Happy Easter to those who will be celebrating it this coming Sunday

Kindest Regards, Phyllis! Be still my heart! It is so seldom we get to hear from you! Thanks for your greeting, even if I will be keeping Passover instead, (at least the best I know how). ;)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I hope this post is okay here. :) If not, please move. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Thanks for the well wishes. Though because of all the rain we're having and low temperatures, I don't think we'll be having our Sunrise service outside at the Grotto...;)


Happy Easter Phyllis and everyone:)

I am looking forward to some warm weather and enjoying the earth as it puts forth its beauty and planting for another harvest.
Happy Easter and Spring to everyone !

We have warm and sunshine this week-end. Youpi ! :)
thanks for the flowers, Alexa!

happy Easter and a happy beginning of Spring to all of you! (can't wait for all this snow to melt!)