Michael Jackson, villain or victim?


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Well all these allegations have finally made it to the democratic justice system.

They do say there's no smoke without fire

But they also say never guilty unless proven.

However if Michael Jackson is convicted even if he only gets a small sentence, would we consider him a victim of society, a villain or both?

Looking at him isn't hard enough to see that something is wrong, he first claimed he had no nose surgery on national television and then I think he admitted it was once or twice he did. For him to lie to the public about something like that (something many have witnessed on TV) then I suppose he is just as capable of doing it again with the paedophiliac accusations.

I suppose any man that would dangle his own child from a balcony is not a sane man at all.

My prediction is his defence team will give a strong case but he will be found guilty of something, of which will not be sufficient justice for him.

Mental help is also for call.

Back im Cyprus if there was any very rare cases of anyone witnessed practising paedophilia, they were taken down the police station and with the parents consent the police would beat them around a bit. Justice was served and tax payer’s money speared and effective for non reoccurrence of the crime. Of course this is not done anymore :rolleyes: In the past court cases were not prefered in Cyprus and Greece because if its known that your child was a victim of paedophilia it would damage there chances of meeting a partner in the future and leave a scar on the family's name.
The strongest case they have on Mike is that he's a weirdo.

And that is very much what he is. In the beginning I thought that convicting him of child molestation was crazy. But now I think of how many times he has been accused of child molestation and now I think he's crazy. Regardless of the child dangling, why does he have to keep having sleep overs when he has his own children now? And maybe I missed it, but where are his kids when he has these sleepovers? Aren't these kids smart enough or just scared enough to tell someone immediately if this scary-looking, scary-acting man is touching them in what they know are the wrong places?

In this case, everybody's acting shady. You can't be bought off in a settlement when your child's privates have been tampered with. For the last ten years this guy has been acused of child molestation and he still keeps dealing with these kids who has greedy parents. Usually, if you love so much, you wouldn't want your love to keep getting abused. It's amazing to me that a man of his status would keep letting himself get caught up with these kids.
I pretty much agree with everything you said... So many unanswered questions that hopefully the courts will reveal. Some say that we have no business in this, but the public are very much part of it because Michael Jackson is a public figure because it's the public which have made him so successful and it's good to know what we are buying, yes were buying his music but would we really want to buy music off a person that is perverting, molesting and taking advantage of inconnet children. We will have to wait and see.
Part of the problem is, how can we be sure he is getting a fair trial? So much media attention, so many "exposes" before the event, so much contradictory information about...


Works both ways since he's hired a multi-million dollar law team.

Ultimatley the people will judge and there judgment will be the best we have.
So many boundaries that man has crossed and yet he can't get past the dummy line.

I don't think Michael Jackson will get a fair trial because people have been trying to crack down on his lucrativeness for years. I know it sounds beside the point of child molestation but come one, they've been messing with the man since he got burned in the Pepsi-Cola commercial back in '85 or '86 - something like that. He's been living in O2 bubbles and digging up the elephant man's bones and making love to his monkey and switching up his face so he doesn't look like Joe. We've got to pin down why he's so strange. Why does he do all this stuff for all these kids? Why is it that a grown man has a carnival in his back yard? That's it! I knew he was crazy! Only someone that is insane would hold their child out for everyone to see!

Indeed, anyone who is accused of child molestation needs some time in court to be evaluated. And I hope he is convicted if he is doing this. Because like you said before, PostMaster, usually there's no smoke without fire. Maybe they'll find out what's causing the fire.
Sadly it will be the children drug through the mud and brutalised in the courts by having to relive these events over and over. His rights will be respected while theirs will be trampled.
I'm afraid that Mr. Jackson set himself up for this situation, even if he has done nothing wrong. One interesting point is that one witness has already admitted to lying about his testimony on other issues. However Mr. Jackson keeps doing things that (or appears to) spite the court, like being late, being ordered to appear (several times), dressing inappropriately for the court.

His advisors should empasise to him that perception can become reality, one way or the other.


I'm afraid that Mr. Jackson set himself up for this situation, even if he has done nothing wrong. One interesting point is that one witness has already admitted to lying about his testimony on other issues. However Mr. Jackson keeps doing things that (or appears to) spite the court, like being late, being ordered to appear (several times), dressing inappropriately for the court.

His advisors should empasise to him that perception can become reality, one way or the other.
It might all be part of his game..

Maybe he was trying to provoke a court case so that he could finally clear his name towards the Jodi case.

