Can Belief and Spirituality heal illness?


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I believe that the mind is capable of healing ones self as well as others as long as it believes it can. This is usually achieved by chanelling energy. A modern practice for this is Reiki.

By being open spiritually one can be capable of many things.

By combining the power of the mind and by being very spiritual i think one can create great power. How far can this power go?

Are we capable of healing someone who is terminally ill from Cancer ?
Hmmm. I believe in healing through belief and spirituality. The simplest form of that is "Laughter is strong medicine". My best friend's mother had breast cancer and she took it to church. She was heavily prayed over every day. She believed in that prayer. Where they were planning to take her whole breast they ended up only having to cut a small lump out. A miracle? I think our bodies were designed with defense mechanisms; we're still discovering how to use our bodies in this manner.
I don't think we can replace modern medicine but at worst Reiki is a guided relaxation technique that also reinforces positive thinking.
Master said:
I believe that the mind is capable of healing ones self as well as others as long as it believes it can. This is usually achieved by chanelling energy. A modern practice for this is Reiki.

By being open spiritually one can be capable of many things.

By combining the power of the mind and by being very spiritual i think one can create great power. How far can this power go?

Are we capable of healing someone who is terminally ill from Cancer ?
Hi there
It's clearly mentioned in our holy book (Al Quraan ) as Muslims the relations between religions and Spirituality in one hand and health in another hand . let us read in this verse from Quraan what Prophet Abraham (PUh) said "and when I am ill, it is He who cures me" (Quran 26:80). God himself attests to it by saying "If God touches thee with an affliction, no one can remove it but He" (Quran 6:17).
In the Qur’aan and Islam there may be healing for all ills, by Allaah’s leave. There is a great deal of evidence for that, for example Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say: ‘It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing’” [Fussilat 41:44]

“And We send down of the Qur’aan that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe” [al-Israa’ 17:82]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when he was suffering from some ailment, would recite into his hands when going to sleep, “Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad” and al-Mi’wadhatayn [i.e., the last three soorahs of the Qur’aan], three times, each time wiping as much of his body as he could, starting with his head and face and chest. He did this every time he went to sleep, as was reported in the saheeh hadeeth narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her).

Healing from Quran is of three types.

  • Legislative effect: This includes Faith (Iman) in God as not only Creator but the Sustainer and the Protector. This also includes medical benefits of obligatory prayers, fasting, charity and pilgrimage, details of which is beyond the scope of this article.

    b. Health Guidelines: Health-promoting items from Quran and tradition of Prophet Mohammed include use of honey, olive, fruit, lean meat, avoiding excessive eating, and Prohibition of alcohol, pork, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity and sex during menstruation.

    c. Direct healing effect of Quran: Recitation of Quran by the sick person or for the sick person (ruqya) has shown to have a direct healing effect on the sick person. This most likely uses medical benefits of Echo.

Echo of sound is such a powerful force that it has been used to blast off mountains. Now the miniaturized version of Echo is used in medicine to break Kidney Stones (lithotripsy), gallstones, and even vegetations in the sub endothelial bacterial endocarditis (SBE). Listening to the recitation of Holy Quran, in a study conducted by Dr. Ahmed E. Kadi and Associates, has been shown to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and to cause smooth muscle relaxation in Muslim Arabs, non-Arab Muslims and even in non-Muslims. It is postulated that Echo Target of Alif Lam Meem (Arabic alphabetical letters from Quraan ) is in heart and that of Ya-seen is in the pituitary gland of the brain. Thus Prophet Mohammad (P) always stressed reading Quran (Quran-recitation) loudly and not silently by saying "The comparison between a silent reader and a recitor (Qari) is like a bottle of perfume when it is closed and when it is opened."

If you want to know what Dr. Ahmed El Kadi did ,he conducted a research in USA on three groups of Americans who do not speak or understand Arabic. He connected them to instruments for measuring biomedical functions such as blood pressure, heart pulses, EEG, myography, and sweat test. He recited some Quranic verses for the first group, and ordinary sentences of everyday Arabic for the second group while the third group was a control group resting in a state of relaxation. He found that the physiological changes for the first group listening to Quran recitation have more significantly improved than the other two groups (These results were announced by the Islamic Organization for Medical Science).
Verily said the Almighty Allah; “If We had sent down the Quran upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled, split asunder out of the fear of Allah. And those similitude- We strike them for men; haply they will reflect.” (59: 21)

Prophet Muhammad (P) when he visited the sick, used to comfort him and say the following Prayer for the Sick
"O Allah remove the hardship, O Lord of mankind, grant cure for You are the Healer. There is no cure but from You, a cure which leaves no illness behind."

To read more about the relation between health and Islam religion you can visit these sites :

Are we capable of healing someone who is terminally ill from Cancer ?
I heard and saw doctors in a TV program that they can do that in some centers in the Gulf states by Quraan and Islamic medicines .
May God (InshaAllah) helping and pleasing all of us