Trek or Wars


One of Many
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Seattle, WA
Namaste all,

of the two, which do you perfer?

Star Trek


Star Wars

i'm a fan of Wars more than Trek for many reasons... not least of which is the Tao.. er.. i mean the Force.. yeah, that's the ticket and, of course, the use of all the Sanskrit terms. Lucas has a penchant for using our words for his characters and so forth.

Padme, for instance.
Can't choose between the two. I'm a big fan of ST-TNG and the first three Star Wars. Is it just me or did the second trilogy get kind of irritating?

may the force be with you,
Namasté everyone,

I personally like Star Wars better...I could never really get into Star Trek. I agree with Vajradhara, I like the Sanskrit terms used. Vajradhara, do you mean that the character "Padme" in the Star Wars series is the same as the padme in the Tibetan mantra, "Om Mani Padme Hum?"

I disagree with lunamoth, I find the last two (really the first two, Episode I and II) are very good. Although I don't really like the behavior of Annakin (sp?) in the most recent one.
The original Star Wars trilogy. The newer trilogy just didn't do much for me, though.

Never could get into Star Trek.

I think I'm really more a fantasy than science fiction fan. LOTR was movie-going bliss for me. ;)
Namaste Padipa,

thank you for the post.

Padipa said:
I personally like Star Wars better...I could never really get into Star Trek. I agree with Vajradhara, I like the Sanskrit terms used. Vajradhara, do you mean that the character "Padme" in the Star Wars series is the same as the padme in the Tibetan mantra, "Om Mani Padme Hum?"
absolutely! did you see the movie Willow? in that movie, the race of humans are called Dakinis, of all things!

I disagree with lunamoth, I find the last two (really the first two, Episode I and II) are very good. Although I don't really like the behavior of Annakin (sp?) in the most recent one.
well... he is going to the Dark Side, after all ;)
It seems like just about everyone is on the same page here--Star Wars is just more substantial than Star Trek. I think it relates a more archetypal, human, and spiritual story, whereas Star Trek comes off as just 1950s gadget-fixated science fiction. There's not the same level of epic struggle that you find throughout the Star Wars storyline.
Pathless said:
It seems like just about everyone is on the same page here--Star Wars is just more substantial than Star Trek. I think it relates a more archetypal, human, and spiritual story, whereas Star Trek comes off as just 1950s gadget-fixated science fiction. There's not the same level of epic struggle that you find throughout the Star Wars storyline.
That's Joseph Campbell's work, shining through.
Star Wars - the original film/movie - still remains a classic modern myth. And Return of the Jedi contains what still remains the best space battle on film. :)

Star Trek has moments, but all too often I find myself railing against the scripting - consistency has never been a strong point, and neither has writing stories about time...

Then again, I can't say I'm enamoured by the more recent Star Wars. There's such a complete lack of character and humour as compared to the original trilogy.

Anyway, where's the Babylong 5* appreciation society? :)

* anything post series 4 doesn't count, as it's all an abomination. :)
All my life I have been around both programs but I prefer Star Trek because its something that I have always seen and been around. So think of me as Trekkie.