The Pope and the Divine Feminine



Q and I have mentioned on this forum about adding a topic that could enligthen us about the Marian aspect of Christianity. So here are a few points of interest to get it started.

In October 2000 I was sent this email by kind permission of Caritas of Birmingham.

Did you know ?

Because their nation was in grave peril, the Filipino Bishops declared 1985 as a Marian Year. Within months their nation was saved. John Paul II, inspired by these events names and consecrated 1987 as a Marian year for the whole world. Within months the Berlin Wall crumbled. The communist regimes of Russia, Rumania and Czechoslovakia, Hungary and others, literally nation after nation fell.

John Paul II was very surprised by the vastness and the speed at which these events occurred. Following this the Pope called all the Bishops of the world to meet in Rome on the 8th October 2000 to consecrate the next 1,000 years into the hands of the most Holy Mother Mary. A solemn act of entrustment.


So are the churches of the world uniting on common points of faith? It is written that Pope John Paul II prays every day to the virgin, whom he credits with saving his life. (Life, Dec., 1996, p. 48).

At a certain moment on May 13, 1981, during an open-air papal audience in St. Peter's Square, in the presence of some 75,000 people and before the eyes of an estimated 11 million television viewers, Pope John Paul spied a little girl wearing a small picture of Christ's Mother of Our Lady of Fatima. Just as he bent from the slow moving car in a spontaneous gesture to the child, hired assassin Mehmet Ali Agca squeezed off two bullets, aimed precisely where his head had been. As two pilgrims fell wounded to the ground, two more shots rang out, and this time John Paul's blood stained his white papal cassock.

On May 13, 1992 [and again in 1994], John Paul II went to Fatima where he thanked Our Lady of Fatima for sparing his life in the 1981 assassination attempt. John Paul II, who has 'dedicated himself and his Pontificate to Our Lady' bears the M for Mary in his coat of arms; his personal motto, embroidered on the inside of his robes in Latin, is totus tuus sum Maria (Mary, I'm all yours)."

John Paul is firmly convinced, as are many others, that Mary brought an end to communism throughout Europe. His faith is rooted in the famed prophecies of Mary at Fatima in 1917. According to Sister Lucia, one of the children who claimed to see her, the Virgin predicted the rise of Soviet totalitarianism before it happened. In a subsequent vision, she directed the Pope and his bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in order to bring communism to an end.

According to Lucia, papal attempts to carry out that consecration failed in 1942,'52, and '82. John Paul finally carried out Mary's directive in 1984 - and the very next year Mikhail Gorbachev's rise to power inaugurated the Soviet collapse. Says Father Robert Fox of the Fatima Family Shrine in Alexandria, S. Dak.: 'The world will recognize in due time that the defeat of communism came at the intercession of the mother of Jesus.'" (Time, Dec., 30, 1991,pp. 64, 65). In fact, the former Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, called Pope John Paul II "the highest authority on earth." Amazing words, coming from the ex-leader of communist Russia!

John Paul II is currently leading the greatest ecumenical movement in history in order to unite all religions under Rome's leadership. On October 27, 1986, the pope gathered in Assisi, Italy, the leaders of the world's major religions to pray for peace. Included in the group were snake worshippers, Buddhists, Moslems, Hindus, Spiritualists and North American witch doctors. The pope said they were all praying to the same god, and their prayers were "creating a spiritual energy that was bringing about a new climate for peace."

Have you read this book?

Desmond Seward in The Dancing Sun states that,

“According to the visionaries, the Virgin (of Medjugorje) has said that the world is passing through a period of unparalleled darkness.... Satan ... is waging a great battle for souls with the Mother of God, who has been sent from the Eternal Father to warn and hearten them, for, as God told the serpent in Genesis, the woman "shall crush thy head."

Did you also know that the Pope went on TV

On 28th July 1999 Pope John Paul II stated that hell is not a place, but rather, a state of being. He said that it is the result of having separated yourself from God, who is the source of all life and joy.

