Its not just hearing the word



Not Just Hearing The Word

In many chapters in the Bible it speaks of not just hearing the word, but also following it. In Matthew 7:21 it says: Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. We must live by the Will of the Father and as Jesus did. In James 1:22 it clearly states the fact about just hearing the word. It says; Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he look like. Now who wants to forget what he looks like? That’s something to think about.

It also says in Matthew 12:48 it says; He replied to him, Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? Pointing to his disciples, he said, “here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” We are one Family in Jesus Christ. Furthermore Jesus asks the question in Luke 6:46 saying; Why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? We all need to ask ourselves that question. If you look at John 14:21 it says; Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. “He who loves me will be loved by my Father,” and I too will love him and show myself to him. What a wonderful statement. Now look at 1John 5:3 it says; This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus is so powerful, he gave us so many wonderful works. Look at 1John 2:5 it says; But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. Jesus even gave us the ability to learn his word on our on. Look at 1John 2:20 it says; But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. Now look at verse 2:27 it says; As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit---just as it has taught you, remain in him. To sum it up I think it is best written in Romans 12:1 it says; Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God---this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Jesus is truly merciful and deserves all the praise and glory.
Moved to Christianity...might spark a conversation there

By the way, Rudiger, welcome to CR. However, please remember this is a place for discussion, not a pulpit, and hold down the preaching....especially in the general fora.

... Bruce
Welcome to CR Rudiger.

I would like to point out an often missed part of Christianity. It does not work when forced upon one. Jesus comes into the lives of those He chooses, when the time is right for them.

Brow beating really never converted anyone (not even those who believe). Discuss with us your thoughts, but preaching to the choir is rather mute.

Oh, and be ready to have your points countered (steel sharpening steel...)

Once again, welcome to CR ;)


Where did he "force" anything? Why is the gospel (truth) such an offensive? The Bible even agrees with what he said - "we cant just say, we MUST do!"
Flame said:
Where did he "force" anything? Why is the gospel (truth) such an offensive? The Bible even agrees with what he said - "we cant just say, we MUST do!"
Welcome to CR Flame. And be at ease. This is a discussion board. We each have our own opinion. Share yours, but do not think yours is the only opinion or thought around. That is my sole point...;)


Thanks for the welcome, and ur opinion. Here's mine. What was said in the post is biblical, nothing was wrong with it. So that being the case, are u saying u have a problem with the Bible?
Flame said:
Thanks for the welcome, and ur opinion. Here's mine. What was said in the post is biblical, nothing was wrong with it. So that being the case, are u saying u have a problem with the Bible?
No problem with the Bible...just some who might interpret it in certain ways, and insist that that is the only way the Bible should be interpreted. That is a mistake.


OK fair enough. Take a look at both the Old and New Testaments. See how all of God's people preached. As a matter of fact, look at Jesus. He talked about Hell and the consequences of sins more than anyone else in the NT. The Lord himself had somethings to say about people who only give lip service. You know, the "sayers" and not "doers" as was talked about in the orignal post. How do you "interprete" all of these things?
Flame said:
Where did he "force" anything? Why is the gospel (truth) such an offensive? The Bible even agrees with what he said - "we cant just say, we MUST do!"
I think you're misconstruing the topic - the original post was moved because it would be interpretated as witnessing at the members here. Hence why it was moved to a possibly more appropriate board.

Please see the Code of Conduct for more information on posting policy:

Now, as to this thread - is there anything in the original post to discuss, or does moving it to the Christianity section leave it looking like preaching at the choir?
The gospel is offensive. Anyone preaching the truth of it will not be liked, or looked upon as tolerant, until that person that is recieving the news sees the truth for themselves, never before!
The Gospel is not offensive.

It is the force feeding by sword that is offensive. You got these people that want to be Jesus heros and save the world by making them realize their doom via 'doth sayeth the Word of God'. It is the message by the interpreter that is offensive. Everybody doesn't need to feel hellfire to come to Jesus. Your doom and necessity for salvation isn't necessarily the next man's plight.
truthseeker said:
The Gospel is not offensive.

It is the force feeding by sword that is offensive. You got these people that want to be Jesus heros and save the world by making them realize their doom via 'doth sayeth the Word of God'. It is the message by the interpreter that is offensive. Everybody doesn't need to feel hellfire to come to Jesus. Your doom and necessity for salvation isn't necessarily the next man's plight.
right:) and if someone does not want to hear it or is into something else, then leave them alone & move along & live peacable with all men. that would also, be a case of being a doer of the Word.
Flame said:
The gospel is offensive. Anyone preaching the truth of it will not be liked, or looked upon as tolerant, until that person that is recieving the news sees the truth for themselves, never before!
There's nothing tolerant about someone shoving their personal opinion in other people's faces.

This is an interfaith community, where people need to accept boundaries of faith and work within them.

This isn't a place for people to preach at others - if you want to do that, feel free to move on, or be moved on.
To all the people that say that the gospel isnt offensive, you should read the Bible. Most of the people (including Jesus), that preached it were killed. They were killed because their message included talks of hell, repentence, and judgement to come. None of them preached the "gentle Jesus loves you" story, without first warning of wrath. That said, this isnt a place to preach, so I wont. I just wanted to correct your understand of the Bible.

You guys will probably say that it is my "interpretation" of the Bible, right?
No. But you're pretty closed minded and I can tell that you don't get out much.

Men will fight to defend the integrity of their beliefs, perhaps even kill when they are on the brink of knowing that their beliefs hold no integrity.

And you know better than to say that folks around here aren't reading the bible just because we aren't pumped up on your personal salvation kick. Maybe talks of hell warrants a swift kick in your bum but it doesn't worry everybody like that.
So you understand the hell, repentance, and judgement message. Cool. Alot of people do. And alot of people are past the condemnation and the darkness and fire and brimstone and moving on to the Light of the Word - not wallowing in the guilt of past ignorance.

There is - among the lines of hell, repentance, and judgement - the 'gentle Jesus love you' message. That message works for me because I don't have hell, repentance, and judgement issues like the people who put in overtime to preach it.
I guess you're right. Im closed minded to lies, and I believe Jesus, and his words in the Bible. Mankind are born sinners, and need to repent, and be born again, to be united again with God. If you dont become born again, you remain a natural man, but if you become born again, you have the blood of God's lamb covering all your mistakes and flaws. And, whats more, you regain the access to God, that was lost to mankind through sin. If you are not born agian, Jesus says, you will not be with God.

Im close minded to anyone, that teaches contray to Jesus' words.
Well, when you carry the sword, you are met with the sword.

If you have a vision that insists that there will be no peace among men then you will never find peace among men. The battle should not be for the Word, because the word will stand even when you have fallen in battle. Jesus doesn't need a hero. He shared the wisdom - of men in relation to God, eachother, and themselves.

The ascension is not completed when you have finished reading Revelation. Born again is an awareness that is progressive and you are covered in the blood of God's lamb by Grace. Born again is a progressive belief system and you have to be careful of the foundation upon which you are building. To read the Bible is the beginning, and how you recieve the information is determined by the basis upon which you sought the information.
If you don't repent you will not be reconcilied By the Father into reconciliation of the body of Christ and will not receive holy spirit or eternal knowledge, this is the reason elijah spirit was in john the batptist for Gods purpose to set the path straight, meaning repentance to be reconcilied (to be put into order of Gods will).
For the reason Christ Jesus Came was to return the gift of holy spirit back which the first Adam lost, but only if we repent against our will and become straight in Gods will only then we receive reconciliation in one body and mind of Christ Jesus our lord in spirit and truth with spiritual solid food and not milk wordlings.