Immortality, never-aging, - is it possible to achieve that?


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Hi all.

Does anyone know if there are any techniques (that work) that could prolong the physical youth of a person? Just imagine what you could do if you could remain young for 100s of years. All the books you could read, all the university classess you could take, all the philosophies you could learn. For those who believe in rebirth's this makes perfect sense as it could be a ticket to faster enlightment. I mean you learn all of this stuff and then you die and get reborn which makes you almost start over. Imagine if you could grow without interuptions and hindrances of old age...

Is it possible to keep your body fully functional and keep it from aging?
Thanks! :)
Hmmm, I suppose the real question wouldn't be will I live forever, but am I truly living now?
Paladin said:
Hmmm, I suppose the real question wouldn't be will I live forever, but am I truly living now?
That is a good question. :)

Anyone remember the people in Gullivers Travel's who were able to live forever, but were blind?
I said:
That is a good question. :)

Anyone remember the people in Gullivers Travel's who were able to live forever, but were blind?
My hope is to live forever this is a promise from the bible, no not in heaven ,but on the earth,as long as i try my best to be rightous in Gods eyes of course.even if i die there is still the ressurection hope. and the bible promises thst God will swallow up death forever.
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away(Revelation 21;3-4).
He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken [it].(Isaiah25;8)

Rumors are that an alchemist once figured out the secret to eternal life on earth. I think that's BS, but I don't much care for this life to go on forever anyway. Much as I love this life and earth, I wouldn't want the pain of losing loved ones over and over again for all those years. And though I love learning, I don't believe my learning ends after I die, but rather that my current limitations of brain and body are lifted and my soul, provided I prepare it to do so, can more fully experience the Divine.

I do think that reincarnation happens for some people for various reasons, but I don't think people always forget everything they've learned, or even more mundane things like places they've been, people they knew, etc. It seems that for most of the people I know who remember something, it's a bunch of mundane (or sometimes traumatic) snippets and some really deep principles.

I guess I just try to really live the life I've got right now, and I also look forward to whatever God has for me after this life. Since I don't believe in eternal heaven/hell as places, I think there are lots of possibilities and a continuity of spiritual growth. I try not to expect anything in particular, but just be grateful for life and this beautiful earth, for love and the chance to learn.
I think the problem of not having enough time to learn and grow has been very elegantly handled if you subscribe to the idea of "Soul Records" or "Akashic Records". I'm not sure if this is originally a Hindu belief or not, but what I have noticed is that God tends to provide the most simple yet profound and elegant solutions to any problem. Not that I personally subscribe to the reincarnation theory, oh, I used to but that was in a past life.:)
Paladin said:
I think the problem of not having enough time to learn and grow has been very elegantly handled if you subscribe to the idea of "Soul Records" or "Akashic Records". I'm not sure if this is originally a Hindu belief or not, but what I have noticed is that God tends to provide the most simple yet profound and elegant solutions to any problem. Not that I personally subscribe to the reincarnation theory, oh, I used to but that was in a past life.:)
In India there was a sect that beleived that if you could prolong your life, you would have more time for enlightment and salvation because aging, death and rebirth slows down the process. How? well when you are in your 90s dying in a hospice, you can't really do much work, nor if you are a very young child...
By prolonging your life you eliminate "unproductive" (spiritually) times and replace them with productive lifes. About "Akashic Records" (I prefer to use other terms), those things do keep lives together, but still not 100% as I would like. As I've said, all your talent and experience from previous lives wouldn't do much if you are 2 year old growing up or 95 year old barely existing even with all the machines hooked up to you.
path_of_one said:
Rumors are that an alchemist once figured out the secret to eternal life on earth. I think that's BS, but I don't much care for this life to go on forever anyway. Much as I love this life and earth, I wouldn't want the pain of losing loved ones over and over again for all those years. And though I love learning, I don't believe my learning ends after I die, but rather that my current limitations of brain and body are lifted and my soul, provided I prepare it to do so, can more fully experience the Divine.

The alchemist who is rumoured to have succeeded in manufacturing the Philosopher's Stone and achieved an immensely long lifespan if not immortality is Nicholas Flamel. J. K. Rowling used this tidbit in her first Harry Potter novel, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (or, as it was called in the US, "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.")

