Milk -v- Meat

Sacredstar said:
So do we lay ourselves at GOD's feet?

From experience we walk hand in hand ~ the lover and beloved.

Glory be to GOD

Kim xx

Dear SStar,

Is the created the same as the Creator? Are we One with God? No and Yes, I think. Do we worship ourselves or God? Glory be to God.

If God is not the Almighty, the Father, the Prince of Peace, our Lord, in Whom can we hope? Yes, we are beautiful creatures made in His image, but as Q says we are for the most part broken. If no One is above us how can we rise up?

There is healing in this world and is is abundant but it all flows from The One Who is above us, from Whom all we have is borrowed.

You are flying on wings and saying to the rest "See you have wings! You should fly too!" But the danger of course is flying too close to the sun and being burned up or falling because we are not ready to fledge. These are real spiritual dangers, I think. And I think it is easy to fly and think you are doing just fine and not even realize your wings are melting.

Is it better to go slow, take the ladder God provided? I can only say so for myself. At least at this pace I can take in the scenery as I go :D .

Sacredstar said:
...So do we lay ourselves at GOD's feet?

From experience we walk hand in hand ~ the lover and beloved.

Glory be to GOD

Kim xx
Ok, we agree, there is a five percent difference in our beliefs...and I bend my knee before God.


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Dear Lunamoth

Thank you for sharing, allow me to respond to your questions.

lunamoth said:
1. Is the created the same as the Creator?

2. Are we One with God? No and Yes, I think.

3. Do we worship ourselves or God? Glory be to God.

4. If God is not the Almighty, the Father, the Prince of Peace, our Lord, in Whom can we hope?

5. Yes, we are beautiful creatures made in His image, but as Q says we are for the most part broken.

6. If no One is above us how can we rise up?

7. There is healing in this world and is is abundant but it all flows from The One Who is above us, from Whom all we have is borrowed.

8. You are flying on wings and saying to the rest "See you have wings! You should fly too!" But the danger of course is flying too close to the sun and being burned up or falling because we are not ready to fledge. These are real spiritual dangers, I think. And I think it is easy to fly and think you are doing just fine and not even realize your wings are melting.

10. Is it better to go slow, take the ladder God provided? I can only say so for myself. At least at this pace I can take in the scenery as I go :D .

1. Well what I have learnt is that the creator made us to be creators and with every meal we create, every poem we write, every business we begin, every positive thing we create is honouring our creator. GOD as taught me that he created us to be co-creator's with him. So this analogy might suffice, GOD is the architect and we are the builders but yet sometimes the builder lays dodgy foundations or lays the foundations of a house on top of dung heaps, not every builder honours the architect that designed the plans and so sometimes the house can form cracks and create problems for the householder. The householder representing others in our environment.

2. Each and every one of us has the seed of Christ and the spirit of GOD within and the more we raise our consciousness through healing the self, the purification of human/animal traits and the soul, we redeem that part of us that is GOD's perfect creation and reach at-onement. The more we heal the self/purify the more divine we become, the soul can then fully merge with the spirit they become one and then we can realise our oneness with GOD.
The lover and the beloved entwined.

3. That is for each individual to decide depending on their faith and beliefs, GOD and his messengers do not ask me for worship, in my experience GOD likes gratitude and appreciation. GOD as taught me that I must honour all of his creation and in honouring the sacred divinity of GOD's creation I am honouring GOD. For GOD is his creation. This is why Jesus told the Priests off in the temple they were worshipping in front of an alter instead of walking their talk and honouring all of GOD's creation.

4. GOD is the omnipotence of all creation, Jesus Christ is the King and the Prince of Peace but yet we are being called to take responsibility for what we create here on earth. Jesus and his legions of light are doing all they can to help us but yet do we listen? It clearly states in the bible those that destroy the earth will be destroyed but yet Christians are being co-creators of this destruction in thought, word and deed. The crimes against GOD's humanity still continues and when we hurt each we also hurt GOD. Can we hope that GOD will save us when we do nothing to help ourselves and continue to ignore the final commandment of Jesus Christ?

2,000 year's later Jesus still as hope that we will live his truth, so let us hope that we can honour GOD and his final commandment and in so doing the people of this world will indeed be saved and then Christ will return.

