Calling & Welcoming Spirits



not sure where this goes because these sub forums seem to be all kind of the same in alternative.

what i want to know is why do some people feel they need to do certain physical things to call & welcome a spirit (s).

some light candles, draw circles on the ground, make a bon fire or use incense, seance & some even an animal sacrifice, etc.

i know what the good angels and spirits -God- are & that is what I call on.

However once i did call evil and bad spirits & they came FAST, also offering power, but the good spirits would not allow them to come into me & neither would I. However I could have joined with the evil spirits, but i felt a sense of trickery and harm with them, so i turned them away.

so, would not it be more a matter of faith on calling and inviting, rather than all these extra ceremonial things? {at least that is how it is for me}

...when you have the time:)
Hello Bandit
For me lighting insence and candles is not an essential piece when calling on God. Again this is only my opinion but I think God comes when we need, whenever we are in need of devine intervention. We do not need to do anything but ask. I have lit candles and insence before. For me it just helps to intensify my connection or put me in a pure state of mind when speaking with God. Sort of sets the mood, takes me out of my ordinary frame of mind. Most of the time I burn frankinsence and myrhh in it's pure form, meditate then pray and ask that God join me. I have never called evil spirits. It is just not in my nature to do so. I belive God gives certain gifts to us like healing for example and equips all of us with the power to do these things. I accept that I may not have power in some areas and am happy/content with the gifts God gives me. Every thing I do to connect with God is in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. As far as animal sacrifice,to me that's just scary I do not think God requires that of us. A circle is just for protection. To insure that only who you call upon may enter. Similiar to a Church in that respect.
Child of a New Day said:
I was curious what evil spirits you called upon? Were always a Christian?
thanks for talking Child of a Newday. I totally agree with your earlier post. it kind of just creates an atmosphere, but we dont really need that.

As for who I called on, I called out to Lucifer himself. I was in the backyard last summer just after sundown. I have a very woodsy acre that I like to enjoy during the summer.
Yes i am a Christian & bible believer & always have been. I wanted to 'TEST' the spirits & this is why I did it. I know Jesus was tempted by Lucifer himself & that he was able to rubuke satan & he had to flee from him.

I just did this for a test. I can only say for sure that 3 very big powerful spirits showed up & surrounded me form the west, south & north, but nothing in the east, when I called to satan to show himself. Yes they did want to enter me, but the power of God & my own will was stronger & greater than what the evil was trying to offer. It was like a beguiling & trickery, but very powerful spirit(s) offering a strange power & supposedly unlimited possiblities.
I had no fear of them & I rejected them & they did keep distant & they did leave after I commanded them to. I would say it lasted for anly about 5 minutes, but during the time there was a communication with them, but it was strange & unfamiliar.
So, I have no need or want, to ever do this again but i have no problems talking about these things.

Earlier that summer in a nearby woods, we found a chicken corpse nailed to a cross for blood sacrfice with symbols drawn in the ground. In the early 90s, I worked for some builders putting up new homes in an unpopulated area. We found a human baby skull, with a symbol, spray painted on the foundation of one of the homes & a small fire that had been built there. I also visited one fortune teller years ago, who was able to tell me things that it was impossible for anyone to know. These are only a few of things that have made me wonder about it all over the years.

So, what i had wondered is, could it be possible that some are calling on spirits but do not realize they are involved with the bad spirits? OR maybe some do realize it, but dont know how to change it or dont want to change it?
Just so you know I burn frankinsence and myrhh too. But only around the Holidays just because I like the scent a lot & it reminds me of Christmas. I dont really use it for any meditation or prayer.

I know they use this in the Episcapal church for some services during the holdiays too.:)
Bandit said:
Just so you know I burn frankinsence and myrhh too. But only around the Holidays just because I like the scent a lot & it reminds me of Christmas. I dont really use it for any meditation or prayer.

I know they use this in the Episcapal church for some services during the holdiays too.:)
I know, how very Christian of me. ;)
That sounds really scary. It upsets me to hear that people still acctually do those kinds of things. To answer your question; I believe that if your heart and intent are pure and you call on God then God will answer! Perhaps a person lacking spiritual knowledge will contaminate themselves. For example someone who is calling spirits for the soul purpose of gaining power for personal gain and if there is no connection with God at all. Then they bring confusion upon themselves. Ultimately I think God will provail and if God knows our hearts and our hearts are pure then we are protected. Now as for the people you speak of who did those awful things (involving the skull of a baby) well they just set the stage for the type of life they live and the type of soul they carry.
hello, I'm not sure where to exactly go with this but here it goes. last night I had a sort of preminision of seeing someone that is no longer on this plane
it was more of a presense and i was not feared only scared of not being able to help the being can anyone help or give some kind of information why this has happened before and now just last night.
hello, I'm not sure where to exactly go with this but here it goes. last night I had a sort of preminision of seeing someone that is no longer on this plane
it was more of a presense and i was not feared only scared of not being able to help the being can anyone help or give some kind of information why this has happened before and now just last night.

Dear Sag,

You can assist the Dead by reading to them. The Tibetans and the Egyptians had/have a Book of the Dead.

You might have favourite spiritual classic, or maybe you could try something like "The Imitation of Christ".

Best Wishes,
Sag -

It's also common to help lost spirits by sitting quietly and visualizing a pure light welcoming them to the afterlife. You might want to think of it as a door opening, which you can encourage the lost spirit to go through and find peace.
Dear Sag,

You can assist the Dead by reading to them. The Tibetans and the Egyptians had/have a Book of the Dead.

You might have favourite spiritual classic, or maybe you could try something like "The Imitation of Christ".

Best Wishes,

That sounds exactly like what some catholics do. assist the dead by praying for them. maybe egypt is where they got it from.
I just did this for a test. I can only say for sure that 3 very big powerful spirits showed up & surrounded me form the west, south & north, but nothing in the east, when I called to satan to show himself.?

that is still a strange night I have not forgotten. I wanted to meet the most wicked spirit I could find in a one on one match, face to face, and a trinity, 3 distinct minds showed up.

I passed that one & lost interest real quick in doing that.
Bandit said:
I just did this for a test. I can only say for sure that 3 very big powerful spirits showed up & surrounded me form the west, south & north, but nothing in the east, when I called to satan to show himself.?
that is still a strange night I have not forgotten. I wanted to meet the most wicked spirit I could find in a one on one match, face to face, and a trinity, 3 distinct minds showed up.

I passed that one & lost interest real quick in doing that.

eeek ....... be careful what you wish for , Bandit
Greymare is right to point out to be careful what you wish for. The east is associated with desire in some traditions. You were standing in the position of the east, or at least the spirits that showed up were trying to get you to take up that station. ;)
They were pumping a desire all right. It was more like the mafia saying you will get this power over kings, if you do this very political agenda with, say, daggers behind their backs.

I am still glad that I did it that one time. It does not scare me now but I do not have any use for it. It was a one time experience. It did prove to me that there are many gods and not just one. I can see how it could be very dangerous for someone who does not know the greatest power for many years, to fall into a lower trap of trickery without realizing.