Maybe this has been planned every step, can you imagine how popular Michael Jackson will be if his name is cleared?

Helped children that stabed him in the back..

I hope for my own sanity that some guilt is found upon him.
Somebody said " If I where God there would be one hell of an electrical storm."

Our Justice system is screwed up. A guy here molested his daughter found guilty 5 yrs in state prison. Another guy got busted with pictures of children he down loaded on his computer found guilty 18 yrs state prison. Both will be out in time to be a danger to kids in their neighborhood.

I myself think any generations goal should be the well being of the next generation and crimes against children should carry much stiffer penalties.
Mr. Jackson's Trial is a circus right now I am not holding my breath that justice will be served.
i dont know any more what he is. i know the world made him rich and famous and set him up like a god (like all actors). he has the money to do anything he wants to do.

he was not like this when they started out way back from Indiana. that is what Hollywood does to people.

A Photographic History of Michael

that is what Hollywood does to people.
There's not one actor that hasn't drastically changed after being hollywoodized. When you are thrown into riches beyond measurability you inevitably change, mainly for worst.

Or maybe not, I can't be the judge of that. :D
if Michael Jackson is convicted even if he only gets a small sentence, would we consider him a victim of society
If he were actually guilty, then there is no excuse. At some point society expects individuals to take responsibility for their own actions.
Postmaster said:
There's not one actor that hasn't drastically changed after being hollywoodized. When you are thrown into riches beyond measurability you inevitably change, mainly for worst.

Or maybe not, I can't be the judge of that. :D
The History behind the Jacksons is they are really good people.

Tinsel Town. Plastic people.
i think there are a few who go, but they do not stay. there make there discovery then move on with life and do not get caught up in the glamor.
Some are cool but of lot of people in the entertainment industry do not live there.
Anyone who stays, well that kind of does happen in some form.
I love California for the beauty of the land and canyons, the vineyards, the pacific, the weather. I wont ever live there again, but there is always something (some kind of spirit) that draws people there.

Welcome to the Hotel California...you can check out but you can never leave.
this is one of the most true lyrics ever written.
There is not one single black person on the jury this says a lot about this case. I feel his defence might be going for diminished responsibility hence the strange displays of clothing etc

It will be interesting to watch the case unfold.

A victim of society and environment I would say yes a child thrown into stardom at such a young age is bound to create mega personality and reality problems, Judy Garland also comes to mind and all the other child stars where their lives have ended in disaster.

I judge him not but I do ask myself about the parents responsbility of allowing/promoting their children into this crazy showbiz world. Would I have allowed my young child there without me by his side ? No never. I will not even allow a child onto a spiritual healing course without the parent present.

So let's look at joint responsibility of the co-creation for whatever as taken place. If parents were held responsible they would not be tempted to abuse their children due to their own greed for money.

May GOD bring peace to all concerned and may it never be allowed to happen again.

Love beyond measure

kim xx
I agree 100%, Star...

Where the heck were the parents during all this???:mad:

Also, I find it rather disgusting that his fans are allowed to gather outside the courtroom, and that he is blowing kisses and waving to them like this is all a game. Its all a display - a display of power, popularity, and wealth. Its also form of subtle intimidation..."Look at how many people are behind me. How many are supporting you? You'd best give up, kid..."

Bah, celebrities...
Dear KnightoftheRose

Sai Baba also comes to mind.....never did feel drawn to his energy.

being love

Kim xx
KnightoftheRose said:
Who's Sai Baba? :p
...a yogi.

Words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba from his Biography: "My Mission is to grant you Courage and Joy, to drive away Weakness and Fear. Do not condemn yourselves as sinners; sin is a misnomer for what are really errors, provided you repent sincerely and resolve not to follow Evil again. Pray to the Lord to give you the strength to overcome the habits which had enticed you when you were ignorant."

...with an afro from the 70s.


It is all a game.

Just like him marrying Lisa Marie. And these children of his that are white though he once had an afro and a wide nose. And the girl who passed out in front of Tito's SUV to show her support for Michael. In LA, image is everything. Any indication of humanity and the beasts are all over you - and that is exactly what Michael Jackson plays on. He gives you the impression that he is a man exploring the innocence of the childhood he missed out on and then he's paying women to become artificially inseminated incubators. This lady Debbie Rowe is not even allowed to see the children and has signed over all parental rights to Michael and his band of nannys. I totally agree -There is no way I would have let my children be alone with Michael Jackson.