5. "Many are broken"

And we must look at the reasons why, in a majority of cases we create our own reality and physical reality is the barometer of imbalance. I was also broken for many years I lived in hell and through our Lord I was saved, he showed me the way to salvation, the road to peace and he helped me to find my way home to GOD (eventhough GOD had been part of my life from the Baptism of the baby) So that I may walk in his name and share his way of love with others so they may also make the breakthroughs and be saved. And so we work hand in hand like many others, he will bring a broken soul to my door I then respond and give all I have to give. If one is broken one can seek and one shall find, but we have to knock or the door cannot be opened for us. It takes responsibility to knock and to walk across the threashold into new life. And so it is we can take responsibility for our pain that we have co-created and in co-creation GOD will show us the way, where there is a will, there is always a way.

6. GOD is only above those who have stayed in separation and not risen up to meet with him. As Jesus said 'my father and I are ONE' Jesus vibrated at such a high state of supreme love that in consciousness he was on a higher plane of existence, but yet he was still able to walk between the worlds of the lower dimensions.

Did he not say 'I am in this world but not from this world.'

How long will it take humanity to embrace the power of these words?

'Behold you are the temple of the Living GOD'

Are they just so daunting? Have we been dominated, controlled and intimidated by mankind for so long that we cannot accept the omnipotence of who we are?

Jesus said after healing miracles ' you can all do this even better then I"

But yet how many truly believe this is possible?

It seems to me that many religious people like all what disempowers and cannot take on board all that GOD bestowed to empower us to be his lover and bride in equal partnership.

7. I totally agree but somtimes GOD needs a human to do his works into the physical dimension hence why we are co-creators.

8. Of course this is your perception which I acknowledge.

a) Yes we do all have wings, it is our higher self, that part of us which is divine and part of GOD.

b) I do not do shoulds for I honour each soul's journey as unique.

c) Love is what the planet needs more then anything else, and this Jesus came to teach but yet we do not have the ability to love others unconditionally if we do not love the self. The self is GOD's creation, being perfect love the way GOD intended can never harm us, for it is the reality of the Kingdom of GOD, his Kingdom of Love and GOD would never do anything to hurt anyone at all and GOD forbid those that hurt others in thought, word or deed. For his law of 'reap what you sow' e.g. cause and effect is in place to ensure they witness the justice of their own destruction.

10) Yes the steps on the stairway to heaven are good for those that choose it, this was the way I moved, one step at a time rising with the help of GOD laying firm and indestructible foundations.

But yet some have arrived at the top of the ladder, due to their own soul purification through many life times, they have repaid their karmic debts and so it is easy for them to take the elevator and walk hand in hand with GOD.

So these people can change overnight just like the twinkling of an eye mentioned in the bible! The light goes on and they view creation with wonder and awe just like when a child discovers its feet. They feel truly blessed to be honoured as co-creators. It is what I call being in a state of GOD/Christ/ Unity consciousness.

I would say that humanity is in a huge transition millions are waking up to being co-creators and taking responsibility for what we co-create so there can be true peace, harmony and equality on earth. As Jesus said the old heaven and earth will pass away and I witness this revelation coming to be. People's perceptions of heaven and earth are changing and as it does so, GOD's will of the paradise of the Kingdom Love will be created.

As Jesus said the Kingdom of GOD is within you.

but the whole of humanity is yet to realise it.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx
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Dear Q

And when we kneel before him he says 'Rise Up" I have put my power into your hands, go forth and multiply, it is good.

A lot of responsibility hey?

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

And in the bible the disciples ask Jesus how will we know it is the end times and Jesus also says that the synagogues will be destroyed.

As this was the place of worship in those times, culture and religion, I understand this to mean all places of worship that exist now in the end times.

I do not feel they will be destroyed completely but will cease to be places of worship, they will probably become ancient monuments that we honour as part of our history, culture and evolution.

As Jesus says in the bible 'pray alone and in secret to GOD.'

A one-to-one relationship with GOD the perfect marriage with the divine.

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:

And in the bible the disciples ask Jesus how will we know it is the end times and Jesus also says that the synagogues will be destroyed.

As this was the place of worship in those times, culture and religion, I understand this to mean all places of worship that exist now in the end times.

