Have we missed something very important?



This came into my awareness today...

Interesting that GOD did not wish us to learn about good -v- evil in the first place......

Gen: 2: 9 And the Lord GOD made all kinds of trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden was the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Gen 2:17 but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil...for what you eat of it you will surely die." (We have been in the cycle of rebirth ever since).

But yet we could eat from any tree of life experience.

So if we had no knowledge of evil what would life be like?

I would say that there would be nothing evil to consider for what we think/know we do create with group consciousness.

So when will people stop eating from that same old tree and change their consciousness ? For when we do the whole world will change in a twinkling of an eye!

Food for thought......

What do you think?

being love

kim xx
Eating the fruit of the tree made no difference (in my opinion). Man's decision to disobey God is what caused us to learn the difference between good and evil. If God had said "You may go anywhere you wish, but do not cross the Tigris River, for that is the river of good and evil, and if you cross it you will die", it would have been the same thing (do not disobey me, or suffer).

One can not have free will, without a price. God was telling man if he chose his own path over what God had planned, the plan would be forever altered. Consequently, both man and God paid a price for man's choice, and both suffered. (action/reaction, no one is left untouched). ;)


Very true Q but just imagine if....the beginning of time has told to us in the bible had been different what a world it would be?

Love Kim x
no one knows what the beginning of time is. what you have is a written record of the beginning of man with a very long history of war, evil and death.

it was written that way because that is what happened and it reflects what man is about.

sin is sin and there is no way around it but through Jesus and the cross of calvary.

how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.

obedience and disobedience is a choice that the Lord has made to each person through Adam.

but in all this, God has always had a people who love him. a people who love each other and have sacrificed themselves for the better of man because they know what the love of God is.
Dear Bandit

GOD did not wish us to learn about good -v- evil in the first place......

So would you agree that it was GOD's wish for us to only know goodness from the tree of life experience?

being love

kim xx
Sacredstar said:
Dear Bandit

GOD did not wish us to learn about good -v- evil in the first place......

So would you agree that it was GOD's wish for us to only know goodness from the tree of life experience?

being love

kim xx
For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

THIS is what makes us mortal.

No I do not agree Star. There is an obedience and a commandment factor and a curse of death involved. If you eat of the tree you shall surely die. (this is both a spiritual and natural death) Adam suffered a spiritual death and was made separate from God, then later suffered a physical death.
This tree was not a literal tree of knowledge. It was put there on purpose as a commandment for them to choose to obey or disobey.
It was disobedience that made them ashamed and opened there eyes to what real obedience is.
It was disobedience that drove man away from God. Disobedience is what is evil.
Obedience is what is good.

It is almost impossible to have a conversation with someone who does not believe the whole bible and that we are indeed in a sinful helpless state and that we cannot achieve some hocus pocus salvation on our own.

The scripture says all are born into sin (disobedience), shapen in inquity from the womb, and that we are not saved of ourselves but it is the grace and gift of God through Jesus our Lord.
It is only through Jesus that we are able to be brought back into loving favor with God.
The blood of Jesus covers the righteous and goes clear back to Adam and all the way into the future for those who love God and and are obedient to His will.

God did it this way on purpose, so that he could deliver us from the curse of death. through free will and CHOOSING what is good and shunning what is evil through obedience and learning to love the creator more than ourselves.

You do not have free will (choice) without good and evil present at the same time.

The ego and inner man is NOT God.
Bandit you hit the nail on the head with your post..

I would like to add that God being Omnipotent Omnipresent and Omniscient...being outside of time wouldnt you agree that God knew that Adam and Eve would disobey his commandment? Of course. Sooooooooo Its not his will that we do good.. its his will that we choose to do good. Just like its his will that we choose to love him.
Faithfulservant said:
Bandit you hit the nail on the head with your post..

I would like to add that God being Omnipotent Omnipresent and Omniscient...being outside of time wouldnt you agree that God knew that Adam and Eve would disobey his commandment? Of course. Sooooooooo Its not his will that we do good.. its his will that we choose to do good. Just like its his will that we choose to love him.
yep. choose ye this day whom ye will serve. no man can serve two masters etc etc.

its like God delivers Israel from bondage so he can lead them around in circles for 40 years in the wilderness on purpose. WHY?

:) because He knows what He is doing :) :)
God (I believe) wanted us fully to know good from evil Sacred. True God could have made us all to where we were all good and only did what he wanted but that wouldnt be very fufilling. A good thing I listened to during my recent roadtrip talked about how God is a personal being and wants personal relationships not autonomous robots at his beck and call. The main gist of it all is the choice. He wants us to choose him and to obey him and we cant choose him without knowing the difference and having free will. Kind of like a spouse, do you want one that wants to be with you cause they have to be or one that chooses to be cause they love you.