Do you watch TV?

Do You Watch TV?

  • not at all or don't own one

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • rarely/occasionally

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • a little bit; almost every day

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • a lot; several shows or every day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the TV is never off at our house

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
I picked rarely/occasionally. I have a few shows I like to watch whenever they are new, including West Wing. I used to have a little bit of an addiction to Law and Order going, but I seem to have recovered from that (replaced with time at CR :) ). I used to love Star Trek TNG, but could never really get into the one that came after that (can't even recall the name of it right now).

Must say I've never been able to get into the reality shows.

How about you?

Hi and Peace!

Oh, Luna--I am totally addicted to The West Wing! (Can't wait for the election results this season--Jimmy Smits or Alan Alda? Or the vice president? Interesting stuff:). (I also like the movie that I think started the whole thing--The American President--all Alan Sorkin's (sp?) influence.)

I like the History Channel a lot. And TCM (the classic movies.)

Other favorites that I catch when I can are Everwood, Lost, Seventh Heaven, ER, and Reba--and I can't help it--I just love King of The Hill--and I used to watch Daria, when I had satellite.

Of course, gotta catch Law and Order sometimes, but then that is easy because the sun never sets on it!

The only reality shows I have followed at all are the one with Donald Trump (can't think of the name of it right now--the Martha version might prove interesting) and ummm--okay--I admit it--American Idol eventually gets my attention each time, as well as some of the other entertainment competitions.

Recently, I have been following the old reruns of Cagney and Lacey. And sometimes I like to play along on Jeopardy or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

LOL--sounds like I sit in front of the telly all the time--I really don't--the only one I absolutely have to have is the West Wing!

I forgot to mention that I catch Medium, sometimes, and I have just discovered The Closer--looks like it might be a pretty good one.
LOLOL!! Almost forgot my second favorite of all--waiting for the new season of American Dreams!! (I'm done now--just couldn't let that one go:).)

No matter what else I think of, I am not going to post it:D --I did this on the movie thread, too:eek: :rolleyes: .

there are times when i wont turn the TV on for a month or more. average once a week it comes on. everybody else turns it on so i dont need to.

i have no idea what kind of shows are even on & who & what is popular.
what is west wing? sounds like a hospital or government office.

i do like the history channel, espn, & cnn & the weather channel once in awhile to catch a movie.

i like the old time TV.

a bit too much violence, adult language & often seems to be a bad influence on the brain today. (for me)
Rarely/occasionally. Mostly I like PBS. I really don't like most TV shows- I just find them boring. I liked Friends though, but it's over now. I do occasionally catch King of the Hill, and find it amusing. But there's no shows I'm addicted to or even generally like to tune in for. But I really like PBS, and when they have a series that I find fascinating I'll try to watch the entire thing- like the Nova series on string theory, the "Frontier/Colonial/etc. House" and so on. If I feel like just catching a show, I generally turn to PBS- then I can learn and be entertained at the same time!

Hubby and I love movies though- we generally watch several each week. We have one of those video store flat rate deals, so we get all the movies we want for the month for $15 and it's not uncommon to watch one every couple days. It's fun because it lets you try all those B-rated movies and old time ones that you wouldn't want to waste money on otherwise. And we're enormous LOTR fans, so the extended cuts make their way into our DVD player about 3-4 times per year. :)
Used to make a point of watching comedy programs on a Friday night - but the TV is pretty much unused at the moment. :)
Kindest Regards!

I probably watch too much, but as I only get two channels (deliberately!, don't even want cable or satellite), I am pretty much bound by ABC and PBS, which is plenty. I tend to watch the evening news on both. I do like Lost and Desperate Housewives, but both are in reruns now. I will watch comedies if I am bored, and I do like to catch some programs on PBS when I remember like NOVA, National Geographic, This Old House and Antiques Roadshow. I find that once I sit down I tend to veg out, so I try not to spend too much time in front of the boob tube.

I do like old movies though, so every once in a while I put in one of my old video tapes or DVD's. Last ones were "Down Periscope" and "U-571." (Anything Freudian there...?)
I love movies too but they never seem to be on when I have time to get involved in one, so we rely upon DVDs for our movie fix (also a LOTRs fan-- can watch them several times a year and with the whole trilogy on DVD we can view them all year long without getting tired of them!). My kids watch PBS kids and there are a lot of PBS shows I'd be interested in but I never watch TV myself during the day.