Pope John Paul II

In three controversial Wednesday Audiences, Pope John Paul II pointed out that the essential characteristic of heaven, hell or purgatory is that they are states of being of a spirit (angel/demon) or human soul, rather than places, as commonly perceived and represented in human language. This language of place is, according to the Pope, inadequate to describe the realities involved, since it is tied to the temporal order in which this world and we exist. In this he is applying the philosophical categories used by the Church in her theology and saying what St. Thomas Aquinas said long before him.

Heaven is Fullness of Communion with God

Love beyond measure

Kim xx
and what do you make of this passage in Galatians?


"Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in salvery with her children.

But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is under our mother."

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
and what do you make of this passage in Galatians?


"Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in salvery with her children.

But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is under our mother."

being love

Kim xx
Could be that Hagar implored God to do away with her life, and that of her son (Ishmael), but God refused and advised that her son would be the father of a people wild as an Ass, strong with the bow, and unerring as Archers (though always at war with their neighbors).

Miriam (Mary) accepted her lot, with did her husband, Joseph. Never once is it written that Miriam asked God to end her plight.

Grace, I think is the difference. ;)


SS, this is an interesting verse. I read it over a couple of times and it hasn't totally come clear to me yet.

It definitely seems Paul is preaching against the law or covenant with Israel through Moses. Mount Sinai was where Moses received the law, apparently he is saying that those that adhere only to the law are slaves under tha law. He must have seen Jerusalem at the time as slaves to the law. The fruit of the law is slavery according to Paul.

Paul seems to be stating that Jesus was beyond the law and therefore free from slavery. " And she is our mother." I never saw this before , this definitely alludes to a divine femenine aspect of God and creation.

I am fascinated by the things transpiring in the Catholic Church right now. Along with all of the deceit being exposed there appears to be a transformation occuring. A contemplation of God outside the confines of traditional christian belief. Mary has become the Godess for sure.

I think this is a crucial time in the Catholic Church. This Pope has said and done things that will forever change Christian perspective and belief. I personally think that the church has held certain secrets of the roots of christianity that will come out soon. These secrets will rock the world. What do you know about the Pope's successor?
didymus said:
SS, this is an interesting verse. I read it over a couple of times and it hasn't totally come clear to me yet.

It definitely seems Paul is preaching against the law or covenant with Israel through Moses. Mount Sinai was where Moses received the law, apparently he is saying that those that adhere only to the law are slaves under tha law. He must have seen Jerusalem at the time as slaves to the law. The fruit of the law is slavery according to Paul.

Paul seems to be stating that Jesus was beyond the law and therefore free from slavery. " And she is our mother." I never saw this before , this definitely alludes to a divine femenine aspect of God and creation.

I am fascinated by the things transpiring in the Catholic Church right now. Along with all of the deceit being exposed there appears to be a transformation occuring. A contemplation of God outside the confines of traditional christian belief. Mary has become the Godess for sure.

I think this is a crucial time in the Catholic Church. This Pope has said and done things that will forever change Christian perspective and belief. I personally think that the church has held certain secrets of the roots of christianity that will come out soon. These secrets will rock the world. What do you know about the Pope's successor?
One of them is a militant...
One of the pope's successors is a militant? Can you explain this? Thanks
didymus said:
One of the pope's successors is a militant? Can you explain this? Thanks
No. You'll just have to wait and see, like me.


Ok? How do you know he is a militant, and a militant what at that?
Dear Didymus

Yes transformation, reformation and regeneration indeed, and I feel that it is very healthy for the long term survival of Christianity. The Papal know that people cannot be fooled anymore, but yet I feel they have known that it would be very dangerous indeed for the believers, if they told the whole truth and nothing but the truth in one shot.

How would the people feel facing up to the fact they have been deceived for milennia in more ways then one? So they have no choice but to protect the people from self harm and just let out a little bit more truth at a time. But from my experience with Christian Fundamentalists on a US (End Times forum) website they are calling the Pope of Rome the prostitute of Satan, so many within Christianity are not ready to be open to the truth of the revelations coming out of Rome. So a turbulent time ahead is predicted until all come to the true Christ heart of love.

