2 year since Iraq War and Still Illegal Invasion Not Justified


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People flooding the streets all over the world to demonstrate against the war in Iraq after 2 years. The war was and is Illegal, no evidence of weapons that can mass destruct have been found. You see Iraq cleared itself of weapons on mass destruct a long time ago, but Saddam made out he had them.

A) Because he knew a USA lead invasion was inevitable
B) Because of resistance within Iraq itself and neighbouring countries i.e. Iraq had to make a show of power.

who gave the USA the right to go into a Soverign country? Especially after causing many of the troubles there in the first place?!

I have lots to say but feel it won't go down well in this forum.

The invasion was and is illegal. Tragically there have been, according to the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, the equivalent of 400 WTC's in Iraq (ie the number dead equal 120000+)

Postmaster said:
I have lots to say but feel it won't go down well in this forum.
How right you are....
Tragically there have been, according to the British Medical Journal, The Lancet, the equivalent of 400 WTC's in Iraq (ie the number dead equal 120000+)
I can't come to believe that number...can't get my mind wrapped around it. If is it true, this means that we killed what 3, 4 times as many people in 2 years as Sadam did in 3 decades?? Hard to justify that.