I do not feel they will be destroyed completely but will cease to be places of worship, they will probably become ancient monuments that we honour as part of our history, culture and evolution.

As Jesus says in the bible 'pray alone and in secret to GOD.'

A one-to-one relationship with GOD the perfect marriage with the divine.

being love

Kim xx

Yes, pray alone and not as an act of public piousness, but worship also as a Body.

Matthew 18:20 (New International Version)

20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

And Jesus celebrated Passover, what is that but communal worship?

Prayer is part of worship but not the all of it. Worship is also obedience and as you say revering God's creation, including loving each other.

Yes, we are the temple of the living God, I love that too. It is not the building, it is the Body that is the temple.

Worship of God is not a burden or an act to please God; it is a heartfelt response to His love for us.

Dear SStar, well this is for sure a long reply to me and I doubt I have the stamina to reply in kind. :)

1. OK we are creators in the lower case sense but being from the Abrahamic tradition I will continue to resist the idea that I am equal to God. In fact, I would find that idea quite hopeless.

2. So yes we have the seed of Christ in us and yes it is our hurts and attachments to the world that interfer with full expression of our potential. We can choose to nurture that seed or let it lie dormant, or even try to crush it. I don't think that seed ever dies and whatever is left or has grown at our time of physical death is what is merged with God. I don't differentiate between spirit and soul I tend to think of myself as a soul who just happens to have a body for a time.

3. OK with me. I worship God, I give Him thanks and praise.

4. I don't use the same model you do for Jesus. I believe He was fully God and fully human, a Mystery. Having said that, while my hope is in Him, when Q brings the boat by in the big storm you can bet I will jump on and not wait for God to send an angel with wings from above. I agree, God helps those who help themselves. Somehow we are talking past each other on this point so perhaps let us let it lie.

Bottom line: yes, I fully agree with your tagline: compassionate action is Christ conscoiusness in this world, or however you put it. :) We've got to get to work.

5. We also agree on healing and I have no doubt that you are able to heal people and that this is a gift from God. I also believe quite fully in good ol' science-based medicine, you know, germ theory and all that. But, a lot of times what people need is not physical healing so much as spiritual healing. Hearing, seeing, accepting, loving--powerful healing methods practiced by Christ. Look at the parables: heal, feed, forgive, love. This is the ministry we are all called to do.

6. Well, my answer to this is longer than I have time to get into now. In short I think our separation from God is an illusion and that is why we can transverse to the Kingdom in a blink of the eye. Perhaps you, like some of the other great contemplatives, have found some way to "stablize" your transcendent experience, so that's great. For me I'm still just going by faith. Guess I'm God-gene challenged.

Also, it seems to me it is just those people who have embraced the idea that they are all powerful that do the dominating, controlling, oppressing. Just something to think about.

7. S'all right then. :)

8. Yes, the wings are from God too. I'm on board with the love boat.

10. A lot of this is just different language for the Christian commandment to love which I fully agree with.

Thank you again for the thought-provoking reply.

In His Peace,

Sacredstar said:
1. Well what I have learnt is that the creator made us to be creators and with every meal we create

2. Each and every one of us has the seed of Christ and the spirit of GOD within and the more we raise our consciousness through healing the self,

3. That is for each individual to decide depending on their faith and beliefs, GOD and his messengers do not ask me for worship, in my experience GOD likes gratitude and appreciation.

4. GOD is the omnipotence of all creation, Jesus Christ is the King and the Prince of Peace but yet we are being called to take responsibility for what we create here on earth. ...Can we hope that GOD will save us when we do nothing to help ourselves and continue to ignore the final commandment of Jesus Christ?

5. "Many are broken"

6. GOD is only above those who have stayed in separation and not risen up to meet with him.

7. I totally agree but somtimes GOD needs a human to do his works into the physical dimension hence why we are co-creators.

8. Of course this is your perception which I acknowledge.

a) Yes we do all have wings, it is our higher self, that part of us which is divine and part of GOD.
c) Love is what the planet needs more then anything else, and this Jesus came to teach but yet we do not have the ability to love others unconditionally if we do not love the self.