There's a bio of Flamel at

There is a Rue Nicholas Flamel in Paris. And the historical Flamel himself founded a tavern, which I understand is still there today although it is now a restaurant named Auberge Nicholas Flamel (it's at 51 Rue de Montmorency, Paris.)
human1111 said:
Is it possible to keep your body fully functional and keep it from aging?
An active spiritual life and a lot of sport may help to postpone the effects of aging, in my opinion. And the laugh can do miracles, too. :)
While living longer, even eternally as an immortal, is attractive, I do not believe it is conducive to evolving and perpetuating the Universe as a whole.

If you live longer, and spend more time in the vessel that you currently inhabit, you are potentially (purposely) prolonging your soul's salvation.

In my belief there are certainly more vessels for your soul than that of a homo sapien. What I mean to say is - if you spend a longer amount of time living this life, then you may potentially be creating more karma upon the world that you will have to "work off" down the road, in some other form.

"Life and Death are the same." Or so it has been written. I don't necessarily believe that, because I believe that as a living entity we hold more influence over reality because we are able to physically interact with, and manipulate, reality. But it's an interesting quote to think about, and I think it is to be taken as a statement pertaining to, simply; the cycle of life. My point with this quote is to say that death is merely a function of your soul to advance itself.

Your [human1111] statement about having a faster ticket to enlightenment is worrisome to me. There is no fast-track to anything if it is to be a true path. Certainly we all have enough time on this Earth to attain enlightenment in our present form, if that is what we are truly seeking, and work for, and strive for?

When your body gives out, you will move on, and your karma upon the world will dictate how you come back into the physical.

I believe it is our job to love, to create harmony, and to generally and literally make the Universe a better place.

I would love to be immortal - don't get me wrong ;). All of the ages and advancements you would witness... all of the current events you could live through, only to call them History down the road.... it's a euphoric thought. But honestly, I believe that if it is your time, then you are done with here and now, and that you have fulfilled some higher duty. You were but one piece of a giant bio-mechanism - your actions, and all of your suffering, and emotions, translated into bettering everything around you.

But truly... I don't have a death wish at the same time.

In the meantime... eat right, exercise, be happy, laugh, spread love, enact justice, and live as best you can :)
There is spiritual Alchemy. Good teaching is in The book of Golden flower, translation by R. Willhelm.
An old Alchemy book from China, taoistic alchemy. Concentration of about three months to the space between the eyebrows and then focus the mind to places in the middle of the chest, the best is the breath monitoring.
This method could prolong life and the physical youth. But not give physical immortality. Only could give spiritual life between supernatural beings - spirits.
The same way use a yogis, who wont to obtain a supernatural powers. The Heaven heart in The secret of the Golden Flower is the Ajna Chakra in Yoga and a Fleshly heart in The secret of the Golden Flower is the Anahata chakra in Yoga.
See you Sat chakra nirupana, Paduka panchaka, Shiva samhita, A. Avalon, The serpent power and similar books.
See also The book of Lambspring, (a medieval alchemy book) figure III
In the Body there is Soul and Spirit
In old texts is the spirit between your eyes. The Heaven heart in The secret of the Golden Flower and in Yoga is in the chakra Ajna.
And soul in your breath, chakra Anahata in yoga. But currently have most of people only a few time, so, the second meditation, to Anahata chakra with follow the breath you can do before a bedtime, because of what do you think beföre bedtime, keep your mind for whole night.
Concentration on Anahata chakra drives away old age and death.
In current westërn texts is strictly recommended meditate about all chakras. But, in eastern countrees are two ways. There about all chakras do a meditation only yogis, who want to awake the Serpent power, kundalini and terminate the cycle of lifes, to that calculated lives in a spiritual worlds too.
Yogis who wish to obtain a supernatural powers, and another life in a spiritual worlds do meditation only a one chakra. Mostly the chakra Anahata for a many years. Only this way awaken in the chakra hidden powers and powers of the lower chakras are then assigned themselves.
Several texts recomended concentartion about the chakra Ajna only. But, there is a great danger of self-destruction the yogi, who done it.