Thanks all for your answers. I felt sure we'd have heard fom at least one person who thinks that TV is satan's tool. Actually, advertisements are certainly the devil's, especially the best ones. :D I also know people who think that Disney is more or less a corporation of Satan. With all the mergers I guess he's branched out by now.

Hi, and Peace--

Yeah--quite a bit of controversy over the Disney thing, huh? But everyone loves Shrek, right? Pretty good stuff--right up there with Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, and Cinderella--except that stuff was way, way ahead of its time, IMO. (Hey, as long as we are "in the lounge", someone please tell me what "IOW" means?

I found myself chuckling because of the poll--there is a line in one of the old Dick Van Dyke Show episodes where Rob is invited to a party and it turns out to be a fundraiser for a literary guild. Rob, being a television writer, decides to attend even though he does not know why he has been invited. A woman at the affair tells him, "I don't own a television machine." (Probably not very funny here--kinda gotta be there:) .) Oh, yeah--I love Van Dyke and Elizabeth Montgomery (that is not an official post, 'cause I am not officially posting--I promised--:D--just something to do with the "atmospheric continuum";) ).

lunamoth said:
I picked rarely/occasionally. I have a few shows I like to watch whenever they are new, including West Wing. I used to have a little bit of an addiction to Law and Order going, but I seem to have recovered from that (replaced with time at CR :) ). I used to love Star Trek TNG, but could never really get into the one that came after that (can't even recall the name of it right now).

Must say I've never been able to get into the reality shows.

How about you?

I'm with you, I don't watch much TV at all. I used to watch star trek TNG all the time too. (hense my name) I beleive the one after that was deep space nine. I saw an episode of it once, and liked it, but never watched again. If I watch TV now its usually the discovery channel or something like that.

(Hey, as long as we are "in the lounge", someone please tell me what "IOW" means?
IOW = in other words.;)
Thanks, Starship!

(I knew it had to be one of those incredibly simple things that elude me at times--I am glad I am content with the idea that there are no stupid questions.:) )

lunamoth said:
also a LOTRs fan-- can watch them several times a year and with the whole trilogy on DVD we can view them all year long without getting tired of them
LOL- that's us! We have it all on DVD, and we've even watched all the interviews, behind the scenes stuff a couple times- it's really fascinating and amazing how much work went into it all. They had this huge warehouse with row after row after row of hobbit feet and whatnot- too funny to see all of them lined up! Being a horse person, I was especially interested in what happened to the horses- neat stories. A lot of the cast bought their horses at the end because they worked with them for so long they fell in love with them. Victor Whats-his-name (I'm so bad with names- Aragorn) bought the main horse that played Shadowfax for the horse's trainer, who wasn't paid the big bucks and couldn't afford him but was heart-broken to say good-bye. I thought that was really cool of him- horses like that cost a bundle- I wouldn't be surprised if it was $50,000.
a little bit; almost every day. What I watch everyday is the news (unless I get caught up in a good Table tennis match). And almost everyday after every headline that is flashed i often think 'ahunh', 'not again!', ' yeah sure' or 'im not buying that' & sometimes 'interesting' or 'mhmmmmmm'.
Im a reader and watching the tube too much isn't good use of my time. I rather just read.
I only watch tv if I'm over someone else's place while they're there, but the couple I :kitty:sat for today gave me a couple of Doctor Who episodes and they play MythBusters episodes when I'm over there (I wish I could afford to buy the episodes on dvd, but if wishes were fishes...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The TV is never off in our house! I love shows like Coronation street, emmerdale...I love reality TV like Big Brother, pop idol, x factor, i'm a celebrity get me out of here... I also love my comedy shows, Little Britain is my favourite, and others include My family, gimme gimme gimme, keeping up appearences, father ted, the young ones, my hero....the list is endless!
i can see how TV can be a tool of the devil very easily, but can also be used by God just as easy. same goes with just about anything.

could depend on who is watching what & who is doing the programming.
Kindest Regards, all!

I neglected to mention Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. For a tv show, I am really impressed with the good work they do helping needy families. Seems to me the best business model I have seen to date, make a profit by doing good deeds, so you can go out and do more good deeds with your profits. Habitat for Humanity on steroids. Win-win, all the way around!