narrow streets remind me of Perth Western Australia driving, you hope no one who is parked opens a door, you are always waiting for someone to dash out between the cars!

I have tried to mellow over the years and have improved a great deal, but getting from a to b without smelling the roses is still an issue now and again! 🤣

Regards Tony
No-one's asking you to apologise for who you are, Tony, just that you extend a common curtesy to others for who they are.

It's always wise to bear in mind that maybe their focus on their inspired writings as much as you do on yours, and indeed perhaps the Word of God has permeated their soul more that it has yours or mine ... we should be open to the other, that's what true love is.


I heard an Islamic scholar on the radio, years ago, and he offered a story of Christ, although I have no idea of its origen or authenticity.

Jesus was walking along the road when he came upon a holy man kneeling in prayer.
"What are you doing?" Jesus asked. "I have dedicated my whole life to God, and the contemplation of Him," the man said.
"Who takes care of you?"
"My brother takes care of all my worldly needs," the man told him, pointing to the brother waiting nearby.
"Then perhaps your brother loves God more than you do," Jesus said, and went on his way.

I doubt it is authentic ... but it's certainly 'in the spirit' of His mission. Those words have stuck with me.
That is indeed a story of true faith Thomas.

Regards Tony
I believe the Baha'i faith encourages the reading of other scriptures, and discourages proselytizing
I believe the Baha'i faith encourages the reading of other scriptures, and discourages proselytizing
I beleive the word proselytizing is misused and needs to be redefined for interactions on the world wide web, where anyone can join a conversation.

Regards Tony
Does the Baha'i teaching in any way encompass the Pauline message of substantial change, rather than moral and ethical?
The Enochian Calendar is a fascinating cross-reference. That Mythological Ages span 2,000 years. According to the Hebrew Calendar of Jubilees the so-called Age of Grace ends in 2075. Then it's the peaceful Millennium of Fallow Land. Then the Cycle begins again on a higher octave.