The next Pope well I was told there would be a female Pope in the future, but I very much doubt it will be in my lifetime. I would be very surprised if it was a militant. Rome as been courting religious leaders around the world for a long time to ensure they do not get left behind in the critical mass awakening. I feel they are fully aware of the message coming back from the people and how few new young recruits they are gaining, especially with the loss of religion being taught in many schools.

So a compassionate, courageous powerful reformer, a man of peace, I predict will take the reigns in Rome and I feel sure that the Pope as been grooming someone for a very long time. If they are clever and are willing to change and reform I feel sure that they will be able to capitalise on the new era of the transparency of Christ Consciousness that is beginning to rise in people's hearts, like a flock of birds learning to fly!

Yes I agree with you there is a much greater meaning to that passage. I feel sure all will revealed and we will discover more in the NIV.

Onwards and upwards

Dear Q

Yes Grace, patience and purity beyond measure, the immaculate heart, which is why she was the perfect mother, guardian and nurturer for Jesus.
And in her pefection, compassion and unconditional love she continues to pray for us all. We are truly blessed to be loved so much cradled in her arms.

being love

Kim xx
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I'm not sure what the overall concensus is on Cathoicism right now. I do know that millions are disillusioned due to all the reports of child molestation. I think the Catholic Church is reaping what it sewed indeed. But, not all in the Catolic Church are tainted. I have met many a Catholic that were very kind hearted and honest people who just want to do the right thing. God bless them.

Another controversy between catholic and christians is the catholic's reverance of Mary and the prayer to saints. I'm sure you are familiar with this.

Mother Mary has played a role in my life. Ironically I was not raised Catholic nor was I raised Christian. We went to church on holidays and that was it. But all of a sudden in 1992 or so I was led to by a chain with a Mary medallion on it. Something happenmed to me during that time that was very healing and peaceful. Just recently my girlfriend and I went out and bought rsaries. Go figure.
Dear Didymus

Yes interesting isn't it the way she comes into our lives.

I had no connection with her either until 1997 and then the connection just got stronger and stronger and she played a major part in my life.

While in Florence carrying out Harmonic Epiphany for Divine Mother, I listened joyfully to a charismatic american priest talk to the congregation on praying to Mother Mary for intercession to GOD. He was an amazing young man.

Going back to Paul yes I agree I have noticed passages that are saying the same thing throughout the NT NIV.

being love

Kim xx
Paul seems to be stating that Jesus was beyond the law and therefore free from slavery. " And she is our mother." I never saw this before , this definitely alludes to a divine femenine aspect of God and creation.
This verse alludes to no such thing. It is plainly about Abraham Sarah and Hager
Sarah recieving the child of promise
Hager the Child because as a slave she was told under law to go into Abraham thus her son wasnt of promise but of law.
It has nothing to do with Mary or Creation.
They made a mistake putting chapter and verse in the Bible makes it to easy to take things out of context.
Reading the whole letter of Galatians might not be a bad idea.

Ga 4:22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Neither of those are Mary neither of them God nor where they around at creation nor are they Divine.
Basstian, i wasn't stating that the verse said mary or hagar were divine.

How do you interpret Hagar stands for Mt. Sinai? This was where the law was given.

It says these things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent 2 covenants. One from Mt. Sinai that bears children who are to be slaves. Was Paul not preaching against strict adherence to the law?

