Humans designed for one love?


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Swans are used as symbol of love because once they find there partner they spend the rest of there lives with each other. Human beings apparently have this function as well, scientists found that a chemical is produced in the brain which causes devotion in humans once a physical bond has occured. I suppose when humans get too greedy and want multiple partners in a sense are going against God too.

However, Islam justifies multiple wives which I feel is shame to the ladies because jealousy is also a natural human emotion, this might be an example how greed made its way in religion!?. Or maybe I have it wrong?
in my experience, you can love more than one person (romantically, too) at the same time.

your love for these people will be different based on who they are (i.e. how they are different from one another) and how you and these persons relate to one another. but i do understand it to be possible.

i think a main reason Islam gives the green light to polygamy is social, in that it reduces the number of potential women who are unwed and therefor (in Muhammed's time, at least) unable to eck out a living.
Dear PM

the beautiful graceful swan......

Postmaster said:
multiple partners in a sense are going against God too. However, Islam justifies multiple wives which I feel is shame to the ladies because jealousy is also a natural human emotion, this might be an example how greed made its way in religion!?. Or maybe I have it wrong?

Well as I understand GOD does not judge but yet if we make a solid commitment and a vow before the name and eyes of GOD then it is our responsibility to keep our word and for our word to be our bond.

ISFP is correct a muslim girlfriend told me that the reason that GOD gave authority to multiple wives is because there had been many wars in the middle east and there was more women then men. The women were on the streets fending for themselves so GOD gave permission for more then one wife but there was a ruling attached, all must be loved equally, financially etc etc. And so sometimes we are given authority for a specific time in history to solve specific cultures problems. But yet man can and does abuse this permission and the reason it was given in the first place, but Allah sees all.

Jealousy is a human trait that some suffer from but the root cause of this can be healed by those who wish to heal it. Jealousy, hate, guilt etc are all detrimental and help to break down the immune system.

It is possible to love everyone equally we call this universal love. This universal divine love is beyond emotional attachment. As Chuck Spezanno so rightly says 'if it hurts it is not love.

being love

Kim xxx
The Quran addresses men and their treatment of women in 4:20 as follows: "Consort with them in kindness. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good." Thus contrary to popular belief, men do not have free reigns to do as they wish and please in their treatment of women.
Perhaps if we were capable of sustaining more than one relationship without causing hurt or offence it might have some beneficial effects. There are many people frustrated and depressed through having to suppress their love for another person, living their lives in denial of their true emotions. But are we that trusting? Could we ever be?
Virtual_Cliff said:
1. Perhaps if we were capable of sustaining more than one relationship without causing hurt or offence it might have some beneficial effects.

2. There are many people frustrated and depressed through having to suppress their love for another person, living their lives in denial of their true emotions.

3. But are we that trusting? Could we ever be?

Dear VC

1. Yes I agree

2. Suppression is not love, living in denial of anything is not love. Denial of emotions causes problems for the self and is not love.

3. Trust is a big issue for humanity and in my experience goes back many lifetimes. A lack of trust signifies a lack of love of self and a lack of faith and trust in GOD. Many do not share their true feelings due to fear of rejection and loss, once again all issues can be healed by turning up the volume, the power to love the self unconditionally. When this is truly in place we are able to give from the heart to others unconditionally in universal divine love.

being love

Kim xxx
I think sexual multiple loves is wrong... It's an excuse as to why we are not happy, we are not happy because of modern life styles. Humans are genetically programmed to be devoted to one partner. Maybe Islam allows polygamy not for Greed but because it was necessary for the social needs at the time? We can love the world, but sex is an other matter, it is a duty not a sport. People are seeking the pleasure out of sex instead of the commitment that comes from it and this is one of the reasons millions of people around the world are dying from sexually transmitted disease. Every breath you take someone will die from sexually transmitted disease. One love, so the children can also grow in a stable parental environment.

This is a sharing of an old post from the summer of 2004.

Dear All

Are you ready to receive love beyond measure no matter from whence it comes?

Can you accept it and not reject it?

For if we reject anything then there is something within our own consciousness that we are also rejecting. What resists persists it is the nature of the universe.

'if something does not resonate with with us then we must love more’.

A wonderful message that sums up the phase that spiritual people are moving through now. Resolving the conflicts of rejection, unworthiness, repression and suppression within.

So that we can receive and give love to each other that is beyond measure. This is more love then we have ever experienced before. This Kingdom is changing as we come to the realisation that we are all here to serve others to the best of our ability and in doing so we serve our own soul and God in the highest form of supreme light.

