Prophesies in the Quran (Fulfilled)

Vajradhara said:
Salaam Friend,

thank you for the response... no worries... i'm sure that thipps is busy like we all are :)

whilst i appreciate the response, it does not adequately address my query of asking for a scientifically peer reviewed source for the claim that iron is not a naturally occuring element that is found natively on earth and could only come from an extra-terrestial source.

of course, iron is found in places other than earth as well.. as the comets, meteors and other falling objects have demonstrated.

assuming, for the sake of argument that what you report is correct, how do you reconcile the liquid iron center of the earth with the fact that iron isn't naturally occuring here?
I know that the earth core have a liquid Iron and actually it’s the most abundant element in the total composition of the Earth (35% of its total mass) and the fourth abundant element in its crust (5.6%).but I should explain that we talk about the early period of the earth formation …before most of Iron element quantities melt and go down to the core of the earth ….we talk about result of chemical and physical calculations about the compositions of the earth elements and it’s materials origins and formation .

Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where he is a well-known scientist there. We met with him and asked a number of questions about Qur’aanic verses dealing with the expertise in Astronomy. We asked him about Iron and how it was formed. He explained how all the elements in the earth were formed. He stated that the scientists have come only recently to discover the relevant facts about that formation process. He said that the energy of the early solar system was not sufficient to produce elemental Iron.

In calculating the energy required to form one atom of iron, it was found to be about four times as much as the energy of the entire solar system. In other words, the entire energy of the earth or the moon or the planet Mars or any other planet is not sufficient to form one new atom of iron, even the energy of the entire solar system is not sufficient for that. That is why Professor Armstrong said that the scientists believe that iron is an extraterrestrial that was sent to earth and not formed therein.

For more information you can see this site :
Friend said:
Salaamu Alyckum

Thank you for your comment .and Allah know best ..
What is your comments about these two verses of Al Quraan

"Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return." 030.041
Ibn Kathir does not indicate anything of mention in reference to the thread but Maulana Maududi says the following regarding this verse:
This again points to the war that was being waged between Rome and Iran that had engulfed the whole of the Middle East. [Vol. 3, page 761]

This points towards what one should be looking at as far as the thread is concerned since the first few verses make not one but two predictions (Read 30:2-7). In the “Historical Background” to Chapter 30 (The Romans), Maududi says:
The prediction made in the initial verses of this Surah is one of the most outstanding evidences of the Quran's being the Word of Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad's being a true Messenger of Allah. Let us have a look at the historical background relevant to the verses... [1]
…and in it a prediction was made, saying: "The Romans have been vanquished in the neighboring land and within a few years after their defeat, they shall be victorious. And it will be the day when the believers will rejoice in the victory granted by Allah." It contained not one but two predictions: First, the Romans shall be Victorious; and second, the Muslims also shall win a victory at the same time. Apparently, there was not a remote chance of the fulfillment of the either prediction in the next few years. On the one hand, there were a handful of the Muslims, who were being beaten and tortured in Makkah, and even till eight years after this prediction there appeared no chance of their victory and domination. On the other, the Romans were losing more and more ground every next day [1].
It is similarly said in Yusuf Ali’s commentary of these first few verses.

[1] Missing details can be read at:

Hope this helps and thankyou for helping out regarding the other verse. Please feel free to do so in the future as well.
And Allah knows best.
Salaam Friend,

Which Professor Armstrong? There are lots of them that work at NASA.


Friend said:
Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where he is a well-known scientist there.
Vajradhara said:
Salaam Friend,

Which Professor Armstrong? There are lots of them that work at NASA.


According to your reply …I can guess that you are versed in the Astronomy science said that there are many astronomy scientists or professors have the name Armstrong …you can give me list about them …then I can tell u who is the one whom answer that question...Just to enhance my information.
Salaam Friend,

thank you for the post.

Friend said:

According to your reply …I can guess that you are versed in the Astronomy science said that there are many astronomy scientists or professors have the name Armstrong …you can give me list about them …then I can tell u who is the one whom answer that question...Just to enhance my information.
er... well... sure, i can provide you a list of all the Armstrongs that work at NASA and then you can pick the one that you'd like. however, since this is your particular apolegetic technique, don't you think that it would behoove you to know the first name of the aforementioned Professor Armstrong?

