what do ya'll think of Candace Owens?


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I just found her on YouTube a few weeks ago and she has already entirely revolutionized my way of thinking. He arguments are so strong and she is an expert polemicist and she has the data to prove her arguments.

I'm anti abortion and anti homosexual and she is so smart when she refutes these things, Foolish little college students who defend trannies, she tears them apart and they always leave speechless.

She also went into the issue of George Floyd and mentioned that when this was on the news they edited the tape and only showed the final parts. He had od'd on fentanyl and was struggling to breath standing up, sitting down in the police car so he requested to be placed on the ground.

She also exposed the founder of BLM and found that the founder has been misappropriating funds from the donations to become very wealthy.

I don't agree that people should be expected to think a certain way just biased in favour of their own race. My people are the believers, regardless of what tribe they are from or think they're from (utterly subjective).

I cant stand arrogant people designating a whole lot of people as "their people" like they own something and don't want it influenced by outside sources.

My people are not black people, nor white people but the holy spirit and the believers of all colors and tribes.

I can't bear the biased way of thinking.

I'm having fun during Ramadan and I have family all over the worlds so I don't tolerate biased opinions about race.

I made friends with a Senegalese brother and a South Asian brother and many other brothers from India, Somalia, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey and the list goes on and we are all family.

Candace Owens was warning that, the way people are obsessed with race the we're slowly heading back to to segregation and she doesn't stand for that and that's why I love her.
Let’s just say that I find virtually all of her views abhorrent. That includes remarks she has made about Jews. Do you share those views on Jews?
I'm anti abortion and anti homosexua
Anti abortion.is simple....don't get one.

Don't like homosexuality? Don't do it.

But you don't control what other folks do...but following Candace? Owens became a star right-wing pundit. Then she started promoting ideas about Jewish people drinking Christians’ blood.

When you get close to the edge....you are more likely to fall off.
Journalism in America is dead. And I don't even consider her to be one of the worst. So if she is as bad as you guys say she is... oh boy.
Anti abortion.is simple....don't get one.

Don't like homosexuality? Don't do it.

But you don't control what other folks do...but following Candace? Owens became a star right-wing pundit. Then she started promoting ideas about Jewish people drinking Christians’ blood.

When you get close to the edge....you are more likely to fall off.
Ah! So she follows the "blood libel" (RabbiO can go farther on this topic if you're interested, yet not familiar with the topic.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Let’s just say that I find virtually all of her views abhorrent. That includes remarks she has made about Jews. Do you share those views on Jews?
no i don't hate jews and neither does candace owens, you should listen to her directly rather than relying on the extreme left wing press. She is a great logician and polemisist and people are trying to take her down because she has so much truth and common sense. Did you listen to her discussions with Rabbi Barclay or are you getting your info second hand. She may have used a poor choice of words for one sentence but in context she didn't mean for it to get taken the way it is. A lot of people find her views abbhorant but they know they can't prove her wrong in most or all of her main points. So assasinate the messenger. To begin with it's a stupid question but there is my answer.
Anti abortion.is simple....don't get one.

Don't like homosexuality? Don't do it.

But you don't control what other folks do...but following Candace? Owens became a star right-wing pundit. Then she started promoting ideas about Jewish people drinking Christians’ blood.

When you get close to the edge....you are more likely to fall off.
and if you don't like murder or serial killing or child molestation, than don't do it. They should legalize all the above and leave it all up to our choice. No more law and order, just a total free for all.

Negative influences and indoctrination in school and on the media are all good.
@abuyusufalshafii -

For the record, I did not ask a stupid question. You asked a question. I gave you an honest answer and I asked an honest followup question. I’m sorry if you saw my responses as anything other than that. If you are unable or unwilling to engage in civil discourse so be it.
I am a huge fan of Candice Owens' character.
She is the one woman on this Earth which I consider as an example of Women, and Black nations, and Minorities, and Americans...
The world has too many destructive individuals who calls up hatred and violence, and the easiest way to get noticed, is to call on the vile, vindictive violent nature of ignorant persons who blame everyone for their shortcoming.

I have listened to her for a few years and I am stunned at her mental strength and solid observation of the poor state the woke world is sinking into.

Anyone who criticizes her are obviously totally unaware of their sex and gender of birth, think they can kill babies with no consequences to their soul, dont know what Socialism and communism means and never learned about 150 million people who died under that philosophy.

They think the world owes them the right to live like royalty at the expense of those who have the intellect to work for what they have.

The other Black man that I consider as an example of what Black people are, is Jesse Peterson.
When he speaks to these Equity college graduates, they become ashamed of their lies and actions.

No, I loooove Candice.
She destroys the liberal idiots in a few seconds.
I finally got around to researching her statements. Wow that woman is hated! I kept looking for articles that would specifically explain how she is antisemitic, and they demonstrated some terrible journalism. Even so I'd like to hear some more context from her.

I did see that Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens were willing to debate about Israel and Hamas and she was willing to talk about her antisemitic past. But the Daily Wire issues a gag order. So now she can't talk about her firing. It would have been interesting to see Shapiro and her to head to head about this issue.
I am a huge fan of Candice Owens' character.
She is the one woman on this Earth which I consider as an example of Women, and Black nations, and Minorities, and Americans...
The world has too many destructive individuals who calls up hatred and violence, and the easiest way to get noticed, is to call on the vile, vindictive violent nature of ignorant persons who blame everyone for their shortcoming.

I have listened to her for a few years and I am stunned at her mental strength and solid observation of the poor state the woke world is sinking into.

Anyone who criticizes her are obviously totally unaware of their sex and gender of birth, think they can kill babies with no consequences to their soul, dont know what Socialism and communism means and never learned about 150 million people who died under that philosophy.

They think the world owes them the right to live like royalty at the expense of those who have the intellect to work for what they have.

The other Black man that I consider as an example of what Black people are, is Jesse Peterson.
When he speaks to these Equity college graduates, they become ashamed of their lies and actions.

No, I loooove Candice.
She destroys the liberal idiots in a few seconds.
This includes pejorative remarks, saying "liberal idiots" and negative implications about blacks or women. By that I am referring to statements within the post about "the one woman on this Earth I consider an example". The sentence is not well written so I'm not sure exactly what you mean but the gist is clear. This kind of thing unaddressed one of the reasons I have stayed away from the forum, seems it's getting worse. Opposing viewpoints are fine, calling political opponents idiots or generalizations about gender and race... is that fine here? If I or anyone were to say something about "reactionary idiots" or "conservative idiots" would that be okay? I prefer not to get into back and forth name calling. But the tone on this forum seems to be getting toxic. Maybe I don't miss it after all...
This includes pejorative remarks, saying "liberal idiots" and negative implications about blacks or women. By that I am referring to statements within the post about "the one woman on this Earth I consider an example". The sentence is not well written so I'm not sure exactly what you mean but the gist is clear. This kind of thing unaddressed one of the reasons I have stayed away from the forum, seems it's getting worse. Opposing viewpoints are fine, calling political opponents idiots or generalizations about gender and race... is that fine here? If I or anyone were to say something about "reactionary idiots" or "conservative idiots" would that be okay? I prefer not to get into back and forth name calling. But the tone on this forum seems to be getting toxic. Maybe I don't miss it after all...
The truly rude people don't seem to last long here. I know absolutely no forum that is better than this one when it comes to moderation and manners.