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Some Cancerians George Bush, Alexander the Great, Princess Diana, Julius Caesar, JF Kennedy and John the Baptist.

Anyone can name famous people within a certain star sign but what is unusual about this is we are talking about the greatest political leaders of all time and they were all assassinated apart from Bush of course..

Can anyone name a greater political leader then Princess Diana, Alexander the Great (Influenced all political leaders in the west including....) Julius (hense July) Caesar and JF Kennedy.

And they were all murdered.

Coincidence? Or something greater at work?

Astrologers even predicted JF Kennedy before it happened simply by connecting to Julius Caesar. Any rational theories?
I'm Cancer too and very much alive,thanks. Maybe because I'm not famous yet ? :p :D
alexa said:
I'm Cancer too and very much alive,thanks. Maybe because I'm not famous yet ? :p :D

Would you like to swing on a star...or would you rather be a fish. A fish is an animal that swims in a brook...;)


Now that you are talking about, I'll gladly swing on a star. Who knows ? I may cheat my bad fate as Cancerian.;) :D
I'm not sure how the film depicts it, but from my reading the cause of death of Alexander the Great is usually malaria - though sometimes suggested as alcohol poisoning.
Well he drove his army so far to the extent they were going to murder him inevitably, also the ruthless Ptolemy got Egypt so there was a lot for gain after his death. I think his mother was warning him of conspirators too. And after Alexander’s death they executed his mother. A lot of times in history there are gaps that your own imagination has to choose, I'd say he was murdered by poisoning it's probably something they felt they had to do and not wanted to do. I mean I would say Alexander the Great was a Psychopath and that's what probably drove him to such remarkable lengths anyway, there's not much difference between insanity and genius. Who else would conquer part of India and just give it back because he felt they were great people?! The Indians still haven't forgot about Alexander till this day. I think what drove him was the fact he started to believe in his own myth that he was a son of a God but there was Prophesies in his birth before he was born so must have played a great psychological effect on him.

Alexander used to look up Achilles as he was growing up, the Greek who was murdered in Troy by Paris because who chose eternal fame but a short life as explained in Homers Iliad. Alexander followed that path too and apprently Alexanders mother could trace her blood line to Achilles and that was one of the reasons Philip married her. Power also came in the form of blood in them days.

And looking at his star sign its not unlikely he wasn't assassinated. He had plans of conquering the Romans before he died. Greed messed it all up.
PM do you believe Napoleon was a psychopath, too ? He was a Lion, but he had the same dream to conquer the world.

How about the otomans ? And the Romans ? Remember their Empire and their influece all over the world ? And the Germans not so long ago ? Well, I agree Hitler was a psychopath.
PM I hope you don't mind if I add in here other famous assassinated persons:

France : Henri III of France (SE 19, 1551), Henri IV (DE 13, 1553)

England : the regicide of Mary Queen of Scots (DE 8, 1542); the regicide of Charles I of England (NO 19, 1600);

Russia : Ivan IV of Russia (AU 23, 1740); Peter III ( FE 21, 1728); Paul I of Russia (OC 1, 1754), Alexander II (AL 17, 1818); Tsar Nicolas II (18 MA 1868)

USA : Abraham Lincoln (FE 12 1809); James A. Garfield (NO 19, 1831); Wiliam McKinley (JA 29, 1843)

Austria : Frantz Ferdinard (DE 18, 1863)

Sweden : Gustav III (JA 24 1746)

Italy : Umberto I (MR 14 1844)

Portugal : Carlos I SE 28, 1863)

Greece : George I (DE 24, 1845); Socrates (JN 4, 470)

Nepal : Birendra of Nepal (DE 28, 1945)

Not long ago, Victor Yuschenko (FE 23, 1954, Ukraine) was poisened during the election campaign. He had the chance to survive.

Of course, this is my short list. As you can see, those born in December are good candidates for killing. But, I won't bet on it as here you have an entire list of assassinated people from all over the world from our short history as humans :

In conclusion, I would say all those who want to govern his country or the world are in danger to be killed some day. Being an ordinary person is not so bad after all. :D

Yes but I'm talking about greater people.. Almost all the people you mentioned I didn't know about. I believe all political leaders that believe that there is any sort of justification in killing other humans are psychopaths.

My aim is of exposing Cancerians "Moon children" of having an edge when it comes to politics.

However the current Dalai Lama is a Cancerian too.

At the end of the day, it's whatever people want to make of it.

The most famous political figures ever happen to be Cancerians. There might be a pattern. In Africa "Moon Children" not necessary Cancerians are considered as having extra abilities to see beyond and have healing and viewing the future abilities. A connection to Cancerians being controlled by the Moon?

Postmaster said:
Yes but I'm talking about greater people.. Almost all the people you mentioned I didn't know about. I believe all political leaders that believe that there is any sort of justification in killing other humans are psychopaths.

My aim is of exposing Cancerians "Moon children" of having an edge when it comes to politics.

However the current Dalai Lama is a Cancerian too.

At the end of the day, it's whatever people want to make of it.