And what is the mother he refers to?
He refers to the Mother of Promise Sarah Abrahams wife the one God promised would have a son at around ninety yrs old. The one who said "surely He wasnt talking about me take my bondswoman Hagar and fufil the promise" and Hagar being a obedient slave went in and bore a son to Abraham one born of Law not free not of promise who was wild and disobedient. Unlike the child of promise Sarah did deliver who fufilled the law because he loved his father Abraham and also believed in the promise that Abrahams generations should number as the stars of the sky and passed this down to his son Jacob who had a brother esau who did not believe in the promise and sold his birthright. Jacob however did and had 12 sons suffering from drought sent them into egypt where they wound up inslaved after 400 yrs had forgotten the promise and become wild and unruley But God remembered the promise to Abraham used Moses to restore the promise but because the hearts of the people had to use the law to control them. That Law they break so He made a new covenant to write that same law in their hearts and as many as would hear and follow that law would be adopted into the promise through the sacrifice of Gods own son Jesus. Now we choose the promise and are no longer under the Law that states when you sin you Die but are free through Jesus. Which makes you a Child of the promise and a child of Sarah the mother of that promise. NOT DIVINE but unbelieving in that she sent in the bondwoman because she didnt believe she also cast her out because God proved true. So dont let anyone tell you that if you are not circumsised you cannot be saved because the promise is one of the heart as is the circumsision that for ages was the symbol of that promise.

Thats the Law Paul was talking about and Sarah is the mother
i do not pray to mary and i never will. the bible does not say she is the mother of God. I am not subject to any man of religious leadership.

this little bit of history, the scripture used and the topic of the thread do not have a common denominator.
i feel this was started in part to provoke division among the Christian brothers of like faith.

i will also point out your loose and swaying use of the word divine and its forms. it is only used in the scripture about 5 times relating to the goodness of God and femine and masculine is not attatched. Of its 25 other uses in the scripture it is in reference to evil and wickedness of men.
You use the word quite often and out of context of WHAT IS.

Star, I will never trust your mystic teaching.
Dear Basstian

From where I am sitting the whole of Galatians is about Freedom and the whole book is so powerful I feel we could have a whole thread dedicated to its purpose.

It talks about Faith or the Law?
The Law and the Promise
Hagar and Sarah as the analogy
Freedom in Christ
Life by the Spirit
New Creation

For those that are not familiar with this passage I have written it in full.

Hagar and Sarah Analogy/Parable Galatians 4:21-31 NIV.

21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says?

22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman.

23 His son by the slave woman was born in the ordinary way; but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a promise.

24 These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants.One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar.

25 Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children.

26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

27 For it is written: “Be glad, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth and cry aloud, you who have no labor pains; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.”

28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

29 At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now.

30 But what does the Scripture say?

“Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son.”

31 Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.

I understand this to mean that we are not slaves of the law of Mt Sinai but of the freedom brought by Christ.

5.1 Freedom in Christ
It is our freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, do not let yourselves be burdened by the yoke of slavery.

4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

So how do you reconcile two Jerusalem's? One being above (the earth/or above the other) and she being our mother?

Now in Isaiah 28:18 GOD says "Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the grave will not stand.19 The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror".


Kim xx
Re: The Pope and the

israel has always been refered to as a woman and a mother through the righteous seed as in a woman in travail giving birth.

NOT a mystical goddess
Dear Bandit

How do you reconcile one Jerusalem being a city and the other Jerusalem being above?

being love

Kim x
didymus said:
Ok? How do you know he is a militant, and a militant what at that?
Here is the list Did. You should read about them.

Dionigi Tettamanzi javascript:bSlip('BF','','1046497','','',-1,'5','5.00','1046497','571331')javascript:bSlip('BF','','1046497','',-1,'5','5.00','1046497','571331')Francis Arinze Claudio Hummes Jean-Marie Lustiger Joseph Ratzinger Cormac Murphy-OConnor Angelo Sodano Ennio Antonelli Juan Luis Cipriani Crescenzio Sepe Godfried Daneels Giacomo Biffi Ivan Dias
One of them thinks he can "order" Catholics to read what he says, and think as he decrees.

Reading the Da Vinci code, for example, is considered to be close to sinning.


Well so is complementary medicine, eastern spiritual practises like yoga and meditation, so I guess we are all used to that. Most just ignore their innocence but the trials for heresy against their own priests reported in the British press a couple of weeks ago was alarming as far as human rights are concerned.