John Armstrong
Neil Armstrong
Dennis Armstrong
Charles Armstrong

does this group include the one that you are looking for?
Vajradhara said:
Salaam Friend,

thank you for the post.

er... well... sure, i can provide you a list of all the Armstrongs that work at NASA and then you can pick the one that you'd like. however, since this is your particular apolegetic technique, don't you think that it would behoove you to know the first name of the aforementioned Professor Armstrong?

John Armstrong
Neil Armstrong
Dennis Armstrong
Charles Armstrong

does this group include the one that you are looking for?
Thank you Vajradhara to these information, Neil Armstrong is the professor who have religious orientation and participated in many international forums ,and he respect Islam to the degree that people think that he convert to Islam.
Salaam Friend,

thank you for the post.

Friend said:
Thank you Vajradhara to these information, Neil Armstrong is the professor who have religious orientation and participated in many international forums ,and he respect Islam to the degree that people think that he convert to Islam.
so.. Neil Armstrong is the Professor Armstrong of your previous post who says that iron came from outside the solar system?
reference post 9/10 from Friend.
I am a bit confused.....

1- Raja bhoj and reference to Dhar..

Dhar is in Central India
Dhar is a town in western Madhya Pradesh state, central India. It is 33 miles west of Mhow, 908 ft. above sea level. It is picturesquely situated among lakes and trees surrounded by barren hills, and possesses, besides its old walls, many interesting buildings, Hindu and Muslim, some of them containing records of a great historical importance.

And King Chakrawati is of Malabar Kerala.....which later on is called
A tradition of the Holy Prophet has also been reported from one of the companions, Abu Saeed al Kaudri, regarding the arrival of Cheraman Perumel. "A king from India presented the Messenger of Allah with a bottle of pickle that had ginger in it. The Holy Prophet distributed it among his companions. I also received a piece to eat ". (Hakim reports in 'Al Musthadrak )
as Cherman perumel .... Now to me these are two different personalities....

or is King Chrawarti the same as Cherman Perumel...???

... and Yes Kerala does have the supposedly First mosque built in 629 ...
Malik Ibin Dinar and 20 others who were the followers of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam first landed here when they came to India. Islam received royal patronage in some states here and spread to other parts of India. The Cheraman Jama Masjid was built around 629 in the Indo-Saracenic style of architecture and the bodies of some of these followers is said to have been buried here. This is said to be first mosque constructed in India. A block of white marble in the mosque is believed to have been brought from Mecca.

So ... does this mean ... that the event of splitting of Moon was seen in at least two different places ( Dhar ; Bhoj ) Magya perdesh and ( Chrawati/perumel : Kerala ) in India...

By the way Just for Info.... it is also written about Raja Bhoj that he did sent an ambassador to the court of Mohammed (mpuh) .... and in fact... at least two persons with the same Name Hazzi or Haji Rattan ... went and Met him there...
and also.... One of them is infact to have participated in the ' Battle of Trenches " or at least Dig the Trench....
... But then it is said he returened to India... and there is a Place called " Bhatinda " ( ref About Bhatinda )
in the Indian Punjab .... where he Has his Grave ..... and a Mosque...

About Haji or Hazzi Rattan

there are two such persons are mentioned....

" Hazi Rattan : The great Hindu poet named Rattan Chand dared to go to Makka for Hazz and was disowned by the society who was blessed with Moksh by 1st Sikh Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 10th Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji completes the words of 1st Guru. There is Mazzar near the Gurudwara Hazi Rattan.Famous Mela Baba Hazi Rattan Yadgari Sabhyacharak Mela is regular feature in the month of December. "


" Mazaar of Peer Haji Rattan : Situated between the Civil Hospital and Grain Market. Legend goes that as Ambassador of Raja Bhoj, Baba Haji Rattan visited Mecca and on return to India, he settled in meditation at Bhatinda. The place is hallowed by the visit of Guru nanak Dev and Guru Gobind Singh. "
and Yes Kerala does have the supposedly First mosque built in 629 ...

Malik Ibin Dinar and 20 others who were the followers of Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam first landed here when they came to India. Islam received royal patronage in some states here and spread to other parts of India. The Cheraman Jama Masjid was built around 629 in the Indo-Saracenic style of architecture and the bodies of some of these followers is said to have been buried here. This is said to be first mosque constructed in India. A block of white marble in the mosque is believed to have been brought from Mecca.


Thanks very much about these new and important informations for me .
By the way, I believe that india have a very famous history and civilization , and at that time east have the wisdom and the ability to write and document the events , while the west didn't have this chance .