10) Yes the steps on the stairway to heaven are good for those that choose it, this was the way I moved, one step at a time rising with the help of GOD laying firm and indestructible foundations.
As Jesus said the Kingdom of GOD is within you.

but the whole of humanity is yet to realise it.

Kim xx
1. OK we are creators in the lower case sense but being from the Abrahamic tradition I will continue to resist the idea that I am equal to God. In fact, I would find that idea quite hopeless.
very nice Luna. this was the same spirit of Lucifer in the begining. he was ALMOST so equal that he thought he could do it all on his own and rise above. and he went just like Jack tumbling after Jill.
Dear SStar,

Re-reading my post I see that it seems kind of flippant. It was not meant to be but I was going fast and did not go back to smooth it out (nap times are short!). I respect you and really we are not that far apart. Build bridges not walls. :)

Dear Lunamoth

Thank you for all of your responses.

"But, a lot of times what people need is not physical healing so much as spiritual healing. Hearing, seeing, accepting, loving--powerful healing methods practiced by Christ. Look at the parables: heal, feed, forgive, love. This is the ministry we are all called to do."

I totally agree and this is why so many Christians were drawn to the Christian Spiritualists in the last century, here they were trained as spiritual healers. Millions around the world are now being drawn to do Reiki Healing. Heal the mind (thought-led emotions) and the soul and the body heals itself in my experience. Forgiveness follows positive thinking because without it people find it very hard to forgive those they have allowed to hurt them.

"In short I think our separation from God is an illusion and that is why we can transverse to the Kingdom in a blink of the eye."

Totally agree

"it seems to me it is just those people who have embraced the idea that they are all powerful that do the dominating, controlling, oppressing."

Well I agree with you when they have not healed themselves, but once a person as raised their consciousness and they experience the power of the manifestation to help others, they live in true humility of the blessings that have been bestowed by GOD.

So if you cannot accept that you and your father are one how can you be his bride?

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
So if you cannot accept that you and your father are one how can you be his bride?

being love

Kim xx

Well this sentence doesn't actually make much sense to me--why must I be one with the Father in order to be His Bride?

There do seem to be different kinds of relationships we can have with God, some more equal than others. But still there is Creator-created, Lord-maidservant, Counsellor-counselled, Teacher-student, Father-child. It can't all be distilled down to He is Love, you are Love, All is Love without losing some of the the guideposts along the way that, I find, mere mortals need. Love is the heart, as we say, but there is also More.

Dear Lunamoth

Yes I understand exactly and honour the divine force so. These are also interesting quotes.

Jesus also demonstrated his wish to be shepherd and slave (in the NIV) e.g. equal to his disciples and he got very frustrated with them when they worshipped him as superior and did not stand up in equality. The term he used in the GT was you are drunk e.g. drunk on his energy/being.

Jesus said:

I am not your Master; because you are drunk, you have become enlivened from the bubbling spring which I have made to gush out. GT13 And in the NIV he chooses not to be called Rabbi and says I am not your Master or teacher. Interesting that modern day we use the word gushing connected to love.

In the days you fed on what is dead, you made of that the living. When in are the light what will you do! On the day that you are One, you created the two; but then being two, what will you do? GT11

he who drinks from my mouth shall become as me; and I myself become him, and the hidden things shall be manifested. GT:108

I will choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand boldly being a single one. GT23

The Kingdom of the Father is like a woman, who took a little leaven, hid it in dough and of it made large loaves. He who has ears let him hear! GT 96 This parable in fuller explanation is also in the bible.

The angels with the prophets will come to you and they will give you what is yours. You also, give what is in your hands to them, and say to yourselves: On which day will they come and receive what is theirs? GT88

In the days you see your resemblance, you rejoice. But when you see your images that in the beginning were in you, which neither die nor are manifest, Oh! how will you bear! GT84

On which day will the new world come? He replied 'What you expect Has come but you, you recognise it not.GT51

and yes the heart so important

Jesus said 'Happy are the 'loners' and the chosen for you shall find the Kingdom. Because you are from the heart of it, you shall go there again.

Let him who seeks not cease from seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be turned around; and when he is turned around, he will marvel, and he shall reign over All. GT2

I guess this is the only place where we differ.

The Light of the world IS Love.

GOD is Love and Love is the way to live life forevermore.

being love