All those texts are freely on the net, mostly in .pdf .
You have a potential of becoming a (Methuselah) Matusalem but perhaps not to the extent of 900+ years but you'd still age....if you can become a Mahatma then you have beaten this ratrace but that is quite impossible for you, I am afraid.
The key is thinking, diet and physical activity. Even if these are present you might have a genetic and/or karmic predisposition of earlier demise. I let you in a secret; The true alchemy is not finding the "secret" of eternal youth or very long life or change lead into gold, but transmuting the human lead(person) into a golden one. If you can do that then you realize that in fact you never really die - death for me is shedding my old coat and getting a new one...
So my soul will perish after a while and my body will decompose quite fast but my spirit is why worry about how long I live?
Most of the reasons you could have a longer life are made impossible by EXTERNAL factors, the sheer denigration by our rat race of a life, stress is killing you, food(overeating) is killing you and who the hell would want to live to be even 300 ? Life is a lesson, learn it, mature and and come back YOUNG again in another life to pick up where you left! That is the cycle of life. Nature's secret... If you are young( I can see that you are) and this is your goal you must leave the West and go to Nepal or someplace where there is no TV, nor too much bad food and work your ass of 12-hours a day. You may not want to live that long after you do that...:)

...or you can become a vampire....
Hi all.

Does anyone know if there are any techniques (that work) that could prolong the physical youth of a person? Just imagine what you could do if you could remain young for 100s of years. All the books you could read, all the university classess you could take, all the philosophies you could learn. For those who believe in rebirth's this makes perfect sense as it could be a ticket to faster enlightment. I mean you learn all of this stuff and then you die and get reborn which makes you almost start over. Imagine if you could grow without interuptions and hindrances of old age...

Is it possible to keep your body fully functional and keep it from aging?
Thanks! :)
You have a potential of becoming a (Methuselah) Matusalem but perhaps not to the extent of 900+ years but you'd still age....if you can become a Mahatma then you have beaten this ratrace but that is quite impossible for you, I am afraid.
The key is thinking, diet and physical activity. Even if these are present you might have a genetic and/or karmic predisposition of earlier demise. I let you in a secret; The true alchemy is not finding the "secret" of eternal youth or very long life or change lead into gold, but transmuting the human lead(person) into a golden one. If you can do that then you realize that in fact you never really die - death for me is shedding my old coat and getting a new one...
So my soul will perish after a while and my body will decompose quite fast but my spirit is why worry about how long I live?
Most of the reasons you could have a longer life are made impossible by EXTERNAL factors, the sheer denigration by our rat race of a life, stress is killing you, food(overeating) is killing you and who the hell would want to live to be even 300 ? Life is a lesson, learn it, mature and and come back YOUNG again in another life to pick up where you left! That is the cycle of life. Nature's secret... If you are young( I can see that you are) and this is your goal you must leave the West and go to Nepal or someplace where there is no TV, nor too much bad food and work your ass of 12-hours a day. You may not want to live that long after you do that...:)

...or you can become a vampire....

Food first of all. Organically grown , vegan diet helps a lot.
You have a potential of becoming a (Methuselah) Matusalem but perhaps not to the extent of 900+ years but you'd still age....if you can become a Mahatma then you have beaten this ratrace but that is quite impossible for you, I am afraid.
The key is thinking, diet and physical activity. Even if these are present you might have a genetic and/or karmic predisposition of earlier demise. I let you in a secret; The true alchemy is not finding the "secret" of eternal youth or very long life or change lead into gold, but transmuting the human lead(person) into a golden one. If you can do that then you realize that in fact you never really die - death for me is shedding my old coat and getting a new one...
So my soul will perish after a while and my body will decompose quite fast but my spirit is why worry about how long I live?
Most of the reasons you could have a longer life are made impossible by EXTERNAL factors, the sheer denigration by our rat race of a life, stress is killing you, food(overeating) is killing you and who the hell would want to live to be even 300 ? Life is a lesson, learn it, mature and and come back YOUNG again in another life to pick up where you left! That is the cycle of life. Nature's secret... If you are young( I can see that you are) and this is your goal you must leave the West and go to Nepal or someplace where there is no TV, nor too much bad food and work your ass of 12-hours a day. You may not want to live that long after you do that...:)

...or you can become a vampire....
A Vampyre? :eek: