How Come?



Have you ever noticed that the world is rapidly trying to earse Jesus from everything from schools, churches, schools, etc? Here's what I mean? In our courtrooms, schools, government buildings, etc., it is considered rude, and just wrong, to mention the name Jesus. Its perfectly OK to mention any other religious figure such as: Buddaha, Allah, Momhamad, Salassie, etc. But Jesus, thats a "no-no." Why is that?

Jesus once said the world hates him because he is truth. Do you think that could be truth? I mean, it makes senses. The normal inital reaction to hearing the truth, is usually to hate it.

Conscience said:
Have you ever noticed that the world is rapidly trying to earse Jesus from everything from schools, churches, schools, etc? Here's what I mean? In our courtrooms, schools, government buildings, etc., it is considered rude, and just wrong, to mention the name Jesus. Its perfectly OK to mention any other religious figure such as: Buddaha, Allah, Momhamad, Salassie, etc. But Jesus, thats a "no-no." Why is that?

Jesus once said the world hates him because he is truth. Do you think that could be truth? I mean, it makes senses. The normal inital reaction to hearing the truth, is usually to hate it.

Jesus said all these things must come to pass. There is a reason for it, we just dont always understand the reason right now. Jesus said we would be hated for his names sake. The Apostles went throught the same thing. They were not allowed to teach in the name of Jesus in many places.
Yes it is all being removed rapidly & there is a flood of lies pouring & merging through the world systems. This is one way we know who is who. Rest assured when the voice of the bride & the bride groom is heard here no more, we will have been removed from there way & from the devil must his time on earth to finish decieving the nations.

Jesus did not come to condem he came to find that which was lost & his sheep hear his voice. The world does not hear the same voice & this is why.
Are you insinuating that Jesus alone is the truth? What about the other religions?
Conscience said:
Are you insinuating that Jesus alone is the truth? What about the other religions?
yes i know Jesus alone is truth, but there is still some truth in other religions, they just dont accept that Jesus alone is truth the same way bible believers understand & have learned. we cannot change what people want to believe.
this is why it is important to keep our eyes on Jesus & not religion, because we can see him..other religions cannot see him..they are seeing something or someone different.
In Jesus is peace that passeth all understanding. In him is also eternal life.
Hmm? Very interesting! Question: What happens to those people who dont believe in Jesus, do they also go to Heaven when they die?
i give up. you tell me.

i have a question for you. how many years have you known the scriptures?

you dont plant a seed of the word of truth, then stomp all over it just because it does not start growing exactly when & the way you want it to. it is called love & nurturing the seedlings. God gives the increase, not you & not me.

in the meantime, i dont think CR is the pulpit or a street corner, the members are not in church pews & that it was established for sharing beliefs not bringing condemnation. there is a right way & wrong way to get the message of eternal life out that Jesus trusted us to deliver.
i have a question for you. how many years have you known the scriptures?

I've been a Christian for two years, and have been also knowing the scriptures for two years.

you dont plant a seed of the word of truth, then stomp all over it just because it does not start growing exactly when & the way you want it to. it is called love & nurturing the seedlings. God gives the increase, not you & not me.

Correct! In the natural a seed doesnt produce fruit in a day. Likewise it takes time for a seed planted in a person to take effect. That said, the job of the Christian is to preach the word. Thats all we can do! Its not like we can save a person, right?

in the meantime, i dont think CR is the pulpit or a street corner, the members are not in church pews & that it was established for sharing beliefs not bringing condemnation. there is a right way & wrong way to get the message of eternal life out that Jesus trusted us to deliver.

Are you insinuating that I am condemning people? If thats what you see, then I have to suggest that you please read again. I assure you, if I didnt preach in love, and began to condemn people, I would not know God. But, because I do, I use whatever oppertunity I can (Both online and in person) to preach the saving gospel to a world that NEEDS it. That said, I want to get your thoughts on something. The Bible says that those that are not in Christ are already condemned. Whats your thoughts on that?
I don't think that this condemnation is a condemnation to hell. If you believe in Jesus Christ and what he spoke of and did you are saved. Your soul is saved because you embrace this fundamental truth of life and spirit. Jesus exhausted himself for manknid. He made the ultimate sacrafice of self to the point of dying for what he believed in. Anyone who opposes his message opposes truth and goodness.
I agree! Anyone in Christ is a NEW Creation! But, just because someone says that they're in Christ, does it make it true? The Bible is clear that if we say we have Jesus, and continue to sin, we're only fooling ourselves. Whats more, the Bible calls those people liars. So, how will we know the true followers of Jesus?
Conscience said:
The Bible is clear that if we say we have Jesus, and continue to sin, we're only fooling ourselves. Whats more, the Bible calls those people liars. So, how will we know the true followers of Jesus?
And yet the Bible also makes it clear that all of us will sin, whether or not we have Jesus. (Are you prepared to argue otherwise- that some Christians never sin and are perfect?) So are we all liars?

I believe the true followers of Jesus show the fruits of the Spirit and interact with the world as Christ did- in love and compassion, gentleness and humility. The way I see it, if my perfect savior came to earth loving prostitutes and tax collectors, healing the insane and ill, feeding people and preaching a gospel of love... then I am called to follow that path- to love all humanity, to heal wounds when I can, to take care of people's suffering when I'm able, and to always extend the Gospel of Christ through compassionate and loving action. I take my cue of how to preach the gospel of Christ by the methods Jesus himself used.

My life should be my testimony of being saved. My experience has been that no words are even needed. The mere act of extending peace, love, compassion, kindness, self-control, humility to others is the greatest witness to what God has wrought in my life... and I wait for God to bring me someone who has noticed this testimony and whom God has prepared to receive the gospel. When they ask me why I am so concerned with all humanity and nature, why I do not hate, why I will openly weep for the dead and suffering everywhere due to humankind's greed, fear, and hatred... I say because my God loves all life and God's creations are sacred, and my Savior called me to live a life of love and service. When they ask me how it is that I find joy and peace though I work in a field that studies all the evils of humanity (war, poverty, hatred), I say... because I have experienced God, and one pure moment in Divine Love changes a soul for eternity.
Conscience, why are you so concerned with other peoples salvation? I can discern by your tone that it isn't out of loving concern that they may be relegated to the eternal pits of hell :cool: On the contrary it sounds like you may hope they wind up there. Why are you so preoccupied with false converts and the like? Do you feel like someone is deceiving you?
path_of_one said:
And yet the Bible also makes it clear that all of us will sin, whether or not we have Jesus. (Are you prepared to argue otherwise- that some Christians never sin and are perfect?) So are we all liars?

I believe the true followers of Jesus show the fruits of the Spirit and interact with the world as Christ did- in love and compassion, gentleness and humility. The way I see it, if my perfect savior came to earth loving prostitutes and tax collectors, healing the insane and ill, feeding people and preaching a gospel of love... then I am called to follow that path- to love all humanity, to heal wounds when I can, to take care of people's suffering when I'm able, and to always extend the Gospel of Christ through compassionate and loving action. I take my cue of how to preach the gospel of Christ by the methods Jesus himself used.

My life should be my testimony of being saved. My experience has been that no words are even needed. The mere act of extending peace, love, compassion, kindness, self-control, humility to others is the greatest witness to what God has wrought in my life... and I wait for God to bring me someone who has noticed this testimony and whom God has prepared to receive the gospel. When they ask me why I am so concerned with all humanity and nature, why I do not hate, why I will openly weep for the dead and suffering everywhere due to humankind's greed, fear, and hatred... I say because my God loves all life and God's creations are sacred, and my Savior called me to live a life of love and service. When they ask me how it is that I find joy and peace though I work in a field that studies all the evils of humanity (war, poverty, hatred), I say... because I have experienced God, and one pure moment in Divine Love changes a soul for eternity.
Hear! Hear! :)
And yet the Bible also makes it clear that all of us will sin, whether or not we have Jesus. (Are you prepared to argue otherwise- that some Christians never sin and are perfect?) So are we all liars?

True! Sadly, we will sometimes sin, even after being born again. But, here's the key. Jesus said we become slaves to whoever we serve. If we continue to serve sin, we become slaves to Sin and Satan. But, if we become slaves to Christ, we become slaves to Jesus, and God. If we're in Christ, we will NOT be slaves to sin. Our sins and short comings wont occure too often!

I believe the true followers of Jesus show the fruits of the Spirit and interact with the world as Christ did- in love and compassion, gentleness and humility. The way I see it, if my perfect savior came to earth loving prostitutes and tax collectors, healing the insane and ill, feeding people and preaching a gospel of love... then I am called to follow that path- to love all humanity, to heal wounds when I can, to take care of people's suffering when I'm able, and to always extend the Gospel of Christ through compassionate and loving action. I take my cue of how to preach the gospel of Christ by the methods Jesus himself used.

EXACTLY! As Christians, we are to do what the Lord himself did. In total LOVE, Jesus preached about the consequences of Sin. He brought the awareness of Sin to the sinner, that they may understand his grace. Note the woman at the well. Question: Are you aware that Jesus spoke more about Hell, than anything else?

My life should be my testimony of being saved.

I like the way you talk. I agree!

and I wait for God to bring me someone who has noticed this testimony and whom God has prepared to receive the gospel.

Whoa, you lost me here. Jesus said that we are to "seek and save the lost." This is how we show LOVE. By bring the TRUTH of Jesus to a dying world that NEEDS him!
"Conscience, why are you so concerned with other peoples salvation? I can discern by your tone that it isn't out of loving concern that they may be relegated to the eternal pits of hell On the contrary it sounds like you may hope they wind up there. Why are you so preoccupied with false converts and the like? Do you feel like someone is deceiving you."

Hmm? Where do I begin? OK, first, the reason why I am concerned with other people's salvation, is because I know that Jesus alone is the way to God. I know the truth of what happens if someone dies in sin, and I do NOT want that. I imagine if I did, I wouldnt be here telling you about how Jesus offers forgiveness of sin, and eternal life. Also, if I did want people to go to hell, I would be a fool! I would be fooling myself into thinking that God is pleased, when in truth, he wouldnt! OK, all that said, I find it amazing how people like you can say things like you can "Discern" what my intentions are. Im very curious though. What did I say that makes you think I have any kind of ill will towards people?
Conscience, my bad. I think my last comment was a mix of the many other threads that I read. That comment I made wasn't appropriate. Are you concerned that you may be following someone who isn''t a true christian>? Or do you know people like this>?
Hey Didymus,

Im not exactly sure what you're asking. But, if you're asking if Im worried about following someone who isnt a Christian, then the answer is no. Also, I think you asked if I knew any people that profess Christanity, but dont live the lifestyle? If that was what you asked, well yes, I do know quite a few people like that. The sad thing about these people is that they think they know God, but only "Know of him." Those that have a real relationship with God, act as though they believe what they preach.

Make sense?


I know for me that I have periods where my walk is very strong. When I really felt God for the first time I thought it would never end. During that time I judged alot of people because I could tell they weren't feeling it and taking it as seriously as I was. I spoke as you do and was upset with people for not walking the walk. Everybody gets their turn however. I have seen pastors fall off, church leaders fall off, you name it. The people that profess God the most and the most vocally are the ones you got to watch, those are the ones I've seen disappear more often than anybody. This thing aint easy.

I learned that I can't sum someone up by their current actions. It isn't that easy. I'll give you a word of advice, when you look at somebody and they way they are acting you don't always know what got them there or how long they'll be there either. The minute you put yourself above them God will touch them and you'll be eating crow. They may have been on fire just 6 months ago, maybe 2 years ago. The time will come when you will not feel God's presence as strongly. During this time you may have some folks looking at you goin', "what happened to conscience, that dude is straying, he aint walking the walk, he's a sinner. he just needs to know the Lord and get his butt to church." This can happen to anyone. During this time many fall away and stop doing the things that will get them back to that spot they were at with God before. Sometimes you can't do anything about it, you have to faithfully wait for God. It can be very trying, I know, I've been there.

You have me laughing here. Why are you trying to psychoanalyze me? I find it funny that you guys are doing what you're telling me not to do; and might I add, what I havent even done! Why are you guys judging my intentions. You say things like - "The minute you put yourself above them God will touch them and you'll be eating crow." What gave you the impression that Im judging anyone? What makes you think that I some how believe that God loves me more than anyone else? All that said, I'd like to assure you that you're assumptions are wrong. I already fell away from the faith. I used to believe I was a Christian, when I really wasnt. It wasnt until I heard the gospel for the first time - that I was a sinner, and Jesus died for the sins that I comitted, that I found the Lord. Two years ago, I asked the Lord to be the Lord and Savior of my life. Since then, it has been a incridible walk. Not all good, and not all bad! But, its been amazing nonetheless. And you know what? Im still walking man. I see God molding me to become more like his Son everyday. And, that gives me hope!