Messiah, Saint, Prophet....


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My views, please I plead that know one take offense to what I say these are my personal views and as with everything I say I never take what I say as truth.

There are 3 levels of how close a human can get to God.

Messiah is literally a manifestation of God on earth, where they live selfishless and pure lives and the miracles performed can range from controlling the weather to feed thousands of people with one basket of fish and bread and bringing people back from the dead. I view Jesus Christ and Zoroaster as Messiahs.

Saints go about doing gods work discreetly and can perform miracles, heal and view the future, they Acknowledge something greater then them and they usually would give there lives as martyrs and are known to have had military and political positions. One religion I view as being created by saints would be Baha'i, Greek Gods and Hinduism to be based on this level to God!

Prophets have great characters they can charm and they can view the future, they have the ability to spread the word of God and in some circumstances end up in military positions and political positions. They can also do dark and false work in there favour however when you really think about it, it's a paradox they appear to have done more good then harm. In some cultures they might also be known as Guru's. I view Alexander the great, Muhammad and in this category.

We are all moving towards the kingdom of God On earth, noted in religious teaching and my personal belief.

However there is no set level it is nothing that can be measured these are my guidelines :) I a sure you this is all unique from me :)

Any religion I have missed out, you can put it where you think it applies. Or you can totally rearrange it. My wish is for all religions to unify in the world in so that they can stop the wars they fuel.
Dear PM

And every human as the ability to be all three like Jesus as Paul says in the Bible, Christ is in you and Jesus said you can do this even better then I, he said this to empower us to have faith, heal, love and co-create miracles in GOD's name.

And so it is that it is GOD's will for his children to reclaim their birthright of divinity and GOD's power to create miracles.

As Jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains and so it is true as I can testify. Jesus did not mean real mountains he meant anything that stands in your way or any obstacle that man as created can be removed when you have the faith that it is so.

Christ is in you and you are in Christ.

Blessings in abundance

Kim xx
Maybe, maybe not.. You see, when you are born with gifted abilities of divine nature, there are also signs during or before the birth of that child. Why are there children in Africa suffering from HIV and starving.. We all have free will, to me being divine is a person that acknowledges something far greater then themselves and does not fear death, and for this reason he will go and physically help children and people in need. To me that is a miracle people doing that sort of work. We are humans of flesh and blood, any miracle we perform is an act of God not the human. Non are divine but God. My view of things is people work for GOD but people do not work as GOD.
Dear PM

Yes I agree

IME GOD makes it all possible for us to be instruments of divine will. And when it is GOD's will events can be like a steam train and the person on earth can move in grace but with speed to keep up with the events that unfold.

being love

Kim xx
Postmaster said:
Maybe, maybe not.. You see, when you are born with gifted abilities of divine nature, there are also signs during or before the birth of that child. Why are there children in Africa suffering from HIV and starving.. We all have free will, to me being divine is a person that acknowledges something far greater then themselves and does not fear death, and for this reason he will go and physically help children and people in need. To me that is a miracle people doing that sort of work. We are humans of flesh and blood, any miracle we perform is an act of God not the human. Non are divine but God. My view of things is people work for GOD but people do not work as GOD.
So that is what parents keep harping on (besides the oooh and ahhs), when people comment that a child has something about them, or is strange (good strange), in their and Sacred think beyond the norm?

Then, they follow through as they grow?

Are you both sure? What signs? What pre-natal signs?

Specifically, why are children in Africa suffering from AIDS? Because, Mom and Dad, never gave a damn about a kid...but now the innocent is paying the price. That is truth. Don't care how you try to lay that one out. No mom, no dad, no sick "kid"...

too much information on one post (or thread).

Not wrong, mind you, just too much in one place.


Dear Q

I am sure that you will agree every child is gifted with natural talents and some can be developed.

For me AIDS is not a simple subject due to man's co-creation of its complex nature/origination but as it is written it is the disease of all disease. My worldview is that we are immortal, one can kill the body but not the soul.

blessings in abundance

Kim xx