Blossoming into the fullness of GOD's creation co-creating the Kingdom of Love together hand in hand.

We can ask ourselves

What AM I not willing to accept?
What AM I not willing to love?
What AM I not willing to embrace?

Here we find the clues to our own breakthroughs for whatever we discover will show us where we need to give more love.

being love

Kim xx
Its the same thing with wolf packs... Only one female and male in the pack mate. They have a strong social order and neither the alpha male or female allow others to breed without consequences... they either comply or are chased away. Its amazing because it keeps the numbers down and it allows for enough food for the pack in the territories they hold. Another example IMO of Gods brilliance in his creation.
Very true faithfulservent, further shows that even animals sometimes have more order (selfcontrol) and devotion (faithfulness) then humans.
Dear PM

Postmaster said:
I think sexual

1. It's an excuse as to why we are not happy

2. We are not happy because of modern life styles.

3. Humans are genetically programmed to be devoted to one partner.

4. Maybe Islam allows polygamy not for Greed but because it was necessary for the social needs at the time? We can love the world, but sex is an other matter, it is a duty not a sport.

5. People are seeking the pleasure out of sex instead of the commitment that comes from it and this is one of the reasons millions of people around the world are dying from sexually transmitted disease. Every breath you take someone will die from sexually transmitted disease.

6. One love, so the children can also grow in a stable parental environment.

1. Many people run away from the self and seek sexual gratification instead the celebration of creation.

2. Yes agree people seeking happiness and self validation outside of the self.

3. Do you have a link on research for that?

4. It is not a commodity to be sold or traded, it is meant to be a celebration of creation. Not an after dinner mint but a banquet and a feast of honouring the temple of GOD. Behold you the temple of the living GOD.

5. Pleasure is important to healthy consciousness.

6. Yes this is important but even more important for children to grow up in communities where there are many role models. It was interesting while working for the government agency, single parents shared more quality time with their children and as such the children were deemed that many of the children were better off. And in ancient times many children were sent to temples where they were brought up in religious communities. It is written in scripture that Mother Mary grew up in such a temple.

Blessings in abundance

Kim xxx
Postmaster said:
Humans are genetically programmed to be devoted to one partner.

Hmm. Strange. I do not feel I am a robot. The environment may change our genetical inheritance. We change evrey day, as every day we have the opportunity to learn something new.

We can love the world, but sex is an other matter, it is a duty not a sport.
The world is a big word. Do you mean, love is a duty for you ?
Leaving aside the question of sex for a moment, hasn't anyone ever felt the wish just to be able to go up to a special person and hug them, and tell them how special they are, but you can't because you have to maintain this distance, this cold front? Don't tell me I'm the only one. :eek:
Depending on the situation, I just do it.... but that's me. And the folks I feel that way about are usually those I see in a situation where that's not inappropriate....
Hmm. Strange. I do not feel I am a robot. The environment may change our genetical inheritance. We change evrey day, as every day we have the opportunity to learn something new.
We are divine creatures and its gods will for people to be devoted to one human. Jesus came from above and gave us Gods word. You see a beautiful Swan and you can see more of God in that creature then most. We have to follow Gods path, humans do have the choice to do what they want, but we have to follow the way of the divine. SOME PEOPLE DIDN'T NOW WE ARE DYING OF AIDS AND THOUSAND MORE SEXUALLY PAST ILLNESSES.

People who follow God's word will be saved, selfishness is a temporary high. Ultimately God gave us the choice of our genetic progress, some people may even be more peacefull then some for this reason.
Virtual_Cliff said:
Leaving aside the question of sex for a moment, hasn't anyone ever felt the wish just to be able to go up to a special person and hug them, and tell them how special they are, but you can't because you have to maintain this distance, this cold front? Don't tell me I'm the only one. :eek:

I believe I understand you, Virtual Cliff.

There is a special person that I love alot. I don't desire to sleep with this person or anything like that but I am very concerned with this person's well being. When you love someone you often want to display it in simple ways as a hug and a 'how are you'? but I don't know, folks are really uptight nowadays. I think it's about being genuine. Usually, sharing love in the form of a hug is okay unless you and that person share feelings that are unclear. I don't know if I got off the subject or not.
We love many in life.

We choose One, for life.

When we choose, we are saying that He or she is the Best in life for us. God says, my blessing...

If we say oops made a mistake, God does not say, "oh hey I agree with you". He says, I blessed the marriage, you with my help can make it work...your call.

God never sticks it to us...He always says...'your call." The price we may pay is a different matter, and God never says we will pay that price...we do.