The most famous political figures ever happen to be Cancerians. There might be a pattern. In Africa "Moon Children" not necessary Cancerians are considered as having extra abilities to see beyond and have healing and viewing the future abilities. A connection to Cancerians being controlled by the Moon?

Of course...I should have known. You were born on the U.S. Independence Day! Which makes you and the United States, Cancerians...:D :D :D


Postmaster said:
Yes but I'm talking about greater people.. Almost all the people you mentioned I didn't know about. I believe all political leaders that believe that there is any sort of justification in killing other humans are psychopaths.

Except Socrates, all the others were kings and presidents.

My aim is of exposing Cancerians "Moon children" of having an edge when it comes to politics.
However the current Dalai Lama is a Cancerian too.

Keep going. I'm not convinced you have reached your aim yet.

At the end of the day, it's whatever people want to make of it.

I complety agree on that.

The most famous political figures ever happen to be Cancerians. There might be a pattern. In
Africa "Moon Children" not necessary Cancerians are considered as having extra abilities to see beyond and have healing and viewing the future abilities. A connection to Cancerians being controlled by the Moon?
Now, let's see about this one. I hate politics, so from this standpoint I'm safe. :p Hmm, with the last part, I'll say : TOUCHÉ. Btw, I don't like water and I cannot swim. :D
alexa said:

Except Socrates, all the others were kings and presidents.

Keep going. I'm not convinced you have reached your aim yet.

I complety agree on that.

Now, let's see about this one. I hate politics, so from this standpoint I'm safe. :p Hmm, with the last part, I'll say : TOUCHÉ. Btw, I don't like water and I cannot swim. :D

But if you are a "crab" you don't have to just walk along the bottom 'till you reach the shore. ;)


alexa said:
I prefer walking, so I might be a crab. :D Nice avatar, Q. :)
Blue Jay found it for me...;)

Oh, btw, I'm a fish, but I'm married to a crab, er cancerian, ("ouch, ok, I'm sorry honey, stop hitting me, I'll tell 'em I'll tell 'em!") I ah, have a beautiful wife, who is full of vim and vigour...:D :D :D

But she is famous too! Yeah, she spilled soup on Secretary of State M. Albright and wine dressing on the Coast Guard's commandant's aide at a formal...(purely by accident). And her captian did all he could to keep from laughing his...well you get the picture. ;)


Well, like with whatever I say, I never say I'm right... It’s food for thought that's all :)

I do believe that like with many things, if you truly believe you can make just about anything happen psychologists have known for a while that even your name can influence what you do in life, in the ancient times they used to see a connection between name and person however maybe it's your fate to take on that name in the first place?. I will stress that the JF Kennedy and Julius Caesar connection was known even before JF Kennedy's death by Astrologers though.

If we live in meaningful life where everything happens for a reason, there is know reason to 100% to disregard what I say. Astrology was practised by the Greeks, Egyptians, past and present Buddhists, Chinese, Middle East civilisations, Indians ect. Sometimes you might not even need the sky to show you, some people can see deep simply by reading a hand.

Seek and you shall find :)
Postmaster said:
Well, like with whatever I say, I never say I'm right... It’s food for thought that's all :)

I do believe that like with many things, if you truly believe you can make just about anything happen psychologists have known for a while that even your name can influence what you do in life, in the ancient times they used to see a connection between name and person however maybe it's your fate to take on that name in the first place?. I will stress that the JF Kennedy and Julius Caesar connection was known even before JF Kennedy's death by Astrologers though.

If we live in meaningful life where everything happens for a reason, there is know reason to 100% to disregard what I say. Astrology was practised by the Greeks, Egyptians, past and present Buddhists, Chinese, Middle East civilisations, Indians ect. Sometimes you might not even need the sky to show you, some people can see deep simply by reading a hand.

Seek and you shall find :)
Not disregarding you at all Postmaster. We're just keeping it is after all Easter Sunday! :D :D :D

I like cancerians (I married one). And I listen to her wisdom (which is great).


Postmaster said:
Well, like with whatever I say, I never say I'm right... It’s food for thought that's all :)

I began to know you and I drawn a conclusion for myself recently. You make me laugh when you manage to find information to support your theories. My fun in this, is to find all the other infos to fill in the puzzle.:)

If we live in meaningful life where everything happens for a reason, there is know reason to 100% to disregard what I say. Astrology was practised by the Greeks, Egyptians, past and present Buddhists, Chinese,
Middle East civilisations, Indians ect. Sometimes you might not even need the sky to show you, some people can see deep simply by reading a hand and recently I read that some had visions whenever he used to log on to the net.

Seek and you shall find :)
Oh, this is nothing new for me. Astrology is a science and like all the others has strong and weak parts.

So, what else make you think Cancerians are cursed ?
Q. after your post 14 I was ready to say something to your wife. Then I saw no16, so I won't say anything. ;)

Sorry, I have to go now. Family visit. Talk to you later.
So, what else make you think Cancerians are cursed ?

I think people of all star signs have the ability to be cursed and have an equal beauty.

I have no idea :)... All depends on the path you take I suppose. I acknowedge something but I don't understand it many things are beyond me :)